Tuesday, December 30, 2008

blog access

Hi Folks,

I've been having frequent difficulty accessing my blog. Often the link only comes up with a blank screen and I'm trying to identify if the problem is only on my end. If any of you have had similar difficulty getting my blog to come up, could you please email me at escorev@gmail.com?

Thanks a bunch!



Just a brief update. Ministry wise I was blessed to teach again at Calvary Chapel Vista's 3 morning services this past Sunday. Next week, it's representing Shepherd's Staff at the annual Calvary Chapel Missions Conference at Murrieta Hot Springs Conference Center. Looking forward to a full three days of fellowship, teaching and networking. Then over the weekend I'll be in Phoenix working with Pastor Jeff and some of the Shep. Staff team in an "in service" training time with the materials, course outlines, and other resources offered by the ministry.

Love you and may you all have a blessed, safe, fruitful and happy New Year!

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Blessings!

It's Christmas Eve and I just returned from my son's in-laws and a house full of grandkids! What delicious chaos! The little girls were all dressed up in their elegant Christmas outfits. Just before opening their presents, Grandma Lynn asked them all what Christmas was really about. Kaylee, age 6, shouts out above all the noise, "It's about Jesus!" Indeed it is.

My hope and prayer for all of you is that your Christmas would be filled with Jesus - overflowing in the wonder of His love. May His peace and joy wrap around that so precious gift of salvation given to us in Christ.

A very blessed Christmas to all of you who have been following this blog and the progression of my life and ministry these last couple of years. I hope we can all look forward to a fruitful, healthy, and safe new year ahead!

In His Arm's,


Friday, December 19, 2008

learning lots!

I am presently working thru making contact with the missionaries from the sending churches in my Western US region. In that process, I'm reading a lot of blogs and prayer updates and newsletters available online - posted by "my" missionaries or their churches. One evening this week I spent a couple hours just reading about a missionary family in Kyrgystan. Each missionary has such an amazing story of faith and obedience to God's call. And each one has had to endure hardship and trial and some, outright persecution.

I've not only been blessed but convicted as well. You can't start getting close to these folks without your own heart and walk being challenged.

My goal now is learning about and writing at least one of my missionaries a day for the next 3 weeks. After that it's time to start hooking up with each of their sending churches - and there's about 30 of them! So each day for the next few weeks will be a new learning experience for me.

In addition to the daily writing, over the next couple of weeks, I'm  meeting with local pastors, teaching at Calvary Vista on the 28th and representing Shepherd's Staff at the annual Calvary Chapel Mission's Conference in Murrieta Jan. 5-7. Then it's off to Phoenix for some training with Pastor Jeff and visiting with some missionaries home on furlough and some getting ready to be sent out.

Thanks to all of you who are praying for me and this work...can't do it without you!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Prayer is so crucial to fruitfulness in any ministry. It is often the least practiced yet the most needed. My ministry with Shepherd's Staff to missionaries and their sending churches and support teams needs a lot of prayer. The emails I write, the phone calls I make, the meetings I have, the conferences I attend, and my health - all need to be covered in prayer.

So I humbly ask you to pray with me for this ministry. I'm meeting with a missionary from the Philippines today, a mission's pastor who has three missionaries in the field with Shepherd's staff tomorrow, and a senior pastor of a large 'sending' church on Thursday. I also have about 25 missionaries I need to personally write/contact over the next couple of weeks. Please pray for wisdom and discernment and compassion - and the the Holy Spirit would minister words of encouragement and edification to all I speak to.

On the medical side, I did hear from my surgeon that he was starting the process to get my hernia repair surgery scheduled. Pray the timing of the surgery and recovery doesn't hinder too much my responsibilities.

Love you guys!


Sunday, December 14, 2008


Well it was a really sweet time at CCE last nite and this morning. Can't tell ya how cool it was to be so encouraged and supported by my church family. I was able to share some of the history of our journey in missions over the last 25 years and the new direction of my ministry now with Shepherd's Staff. The love was nearly overwhelming! Thanks to all who were there and participated in prayer and good words for my new venture of faith.

Love you all so much!

In His Arm's,


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bless Ya!

Just wanted to say the Lord bless you today! May this day be one of joy and patient trust as we rest in His will. Our Master loves us with an everlasting love - which means it is a constant. No matter the mountains or the pits His love is steady and able to hold us and comfort us and sustain us thru even the most terrible stuff of this world.

Hold on to Jesus' love - nothing can compare!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, December 6, 2008


This week has just zipped by. Been on the go a lot - so what else is new? :-)

Highlighting the last few days was last nite's Camp Alandale Christmas dinner and fundraiser at the Windmill in Carlsbad. I was asked to emcee the event and it was a real blessing. About 150 folks gathered to thank God for the ministry to abused and neglected children that Camp Alandale provides.  You can check out their ministry at this link: Camp Alandale

This coming week has me meeting with several missionaries, a few pastors, doing a Men's Breakfast at Calvary El Centro on Saturday and giving a ministry update at the weekend services at my home church, CC Escondido.

Keep growing in Jesus!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mission's support teams

Up in the L.A. area yesterday and today doing Shepherd's Staff things. Last nite I had the privilege to speak to about 30 missionary support team members at Refuge Calvary Chapel in Huntington Beach about building a strong support team for their missionaries. Two families were preparing to be sent out. One is preparing for East Africa and the other for Northern Ireland. Two other missionaries were there on furlough from Iran and Melbourne, Australia.

I told them I was there to not only support and encourage them - but also to learn from them. And just observing their interaction and desire to help and come along side their missionaries was really stimulating and encouraging to me. It's estimated by many mission's writers that a healthy support ratio of support team members back home to missionaries on the field is about 8:1. Eight praying, encouraging, willing to work on behalf of their missionaries team members, from the missionaries home church! It's clearly a challenge to keep such a team healthy and vibrant and effective as the months pass. And that's part of the Shepherd's Staff vision - to offer help to sending churches in maintaining the health of their support teams - which in turn maintains the health of their missionary. And that's part of my new job responsibilities now.

What a joy to serve those who are serving as senders as well as those who are sent!

This evening I'm meeting with another Shepherd's Staff missionary family serving in Israel and sent out from Shoreline Calvary Chapel up in Morro Bay, CA. They are home just for a couple of weeks. Please pray for them that the Lord would meet all their needs for their family and their ministry.

Thank you all for continuing as part of MY prayer support team :-) I really need it!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've had a good day meeting with and writing a bunch of missionaries. Had lunch with Bill Davis from New Tribes in the Philippines. Bill and his wife Donna have been serving the people of Palawan for about a quarter of a century! They have been translating the New Testament into the language of a Palawan tribe that up til now has never had a written copy of Gods Word in their own tongue! What a life's work! Please keep them and the people of Palawan in prayer as Islamic extremists are making serious inroads in the province.

This evening has been spent writing to some of the missionaries with Shepherd's Staff. It's hard to describe both the joy and the burden for these families as they serve the Lord in radically different places and cultures. In particular, could you pray for the teenage daughter of Ed and Kelli Compean who are church planting in Kenya, East Africa. Haley has been diagnosed with a small brain tumor. Here is a link to their blog

I also continue to be so thankful for all of you who have been praying for me thru this time of transition. Great is His Faithfulness!

In His Arm's,


Getting down to business

Today began a day of missions mindedness. From my devotions in the morning to reading about serving as senders, to compiling my contact lists and emailing several of our Shepherd's Staff missionaries and going over outlines for a meeting next Monday - and getting a haircut:-) the day zipped by. It's late now but I just wanted to give God the glory for a good day. He used it and blessed it - great to be along for the ride!

In His Arm's,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back Home - New Ministry

After nearly 13 days on the road, it sure is good to be back home. I had a great trip visiting my family in the Chicago area. My mom is 88, still with a great sense of humor, even tho her memory is starting to fade. She's never seen any of her great-grandchildren and I'm hoping to bring almost 6 year old Kaylee for a visit sometime this spring or early summer.

Chicago was being swept by Obama-mania. Nearly every news story seemed to have a tie in to the new president elect. And tho I find it difficult, the Word still exhorts me to pray for those in authority. As Christians we must take the higher, nobler ground and not succumb to fear or anxiety or bitterness. God's love in Jesus is still the answer for our messed up world!

From Chicago I flew to Albuquerque where on Mon. and Tues. the board and regional mission facilitators of Shepherd's Staff met to pray and seek the Lord for the course He would have for the ministry in the year ahead. I had to pinch myself a few times to make sure it was all real. I've been welcomed into a great ministry and find myself part of team of folks I've mostly known for years - some for decades! Pastor Jeff Jackson who developed the core concepts of the ministry and serves on the board was my first assistant pastor in the mid '80's. He and his wife Helen and their kids were the first missionaries Calvary Escondido sent out to the Philippines and have been my dear friends for a long, long time.

Also serving on the board are my long time friends Jim VanderSpek and Dr. Nick Yphantides.
Other board members are Pastor Dain Wadley from the Calvary Chapel in Poway, Pastor Joe Paskewich who pastors a Calvary in Connecticut, Pastor Jeff Fadness who is pastoring a Calvary in Pocatello, Idaho after 12 years pastoring a church in Russia, and Ron Clipp who is the present director of Shepherd's Staff. Unable to attend were Pastor John Michaels of CC Spring Valley in Las Vegas who has pored his life into missions and missionaries around the world for nearly a quarter of a century, and my friend Trip Kimball who spent many years ministering in the Philippines - most recently as director of the Calvary Chapel Training Center and the Rainbow Orphanage in Dumaguete. Just an absolutely great group of men who love Jesus and love missions.

I'll be working alongside Bryon Mondok who used to be the mission's pastor of CC Jupiter in Florida. Bryon will be responsible for the missionaries serviced by Shepherd's Staff east of the Mississippi and I'll be responsible for those in the western US. We'll both be assisted by a gifted team of resource pastor's who will help with training, teaching and representing the ministry at various pastor's and leader's conferences around the country.

My new job will include building relationship with 43 missionaries and about 30 sending churches. I'll have many opportunities to teach and offer specific training to help both missionaries prepare for the field and their churches to help care for them. I think my plate will be full! And I'm so blessed the Lord would give me this opportunity to meet so many new people who are serving Him radically and be of assistance to them.

Thanks for your continuing prayer for my health - I'm doing better! And please pray for these missionaries I'll be serving. From time to time I'll include stories and links about their ministries - I'm sure you'll be blessed and challenged!

In His Arm's,


Monday, November 17, 2008


God is surely doing a new thing as doors are opening for a much more involved work serving missionaries and their sending churches who are using the services of Shepherd's Staff. We had a great day of meetings today in Albuquerque. My responsibilities could include ministry to more than 40 missionaries from all over the world. I'll know more specifics after the SS board meets tomorrow.

As of today, my speaking schedule is as follows:
Dec.1 Refuge Calvary Chapel in Huntington Beach - sharing with some of their mission support teams.
Dec 13, sharing at a men's breakfast at Calvary Chapel of El Centro
Dec. 14, sharing at both services at Calvary Chapel Escondido - Yeah!!!

In between the speaking opportunities will be establishing contacts and setting up meetings with the pastor's and/or mission boards of those churches in the western US who have missionaries from their churches out in the foreign mission field. Lots to do!

It will be really good to get back home on Wednesday after 12 days on the road. Thanks for all your prayers, I'm getting thru this trip pretty well physically.

In His Arm's,


Friday, November 14, 2008

Technical difficulties

The churches website has been moving this past week to a new server which has resulted in some challenges getting my blog back up and running. Thanks to Miles for his time working on it. Should be back to normal soon - thanks for your patience.

My visit with my family in the Chicago area is going well. Tomorrow I head back west to Albuquerque for the Shepherd's Staff meetings. Love and miss you all!

In His Arm's,


Monday, November 10, 2008

Back in my hometown

Been visiting my family in the Chicago area since Friday. Temps are about the inside of my refrigerator and the 'Windy City' has been just that!

It's been good for me to reconnect with my siblings. I have two younger brothers and a sister here along with their families. Seems like all us brothers have gone thru some pretty serious health challenges the past several years. Weird that so much of our conversation revolves around medical procedures and doctors and medicines. It wasn't too long ago that we thought, "That's all older folks seem to talk about!" Now we're the ones talking!

Today, my brother Mike and I drove into downtown Chicago, visited the Chicago Historical Society and had lunch at Grumps near Lincoln Park.

As we drove past the areas I lived and worked and partied in from '68-'71 before hitch hiking out to Southern California and giving my heart to Jesus, I was just so amazed at God's hand and purpose directing me back then. We drove past Moody Bible Institute and I thought of the two students there that helped me get out to the West Coast in Oct. of '71 to find the Jesus People.

I remembered many of the crazy things I did and was so thankful for the mercy of God in seeing me thru my blindness and rebellion. Nearly 40 years have passed and a whole other life has been lived. A really wonderful blessed life I might add. Though I always missed my family here in the mid west, God was gracious in giving me an additional family in California full of fathers, mothers, sister, and brothers - a hundredfold for sure!

Let's be sure to take some time this week to give thanks for all the Lord has seen us thru! And let's expect Him to continue to do great and mighty things - that we can't even imagine!

In His Arm's,


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chicago bound

It's packing time again! Tomorrow morning I fly back to the midwest to visit with my family in the Chicago area for a week. Haven't seen my little brother (at 51 not so little) in many years. I also have another brother and a sister and my mom whom I'll be seeing a lot of along with a bunch of nieces and nephews.

I hope to meet with a couple of Calvary pastors back there as well before heading back west to Albuquerque for some Shepherd's Staff meetings. I'll be back in town a week before Thanksgiving.

The Lord is so good to us! Even tho the recent elections were discouraging to many, the basic core of who we are and what we are called to do has not changed. Another pastor friend of mine sent me this yesterday:

1. THE BIBLE will still have ALL the answers.
2. PRAYER will still work.
3. THE HOLY SPIRIT will still move.
4. GOD will still inhabit the praises of HIS people.
5. There will still be GOD-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to GOD.
7. GOD will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room AT THE CROSS.
9. JESUS will still love you.
10. JESUS will still save the lost.

Therefore let's gird up our minds and hearts and press on to know, love and honor our Lord in all we say and do - and let's keep loving the lost all around us.

In His Arm's,


Sunday, November 2, 2008


A pivotal week ahead for our city, state, and country. Be sure to vote on Tuesday - and vote for righteousness and truth. To the best of your ability, vote guided by the Word of God. You've studied the issues and heard from the candidates and now it's time to exercise your civic and godly duty. The divisions in our country are becoming more and more extreme. It is my conviction that either one holds to Biblical absolutes or they succumb to the whims and desires and agendas of those who have chosen not to retain God in their hearts or minds. There really is no "middle ground" here. "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34.

Pray for our land. Pray for one another. And no matter the outcome, be strong and courageous and stand for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the Truth and authority of God's Word. We may soon find ourselves as outcasts, rejected, ridiculed, resisted and restrained because of what we believe and the public way we stand upon what we believe. If our country continues to choose unrighteousness and giving it's stamp of approval to all forms of ungodliness and wickedness - then persecution of true believers will be upon us here in what once was "One nation under God."

I do look forward to the election outcome. Whoever and whatever wins or looses will still require us to live sold out lives for Jesus. Let's not be too elated or too discouraged. Let's press on to know the Lord and be a strong witness of His love to a desperate, needy world.

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

300 miles

Yesterday I put another 300 miles on the car driving up to Huntington Beach to visit a young man who, with his wife and two little boys, are preparing to go to Kenya, Africa as missionaries sent out by Refuge Calvary Chapel and supported thru Shepherd's Staff. What a joy and an education it is listening to the heart of one called to leave it all and follow the Lord's leading to serve a people so different and far from anything familiar. Pray for Jonathan and Adrienne as they make ready.

From HB I then headed up to the San Fernando Valley to spend some time with another Calvary Pastor in Encino. David Cuff has been pastoring the church there for 13 years. We had a great time of fellowship, sharing ministry joys and sorrows, and prayer.

I have written in past posts of my desire to be an encouragement to other pastors in this new season of my life. After more than 32 years in full time pastoral ministry there are a lot of stories to share - and not much that I haven't experienced in church life. So it's such a blessing to connect with other brothers in the "trenches" and watch God at work!

Then after Encino I drove a little further north to have dinner with my daughter and son-in-law in Valencia. Got home around 11:00 pretty tired but grateful for a good day full of ministry and serving. Thanks for praying!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, October 26, 2008

New addition

As I was closing the book on my 59th birthday happenings yesterday, a brand new life began. At 11:40 pm on the 25th little Ethan David was born to Andrea and Miles DeBenedictus! Baby and mom are fine - not sure what shape Miles is in but I'm sure he's just ecstatic with his firstborn son. I and my family wish them all the best blessings God can give!

On a ministry note, Yesterday I was asked if I would be able to minister at a small church in Tahiti for a couple of months beginning around Christmas! I had to decline due to my health and responsibilities with Shepherd Staff. At another time, in another season, that could be a very exciting thing to do. That's the kind of thing Joyce and I would have loved to have done together. But honestly, I just couldn't imagine going to a place like Tahiti to minister for an extended time without a helpmate.

Attended church at CC Escondido this morning and, as always, it was such a blessing to see and hug so many good friends. Josh gave a great message out of Ro. 12. Listen to it if ya missed it.

This coming week I have several meetings with local pastors and of course the Harvest Celebration - only this year I'll be hanging with all my grandkids up in Menifee at Revival Christian Fellowship's Harvest bash.

Hope your week just overflows with His peace and goodness!

In His Arm's,

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Yesterday I had a couple follow up visits with my docs concerning that recent hospitalization a few weeks ago. Basically, I'm changing my diet and need to have an incisional hernia repair surgery in 4 to 6 months. They want to give me a little more time to heal from the last surgeries before going in again. How do I feel about all that? God has a plan and whatever He wants me to do is in His hands. And I have peace in that.

In the meantime, I have lots to do! I'll be meeting with a bunch of pastor's over the next couple of months to share more about Shepherd's Staff and learn how we can assist them in the care of their own missionaries as well as help them in preparing more folks for the mission field.

I'll be in town for the next couple of weeks before heading out to Chicago to visit my family, followed by another trip to Albuquerque for the annual Shep. Staff board meeting. That journey will be from Nov. 7 thru Nov 19. Then home for Thanksgiving and, as of now, staying local thru December.

Love you guys and hope you have a blessed and joy filled weekend!

In His Arm's,


Monday, October 20, 2008

Supporting Cast?

Happy Monday Good Friends!

What a whirlwind past few weeks! With travel, speaking, hospitalization, more travel and more speaking it's time for a few recuperation days :-) Which simply means I'm staying in Escondido for a little while. I'm really blessed that God allowed me to do so much the past month in spite of my ongoing medical issues. I think about the many people with much more serious handicaps and disabilities who are pressing on in living full and fruitful lives and I want to do the same. God uses us in spite of our weaknesses, trials, or fears. He's a great loving powerful God who can and will do with us plenty beyond what we could even ask or think!

Sharing at Calvary Chapel Vista's three morning services yesterday was an awesome privilege and I was so blessed by the warm welcome from the staff and congregation. I taught on "The Walk of Love" out of Ephesians 5:1-17. You can get a link to the audio on CCV's website.

So on with the show - to God be the glory great things He has done (and will continue to do!)

I'm now officially on board working with Shepherd's Staff Mission Facilitators and would appreciate your continued prayer for my new responsibilities in building relationships with the Sr. Pastors and Missions Teams of the 20 or so sending churches on the West Coast that have missionaries serviced by Shepherd's Staff. As with most mission agencies, I'll need to raise most of my own support - so, if you'd like to help financially, you do so by making your check out to Shepherd's Staff Missions Facilitator's and reference #515 on the memo line, then mail it to the address below or you can also donate online at http://www.shepsstaff.org/give.aspx

By mail: Shepherd's Staff, PO Box 53640, Alburquerque, NM, 87153-3640

Raising support is something very new to me. I've helped many missionaries over the years raise their support but never had to do my own. So I'd appreciate your grace in receiving this unpolished request.

Love to hear from you if you need more info and, of course, I will be continuing to post details of what I'm doing here on my blog.

In His Arm's,


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Home safe.

Made it back to Escondido this afternoon and am now preparing my message for the services at Calvary Chapel Vista tomorrow morning. Services are at 7:30; 9:15; and 11:10. I'll be talking about "The Walk of Love" in Ephesians 5:1-21.

God has graciously gotten me thru this last week of travel and conferences and meetings. I'm grateful for His mercy and strength. Your prayers were answered!

In His Arm's,


Friday, October 17, 2008

Santa Rosa 2

Starting to wrap up my whirlwind week. After meeting with Shepherd's Staff Missions Facilitator Bryon Mondok for a few hours it's time to get ready to head home. Had a good time talking with Bryon about the ministry of Shepherd's Staff and how we can more effectively assist sending churches in caring for their missionaries. This is such a wide open field.

For nearly 25 years, Calvary Escondido has been sending out, supporting, and encouraging missionaries on the field as well as helping them when they return. I've been privileged to be a part of that good work over the years and hope to bring some of that experience to help other pastor's and churches as they seek to develop their foreign mission outreaches. In the process, I'm already getting to meet some wonderful men of God who have a passion to make Christ known around the world.

As bleak as the political, financial, and moral state of the world is, there is a fresh move of God shining His light into a very dark age...and we get to be a part of that! As you go to church this weekend, look for opportunities to support your missionaries. Pray for them and ask God to use you and your gifts/resources to help further their work. And as you do, God will be stirring and preparing your heart and life for greater service.

Ps 85:13 says "Righteousness will go before Him and shall make His footsteps our pathway."
Get involved with the work of the King and and He will craft your path thru this crazy, sinful world. Prov. 3:6, "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."

In His Arm's,


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Santa Rosa

Flew into San Francisco this afternoon and drove up to Mill Valley to have dinner with Pastor Dan Fusco, a New Jersey boy planted by God in Marin County to grow new churches. Awesome conversation about the thrills of building a congregation from scratch in an area known for gobbling up churches and pastors. Dan pastor's Calvary North Bay a church less than 2 years old and already one of the larger churches is Mill Valley.

From there I drove further north to Santa Rosa where I'll be meeting with Pastor Bryon Mondok who has been representing Shepherd's Staff in Northern CA and the Pac NW. We're meeting for a few hours tomorrow to talk missions and how to help churches develop and/or improve their mission ministries and their care for their missionaries.

Then back to SF for my flight home to SD Sat afternoon. Whew! A great trip. Tuesday eve. my stomach issues began resolving and I feel really good this evening.

Here we are at another weekend. Use it for Jesus!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 3 Vegas

Starting the second day of the missions conference at CC Spring Valley. Gayle Erwin spoke a couple of times yesterday as did Ken Ortiz. Terry and Nancy Clark are leading us in worship.
Today, K. P. Yohannan of Gospel for Asia, will be the keynote speaker along with Pastor Bob Caldwell from Boise, ID.

I've had the opportunity to reconnect with a bunch of folks I've known over the years and worked the Shepherd's Staff table for a while. Been also battling some intestinal stuff again - but not as debilitating as last week.

Hope and pray your day is blessed!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 1 Mesquite

Hi All,

I arrived safely into Las Vegas Sunday afternoon, rented my car, and drove up to Mesquite - about 90 miles NE of Las Vegas. After a brief stop at the Dorado's, we headed over to Rick and Marie Jackson's home for dinner and fellowship. Rick (Jeff Jackson's brother) pastor's the Calvary Chapel in Mesquite. We had a good time hanging out with him and his kids, their wives and all their grandkids, plus Juan and Karen, Jeff and Helen and Crystal Rider and her son, Luke, who has quite a ministry in Mozambique, Africa. Great to see old friends - and especially old friends who are still on fire and serving Jesus!

Spending the nite at Juan and Karen's and then in the morning Jeff and I, Rick and Marie and Crystal and Luke head back to Vegas for the start of the annual Send the Message conference at Calvary Chapel Spring Valley. Looking forward to an awesome and challenging next few days.

I'm just blessed to be here - when this time last week I was laying in a hospital bed being fed and medicated thru an IV. God is good and is faithful to raise up those who are beat up and weary.

Ask the Lord to use you mightily for His name sake this week!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, October 11, 2008

on the road again

Hi folks! Hope your weekend is going well and filled with faith in Jesus. Whatever you may be doing this weekend, seek to glorify the Lord and make Him known!

I'm packing today for a week of travel - first to the Send the Message missions conference at CC Spring Valley in Las Vegas and then to meet with a couple of pastors up in the Bay area Thurs. and Fri. before heading back home on Saturday and preparing to teach at the morning services at CC Vista on the 19th. I'd appreciate prayer for the conference, meetings, and next Sundays teaching.

So far so good since the hospital drama last weekend. Pray my health holds up with this coming week of a ton of activity.

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Trust and Endure

These are the two words the Lord gave me during my recent hospitalization. Trust and Endure.
These certainly are "faith" words that apply to many different circumstances for all of us. But for me, they meant simply, "Trust Me! I'm using this setback for your good," and "Endure this patiently; don't panic - there is still much ahead."

I was reading in Ps. 34 last night. "I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears." vs.4 "This poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them." vss. 5-6 "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him." vs. 8

We all have fears assaulting us daily. Health fears, financial fears, career fears, relationship fears, for some - safety fears. Complex problems in confusing times call for renewed trust in the One True God Who knows us and loves us and is able to see us thru whatever comes against us.
"The righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit." vss. 17-18

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all." vs. 19

Teach us to trust you Lord in everything that we might endure with joy!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Granddaughters! The best! Two of my four granddaughters - Brooklynn 2 and Kaylee - almost 6

Monday, October 6, 2008

Home sweet home!

Thanks for praying! I got home from Kaiser Hospital earlier this afternoon. The tests showed no blockage in the stomach and small intestine. Whatever was kinked when I went in was now unkinked. Due to random scar tissue and adhesions from all the past surgeries, I am more subject to occasional attacks as I had last Friday. So now its time to learn how to treat my body better that I might lessen the chances of this happening again. And with the increasing of responsibilities and travel, the challenge to eat right and properly care for my own health is mine to take or ignore...

Special thanks to Pastor Miles for coming over to my home just before I called 911. He graciously met the paramedics, helped them with information concerning me and secured my house when they took me to the ER. Later in the day he also covered for me at a graveside service I was to officiate at Oak Hill. With all that's going on in his life he took the time to help and serve and minister comfort to me and the hurting folks who I couldn't minister to. Made me proud of our new Sr. Pastor at CCE. Pastor Richard also stayed with me for several hours at the hospital on Friday - he ministered to me more than he knows.

I also want to thank my dear sister-in-law, Nancy, for staying with me at the ER at Palomar and Kaiser and being my advocate when I was really hurting and out of it. She also spent many hours sitting with me in my hospital room each day and I'm so grateful for her care and company.

So now it's back home and time to refocus on what's ahead. Keep loving and serving one another!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, October 5, 2008


Despite my plans, God had other plans and Friday I ended up in the hospital with a possible obstruction in my bowel. I have tests scheduled for Monday and will know more after talking with my surgeon. Presently, I feel fine and hope to be discharged tomorow. My travel schedule for next week is still a go, assuming everything is ok medically. As always, I appreciate your continued prayer.

In His arms,


Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Update

By the end of this week it will be October! Summer's over, kids back in school and Pastor Pat's getting focused! I decided to accept the offer to work with Shepherd's Staff as their West Coast Regional Missions Facilitator. As I mentioned in previous posts, this position will involve lots of interaction with missionaries, their sending churches and representing Shepherd's Staff at various conferences around the country and possibly some international stuff too.

In an earlier version of this post I put in some info on raising support but after posting it, felt it was a bit premature. I need to give this new opportunity a little more time to play out. God is providing :-)

I am still going to be available to assist pastors who need pulpit help, guest speaking, retreats, church consulting, counseling and encouragement.

I was blessed to complete a 3 part series in Hebrews 12 on God's Chastening at CC Living Hope last Wednesday. Had a memorial service to do on Saturday and enjoyed a loud, rockin', Christian concert Sat. eve. at the Cricket Amph. in Chula Vista featuring, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot, and 3rd Day.

My schedule for Oct. is shaping up as follows:

Throughout the month I'll be making contact with missionaries and their sending churches as part of my Shepherd's Staff duties. In addition:

10-1 - Police Chaplains mtg.
10-3 - Another memorial service
10-7 - CC Outreach Fellowships Meeting
10-11 - Speaking at a Men's Breakfast at CC El Centro - 8am
10-13 to 16 National Send the Message Missions Conference at CC Spring Valley in Las Vegas
10-19 Speaking at CC Vista - all 3 morning services
10-20 thru the end of the month - US District Court Jury Duty

Thanks for continuing to pray.

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Op

My meeting with the Shepherd Staff Mission Facilitators in Albuquerque, NM went very well yesterday. Lots to think and pray about. They would like me to serve as the west coast regional missions facilitator serving 26 missionaries and their sending churches.

Got back to Escondido this afternoon and am finishing up a series in Hebrews 12 this evening at Calvary Chapel Living Hope in Oceanside. Whew!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Mexico

Safe and sound in Albuquerque!

More Later, but here's a great verse for today:

Ps. 33:18
But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him,
on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,

In His Arm's,


Monday, September 22, 2008

Stop and Go!

Sometimes it just happens! You're going along, keeping busy, following your schedule and BAM! you come to a full stop. The weekend was full. My Saturday was busy and in the evening my daughter and her husband came down from L.A. for a short visit. We ordered Chinese take out for dinner and about 1am Sun. it started. Intense stomach pain ensued and I knew I ate something bad. The pain kept up most of the day but I still had to teach Sunday morning at CC Living Hope.
And interestingly the subject matter in Heb. 12 was dealing with the different forms of chastisement/training the Lord uses to form more of Him in us! One of the sub topics was how He uses pain and illness.

So by His grace I was able to minister to the folks there - and they sure ministered to me as well!

Last nite I was starting to feel it let up and this morning I'm packing for my visit with the Shepherd Staff Mission Facilitators folks in Albuquerque - flying out this afternoon.

My schedule this week then is today thru Wed. in Albuquerque; Wednesday eve. 7pm. finishing Heb 12 at CC Living hope in Oceanside. I'm doing a memorial service on Sat. at 11 at CCE for an old friend, Tracy Dowler, who passed away last week. Then Sat eve. I'm going to the 3rd Day/Switchfoot concert at the Cricket Amph. in Chula Vista.

The following Thurs. I may be visiting a mission work in Mexico with Pastor Jay from CC Santee. Then a few days of down time and planning for Oct. and Nov.

Presently I'm scheduled to teach a Men's prayer breakfast at CC El Centro on Sat. 10/11 and I'll be teaching at all 3 morning services at CC Vista the following sun. 10/19. In between all that is the Send the Message conference in Las Vegas and calling in for Jury duty throughout the month. Should be an exciting next few weeks for sure.

Thanks for all your prayer support. God hears and supplies!

In His Arm's,


Thursday, September 18, 2008

full tilt!

Wow! Talk about hitting the ground running! I logged about 700 miles in 48 hours Monday thru Wednesday. Per my schedule, I met with a couple pastor friends of mine in Visalia to discuss and plan a new ministry called Poimen Ministries. Poimen is from a Greek word meaning workmanship. The thrust of this ministry will be encouraging and assisting and serving pastors who are working hard in smaller ministries. On the way to the meeting I spent Monday Nite with my daughter and son-in-law who live up by Magic Mountain. Tuesday morning was the Poimen meeting and on the way back south, I stopped in Bakersfield to visit with another pastor friend, Ken Armstrong, who was a great encouragement to Joyce and I during her battle with cancer.

Spent Tuesday nite again with my daughter and then wednesday morning headed back to Escondido. A few hours later I was teaching in Hebrews 12 at Calvary Chapel Living Hope in Oceanside! What a joy it was to share God's Word with a bunch of loving, Bible hungry believers. And, nothing hurt - that is, I wasn't in any physical pain - how nice that was!

Then this morning after a breakfast appointment with one of my friends, I drove up to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa to meet with Pastor Brian Broderson. We had a great time of fellowship and prayer and talked about ministry that flows from suffering and difficult seasons. Possibilities of ministry overseas in 2009 were discussed as well as opportunities to teach in some of the various CC Bible colleges - if the Lord should lead in that way.

I continue to grow in my amazement of how many and how great the opportunities are to serve the Lord and proclaim His wonderful truth all around the world.

As always, I covet your prayers for wisdom and faith as new doors open.

This Sunday morning, I'll continue teaching thru Hebrews 12 at CC Living Hope, and then off to Albuquerque NM Monday for a Shepherd's Staff meeting. Full tilt!

In His Arm's,


Monday, September 15, 2008

New Schedule

Good Monday Morning!

Hope your weekend was blessed with good fellowship and sweet time in God's Word. Mine was!

I was able to enjoy Pastor Miles D. Sat. evening at CCE as he taught on effectual prayer looking at the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1Kings 18 and James 5. Then Sunday morning I worshipped with CC Living Hope in Oceanside. Pastor Brad taught a great study out of Acts 8 looking at Peter's confrontation with Simon the sorcerer; an important warning about pride and selfishness in the midst of a move of God. Then Sunday evening I drove up to Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee to worship along with my son and his family. Pastor Gary taught a powerful message out of Luke 9 entitled: When Only God Will Do! He examined Jesus feeding of the 5000 and focused on Jesus sufficiency to meet our inadequacy. "We need to come to Jesus with our emptiness, continually, that He might fill us." Good word!

Now it's Monday and I promised an updated schedule of when and where I'll be teaching and traveling over the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday 9-16 - Meeting in Visalia with a few pastor friends who have also recently turned their churches over to new leadership and are desiring to be used to bring encouragement and assistance to other pastors who may benefit from lessons we have learned over several decades of ministry.

Wed. 9-17, 7:00pm - Calvary Chapel Living Hope in Oceanside (corner of Seagaze and Ditmar)
Hebrews 12:1-4 - Endurance in the Race

Sun. 9-21, 9:30 am. - Calvary Chapel Living Hope - Hebrews 12:4-11 "Disciplined by His Love"

Mon. 9-22-24 - Shepherd's Staff Missions Facilitators in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Wed. 9-24, 7:00 pm. Calvary Chapel Living Hope - Hebrews 12:12-29 "Responsible Grace"

I'll post October's schedule in a couple of weeks along with links to the audio of the studies at CCLH.

Keep growing in your love for His Word and the expression of His love to all in your sphere of influence.

In His Arm's,


Friday, September 12, 2008

Good Report

My last visit with my surgeon was yesterday and he said everything was healing up well and I could begin exercising again - hooray!! Also, Pastor Brad at Calvary Chapel Living Hope in Oceanside asked me to teach a couple more times. So I'll be doing a 3 part series on Hebrews 12 starting this Wednesday evening, continuing next Sunday morning and finishing the following Wed. evening. In between I have a trip to Visalia and a trip to Albuquerque, NM. Gonna be a busy next couple of weeks.

I'm not sure how to post the Mp3's of the studies on this blog and I don't have a web site up yet - but I'm working on it. If I can post them elsewhere I'm sure I can put a link here.

Isn't it good that the Lord continues to work in our lives? I've heard it said that He never stops teaching us. Never! No matter what's happening, big or small, He's always working on us. We are at the center of His attention! His constant desire is our sanctification. But His work in us can often be painful so we've got to learn not to despise His dealing with us, nor faint and give up, nor become bitter (Heb. 12) :-) Amen? Just getting ready for next week!

Have a blessed and fruitful weekend!

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More things

Thanks for all the responses and continued prayer for my family and I. Tomorrow I meet with Pastor Brad at CC Living Hope in Oceanside where I'll be teaching their Sunday morning service on the 21st. And yesterday I got a call from Pastor Pete M. out in El Centro inviting me to speak at men's prayer breakfast on the 11th of next month. 

Starting next week I'll be posting my schedule regularly, usually on Mondays, with times of services and addresses and the text/topic I'll be speaking on.

Tomorrow I also have an appt. with my surgeon to review and examine my healing progress. Pray it goes well with no surprises :-)

In His Arm's,


Monday, September 8, 2008


Wanted to share with you what I consider to be a miracle of God's grace. My son, Jordan, has been taking his family back to church for the past 3 months! They are going to Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee, a Calvary Chapel affiliate. Jordan is loving it and his life is showing it. Because of he and his wife's work schedule, the only time they can go is on Sunday evenings. And thankfully, that is Revival's 6th service of the weekend and Pastor Gary gives the same message as on Sunday mornings. I've been driving up there the past few Sunday nites to worship with them and bring my grand daughter home to her mom and stepdad.

Last nite we had communion together at church. I can't remember when the last time that happened - maybe when he was 10! I had tears in my eyes missing Joyce, knowing she prayed so diligently for her son over the years. I know she knows what's happening now. Please keep Jordan and Anna and their kids and my daughter Noelle and son-in law Paul in your prayers. God is doing a work!

In His Arm's,


Friday, September 5, 2008


Thanks to all who have patiently and prayerfully checked my blogsite to see how I've been doing thru the challenges of life over the last few months. I'm blessed beyond what I deserve by the care and encouragement received.

Here's what's happening health and ministry wise:

My health continues to improve. My surgery incisions are all healed up and my final post-op appt. with my surgeon is next Thursday. My activity level is also increasing. I've taken a few golf lessons the past couple of weeks and found I can actually hit that tiny ball - most of the time - without injuring folks next to me on the driving range. I haven't played a round yet - just learning the basics for now.

Ministry wise, as I've mentioned before, opportunities to serve my fellow Calvary pastors are starting to come in. I'll be teaching for Pastor Brad at CC Living Hope in Oceanside, Sunday, Sept. 21; I'm also scheduled to teach for Pastor Rob at CC Vista on Sunday, Oct. 19.

On Sept. 22, I'm flying out to New Mexico to meet with the Shepherd Staff folks about a possible ministry opportunity serving as a Regional Facilitator for the West Coast. Shepherd's Staff cares for about 60 missionaries sent from various churches - with about 30 from California alone. I'll keep the blog updated on how this one develops.

My overall vision is to provide pastoral care to pastors by making myself available for personal visits, pulpit help, vacation fill in, sabbatical fill in, retreat speaking, and general encouragement to guys laboring in the trenches of ministry. In particular, I'd like to assist ministers and their churches that maybe could not afford bringing in an experienced pastor to help.

This would mean I would need to raise my own support so I could be available to assist those with minimal resources. You could pray about that with me. I'm presently researching how to set up a support team for this type of ministry. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have more detailed info for those of you who might want to partner with me.

I'm also meeting with a few Calvary Pastors on the 16th who have turned their churches over recently and have a similar vision like mine to bring encouragement and help to pastors who need it. None of us have any intention or desire of retiring - we want to serve the Lord with all our strength till He's done with us and takes us home :-)

So, needless to say, your continued prayer is treasured! That's it for now!

In His Arm's,


Friday, August 29, 2008


Good intentions to post how my visit to Yucca Valley went earlier in the week - hey it went really good! My friend, Jerrel, who pastors Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel is getting married in November to my friend Merrily who lost her husband to pancreatic cancer several months after Jerrel's wife succumbed to the same kind of cancer! It was really good seeing him happy and excited and grateful for God's goodness and blessing after going thru such a dark and painful time. They are going to make a great team! Keep them in your prayers.

A lot is happening on the future ministry front for me as well. I know you want details and they will be forthcoming - but for now I ask you to continue to pray for wisdom and discernment - particularly over the next few weeks. I have several important meetings scheduled that likely will determine the direction my ministry will take and I need to be hearing from the Lord...and an extra measure of faith wouldn't hurt either!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yucca Valley

Heading up to Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel today to meet with a pastor friend of mine, Jerrel, who lost his wife to pancreatic cancer nearly two years ago. He's been a great encouragement to me and we're going to hang out a few hours and talk about life, ministry, and future. I'll let ya know tomorrow how it went! Have a wonderful day in Jesus!

In His Arm's,


Friday, August 22, 2008

A Lull

So far so good on the healing process. Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since my surgery and most days this past week I've felt pretty good - and mostly pain free. Emotionally it's been a roller coaster as I've had to make some hard personal decisions this week - but God is good and I'm always amazed at how He sees me thru. On the ministry front, I'm continuing to make contacts and sharing my vision with friends in the ministry - and I've been blessed and encouraged with the feedback I've received thus far. I'm hoping for the green light from my surgeon in a couple of weeks to return to a higher level of activity and start rolling on some of the opportunities before me. Your prayers for wisdom and strength are always needed and treasured.

Have a fruitful and blessed weekend in Jesus!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, August 17, 2008


What a great morning! I was able to attend both morning services at my home church, CC Escondido, and was thoroughly blessed by all the love and warm greetings, great worship by Chuck Butler and his band and a challenging message out of the MT. 28 great commission passage by my old friend, Jeff Jackson. There is nothing like true Christian fellowship! And I don't think there is anything more beautiful than a church family gathering together for corporate worship, encouragement and study of God's Word.

Pray your coming week is blessed - and as you go about your way, pour out the love of Jesus on all who cross your path!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Unfolding Plans

Jesus is sure good to us! I've just been thinking about what He's already taken me thru - and it's been interesting to begin thinking ahead. At first, fear of the unknown tries to take over, but then the promises of the Word, the settling of the heart by the Spirit, and the encouragements of fellow believers reminds me that He has a good plan. It will unfold in His time. I'm about ready to begin planning for the remainder of the year - knowing ahead of time that most of what will happen will probably unfold outside of my plans :-) Does that make any sense?

I think many of you have experienced what I'm talking about. You think you're heading in one direction and then God rearranges schedules and paths and before you know it, you're into something you didn't plan but is clearly where God wants you to be. Bottom line: God is at the controls. Help us all Lord to seek You first, and all these things we have need of will be added unto us - in Your perfect time.

The past few days have been a steady improvement from a week ago. I've had lots of company and some great fellowship with friends. My doc says he wants me to go easy for at least the next four weeks - no heavy lifting, no strenuous exercise, no bike riding, but at least I can walk and I'm trying a minimum of a 30 minute continuous walk daily. My head is also starting to clear from all the surgical drugs and IV's - and that really feels good!

As always, I so appreciate all the prayers and encouraging comments and emails. Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, August 9, 2008


Just a brief update. Been home from the hospital a week and feeling so much better. Every thing's working OK so thanks again for all the prayer support. May God richly bless your week ahead.

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today was better than yesterday. Felt more human and hopeful that this trial will soon be past.

Thought I'd share this clip someone sent me on a grieving family. As some of you know, recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman's young 5 year old daughter was killed last May when their 17 year old son accidentally ran over her in the family driveway.  Good Morning America did a nice interview of the family and I wanted to share their message of hope in the midst of grief with you.

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

slow going

Hi Folks!

Well this evening is about the first time since I've been home that I've been able to spend any time on the computer. Recovery from a third colon surgery has been a little slower and harder than I expected. My body has been thru a lot and is just now beginning to adjust to my system being restored back to operating status.

The Lord has brought to me a continuous stream of encouragement from the Word thru many caring friends. Each day has been a roller-coaster of emotions but at every dip there has been a strong word to remind me He's in charge and working things out.

Pray for strength, patience, endurance and moderation for my body as it heals.

I'm so blessed to be part of a family of believers who deeply care for one another!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, August 2, 2008


Just got home after 7 days in the hospital. I'm wiped out and sore but glad the 'hard part' is done.
Now it's time for recovery and healing up.

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Slow going

Well I'm into day 3 of recovery from my reconnect surgery. I've developed some slight fever and some swelling around the surgery site - which will require some new antibiotics. I'm doing well in the larger areas of attitude and spirit. The drugs are intense but I'm not having many of the nasty side effects like the last time. No set time yet for my return home either. God knows the time - and tho that can drive my controlling mind into a tailspin, I still need to learn to wait - and in due season He will bring it to pass.

Blessings, Pat

Monday, July 28, 2008


Starting my 3rd day in the hospital and things are progressing and the pain isn't too bad. God willing, I'll be back home by Wednesday. My nurses and doc have been great. Still can't eat or drink anything. It can take a few days for the digestive system to wake up after my kind of surgery. That's what I'm waiting for now.

Hope all of you are having a blessed day!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, July 26, 2008

No more bag!

Thanks for all your prayers folks! My ileostomy bag was successfully removed this morning and all the parts are now back together. Now, I just need everything working properly - so please continue to pray!

In His Caring Arm's,


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Two more days

Less than 48 hours to knife time! Surgery is scheduled for 10:15 Saturday morning. I'm a little nervous about it but over all I'm guardedly optimistic :-)

God has been so good to me! He has seen me thru a tough year and I know He will hold me thru whatever is ahead. Just got to try not to wiggle out of His grip!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, July 20, 2008


I'm in Yuma, AZ. for a couple of days, spending some time hanging out with Pastor Chuck Stewart of CC Yuma and his family. Just a neat time talking about his ministry, sharing ideas, and telling lots of stories. Should be back in town late Tuesday to begin my prep for Surgery on Saturday.



Thursday, July 17, 2008

On Track

Met with my surgeon Wednesday and he said everything looks good for my reconnect surgery next Saturday morning, the 26th. I should expect 3 to 4 days in the hospital with 4 to 6 weeks of recovery time - then rock-n-roll :-) Jesus is my Rock and He rolled my blues away! That's my expectation. 

In His Arm's,


Monday, July 14, 2008

catching my breath

Hi Folks! Well since last Sunday I've been doing OK - just trying to set a course for the next couple of weeks before my surgery on the 26th. Keeping busy helps the time not drag.

It's hard to grasp sometimes that a whole year has passed since Joyce went home - and even harder to think that it's been nearly 5 years since the whole battle with her cancer started. For most of those 5 years I have been out of sinc with the pattern of ministry I was used to. I'm so grateful for the patience and support of the church family, my staff and the elders of our church during these uncertain years.

New things are ahead and I am eager to see and be a part of what God has next. I'm meeting this week with another pastor friend who is in a similar position as me. He has turned his church over to his son and is desiring, as I am, to be an encouragement, resource, and help to other pastors and churches in the Calvary Chapel family. So we're meeting to brainstorm how we can work together, along with a couple other guys, to more effectively minister to those needs. Appreciate your prayer concerning that!

In the weeks following my surgery, I'll be posting my speaking/teaching/travel schedule here on this blog - and on a new website my technically challenged brain is trying to develop :-)

May our Lord continue to bless and use each of you for His glory!

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Thanks to all who prayed for my family and I as we scattered Joyce's ashes about a mile out in the ocean, directly west of the end of the Oceanside pier. It was a pretty calm Sunday evening and the two hour journey went well. There were many tears and the ache in all our hearts was still pretty fresh. I shared with my family what I thought might be Joyce's perspective after a year in heaven. What would she say to us who were still on this side of heaven? I'm certain if she could, she would urge each of us to receive Jesus gift of eternal life by putting our trust in His sacrifice for our sins. I could almost hear her say, "You don't want to miss this! It's all more real than you could possibly imagine!"

After a little more sharing, the captain lowered the beautifully painted bio-degradable urn into the water covered with flower petals. We circled the site for a little while before heading back to the harbor.
In His Arm's,


Saturday, July 5, 2008

One Year

Today is the one year anniversary of Joyce graduating to heaven! I can't even begin to thank all of you who have lifted up my family and I throughout this tough year. Your prayers and cards and calls and visits have all been the mortar that's held the wall together.

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Ps 133:1

"So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." Ro. 12:5

In His Arm's (and held up by your's too!)


Friday, July 4, 2008


Whom the Son has set free, they are free indeed!

How grateful I am for my personal freedom as an American citizen. I can go anywhere I please, express my opinions and views without impunity (at least not yet) and I can talk about Jesus freely in the public arena. But even more than my political freedom I am overwhelmed and humbled by my spiritual freedom.

Thru Jesus sacrifice on the cross of Calvary for my sins I have been freed from the bondage of sin and death. Thru the indwelling person of the Holy Spirit I can go against the flow of my carnal nature and choose to live for God's glory. Thru the Father's love I have total access to His throne of grace and have an inheritance that will not fade away! Plus, He will never leave me or forsake me and will always be my ever present help in time of trouble.

We all have times when life is challenging to say the least, and trials seem unending, but we have to rest on the proven promises of God and His faithfulness.

As most of you know, tomorrow it will be one year since the Lord took Joyce home to begin her eternity with her Savior in heaven. I'm sure the suffering of this present time that she endured for a while is nothing compared to the glory that is being revealed to her in ways beyond what we could ever imagine. Joyce is experience the fulfillment of God's faithfulness right now! There is no question or doubt in her mind that God is faithful and does all things well!

I, on the other hand, still have to trust what I often cannot see. The suffering of the present time seems often to fill my field of vision so I can't see beyond it. That's where the promises and truth and power and authority of God's Word comes in. When I'm looking to the wisdom and counsel of His Word, there is a sort of pulling back from what's blocking my vision. Then I am able to catch a glimpse of the majesty beyond the clouds of suffering or grief or sickness or loneliness or whatever might be hindering my faith at any given moment :-)

And that is really true freedom. Have a blessed holiday. Thanks for keeping us in prayer this weekend too!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Let Him Work!

The Lord has been ministering to me out of Psalm 145 the past couple of days. It's a beautiful Psalm about the greatness and majesty of God and the lover of Gods' response to His greatness.

Consider, "The Lord is righteous in all His ways, glorious in all His works. The Lord is near to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them." Ps. 145:17-19

This tells me that no matter what may be going on around my life, God is in control. His ways are righteous and glorious. I often can't see how what's happening to me is righteous and glorious - but I know it is! Everything you and I go thru prepares us for something else down the road - and that something else isn't necessarily something bad or traumatic. It could be preparatory for trouble or hardship but it could also be for blessing and developing of character and ministry.

The "I wills" of this Psalm are instructive. Vs. 1,2 "I will bless Your name," vs. 2, "I will praise Your name forever and ever," vs. 5, " I will meditate on Your glorious splendor," vs. 6, "I will declare Your greatness," vss. 10-12, "praise, bless, speak, talk, make known..." All these exhort us to openly glorify God all the time!

He is always at work in our lives. He is always instructing. He is always preparing. Despise not the day of small things or the chastening of the Lord - it's all in His hands and He is fashioning us every day to be more like Jesus than we were the day before! Truly His greatness is beyond our understanding. Let Him work in you today!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Approaching One Year

Now begins a week that once seemed so far away. This week marks the sad reality that our Joyce has been gone a whole year. It also marks the glad reality that she is about to have her first birthday in heaven - I wonder if they note such things in that beautiful land. This side of heaven we still mourn her being taken from us - and I think it's right that we do. Not stuck in mourning but giving it's expression it's important place.

This Saturday, the 5th will mark the day she went home. On Sunday, the 6th, our immediate family will be chartering a boat from 6 to 8pm. to take us out about a mile or two directly west of the end of the Oceanside pier and scatter Joyce's ashes. If any of you would like to gather at the end of the pier around 7pm. and join us in remembering Joyce and thanking God for the gift of her life to us - we'd be blessed. The boat is called the Sea Star and we will dock around 8pm back in the harbor area by Joe's Crab Shack.

Monday, the 7th, would have been our 35th wedding anniversary. So I and my family need to get past next Monday. Appreciate your prayers this week.

In His Arm's,


Friday, June 27, 2008

Ps. 128

29 days till surgery! Seems like this past week just overflowed with fellowship and opportunities to encourage. Thank you Lord! In the midst of a time of remembering all that happened last year, God has been gracious to allow me lots of time with friends. About a week ago I read thru all my blog and journal entries from this time last year. It hurt and I broke, but I decided reading it every day wasn't necessary. And the Lord has kept me busy every day. Here are a few thoughts I had reading thru Psalms today:

I was reading the Psalms of Ascent this morning and settled for a while on Ps. 128:1. It says, "Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways." This is a bottom line, foundational reality for all who know and follow the Lord! We all want to be blessed, right?
We all want to be settled and happy. The Hebrew word for "blessed" here means to be happy, fortunate, to be envied. Not in a way of sticking our noses up in the air thinking we're better than everybody else. But rather, living a life that is so full of joy and love and peace that others who don't have that desire it - because it's real in our daily lives.

The verse goes on to reveal the key to that happiness, that blessedness, and it is to be living a lifestyle that fears the Lord and follows His commandments. I need to fear the Lord daily! Not in a sense of cowering in fear - tho His awesome, mighty power and authority could rightly demand that - but fear here has the sense of reverential awe and worship. I want to reverence the Lord at all times and in every situation I find myself in, I need to be able to worship Him!

I believe "walking in His ways" is a non-negotiable premise for being blessed. Therefore, when we are walking in His ways and loving and worshipping Him, our lives are sure to be blessed. Even if or when outside circumstances are difficult. This is an inward blessing that keeps the believer steady in the storms and an outward blessing of a fruitful life. We can find ourselves in a heap of trouble if we try to handle things our way rather than His way!

Ps. 119:2 says, "Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart."

May we do just that today! May we seek Him with the whole heart, all day long...and be blessed!

In His Arm's,


Friday, June 20, 2008


Well the call came around noon today. My surgery has been scheduled for 6 weeks from now - July 26. Hooray and thanks to all of you who have been praying. And thank You Lord for giving me something to focus on.

In His Arm's (always!)


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Opportunities knocking

Been an interesting week so far! Like dangling a carrot in front of horse tied to a post, calls have been coming in requesting me to speak and teach. But the one call I really need is the one that will help give definition to all the others - and that is the one from Kaiser surgery scheduling. I have a four week or so hole staring at me sometime this summer - the time for the surgery and recovery. And in the meantime, long-term plans are on hold, but I am getting a lot of reading in, trying to design a web page, and spending time with lots of friends.

I'm sure many of you are tired of hearing me talk about waiting and enduring and being a patient patient. As each week goes by in the waiting mode, I have moments of great revelation and then moments of deep frustration - and whether high or low, God is still faithful. He is using every high and low and in between time to prepare me for what is next. He is a faithful Instructor - I am a squirming, often distracted student! Anybody relate? :-)

Hope you all have a fruitful and blessed weekend and be not weary in well doing!

In His Arm's,


Monday, June 16, 2008


Read a beautiful promise in Ps. 66 over the weekend. Ps. 66:20 "Blessed be God Who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me."

Charles Spurgeon commenting on that verse wrote, "His mercy and my cries still meet each other!"

How I need to remember promises like that! I have often questioned God's mercy in the circumstances He allows me to go through - at the moment I'm going through it! But God is so faithful as well as merciful. I look at His sustaining power and grace still at work in and thru me and am amazed!

Have you gone thru a lot of hard things? Are you still in love with the Lord and walking with Him? Then blessed be God Who has not turned away your prayer, nor His mercy from you!
He is still at work!

In His Arm's,


Friday, June 13, 2008


Today is a "catch-up" day. After a busy week of follow up meetings from the Pastor's Conference, I needed a day to reflect and catch up on household stuff. In spending time with other pastor friends and mentors, I'm seeing a clearer direction for future ministry. In our Calvary Chapel family of churches there is a great need of pastoral care for pastors. I met so many men at the conference who were new in the pastoral ministry and could really benefit from spending time with some of us older, more experienced pastors. So I am following that leading and making myself available, as God would lead, to come alongside and talk pastoral ministry with those God brings my way.

This week also marks the 1 year mark of the start of some very painful days a year ago as my beloved Joyce began her final journey to heaven. This morning I went back to my blogs from last June and July. Joyce's passing on July 5, 07 was preceded by about 3 weeks of steep decline that both agonized and blessed so many of us. My family and I were surrounded with 24/7 care and love as we stood by Joyce in her last days. I'm still moved deeply not only by the things I wrote in my blog entries but also by the hundreds of comments given by so many dear friends both close by and far away.

If you would like to reflect along with me over the next few weeks, you can click on the month and year archive list to the right of this entry.

After Joyce passed, my family and I decided we would wait till the 1 year anniversary of her death to scatter her ashes at sea. We have scheduled that to take place Sunday evening, July 6 a couple miles off the Oceanside pier.

And what a year it's been! God has been working in deeper ways than I ever could have imagined. I'm still waiting for a surgery date to reconnect my colon which I pray isn't too much further away. And then we'll see what God has next!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Full Week!

This week really zipped by for me and it was quite full. Beginning with Mike and Sara's wedding last Saturday - a really joyful event with a not-to-forget total power failure smack in the middle of the ceremony! My daughter and son-in-law were visiting for the weekend and on Sunday we had a family day visiting Joyce's folks in Murrieta and my son's family in Menifee.

Monday morning it was the start of the annual Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference at Murrieta Hot Springs. This years' theme was "Pastoring in the Last Days" and focused on a verse by verse study thru 1 Thessalonians. It was an especially encouraging conference for me given this new chapter in my life. Not only was I reminded and exhorted to be ready at any moment for the Lord's return but also had a penetrating encounter with the Holy Spirit during an afterglow Tuesday evening. It was one of those times of worship and prayer and thinking and weeping that lasted a couple hours but felt like just a few minutes. At one point, as I was thinking about all that's happened in my life this past year, a brother knelt down beside where I was sitting and put his arm around me and just held me - I just broke and wept as the Lord reminded me that He was my Father and would never leave or forsake me. Good stuff!!!

The conference went thru Thursday and I know without a doubt, that after my surgery my plate is going to be quite full with ministry in many venues.

Yesterday I spent most of the day with my grand daughter, Kaylee. The morning was a Father's/Grand Father's day at at her preschool and the afternoon was just hang time together.

So all in all it was a very good week of growing in the Lord and enjoying the company of brethren and family! I pray yours went well too!

In His Arm's,


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ps. 8

It is so difficult for our limited human minds to embrace the greatness of God and of His ultimate plan. It is difficult to move out of a self-centered existence.

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor" (Psalm 8:3-5).

Amazing God, turn my inward-looking eyes outward to You. You are interested in all that goes on in my life - my emotions, fears, disappointments, and confusions - and You want to heal me through Christ. Thank you. Amen.

This was part of my daily devotion from Griefshare and so appropriate not only for me but for all of us. In uncertain or challenging times it's so easy to turn all our attention inward instead of upward. Inward analysis usually leads to untrue conclusions. "Guard our hearts, Lord, and may our focus and devotion always be to You and our counsel from Your Word."

It's been a busy week making contacts for upcoming ministry opportunities after my surgery and working on an online course for chaplains in a major disaster that sincs with the FEMA Incident Command System protocols.This weekend we have Mike and Sara's wedding and Miles and I will be attending the '08 Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conf. in Murrieta next week. Still no date for the surgery but I know that's in God's hands.

Turn our eye's outward and upward to You Lord in all things!

In His Arm's,


Friday, May 23, 2008


Hi Folks! Been a good week of learning and growing! Had some great fellowship with Pastor Brian Broderson, Pastor Chuck's Assistant Pastor, up at Calvary Costa Mesa on Wednesday. He was very encouraging as to the opportunities that lie ahead for my ministry when I'm physically ready to "launch out." Also had a good meeting with my friend, Pastor Jim Davis, who leads Pastoral Training of Asia - limitless opportunities there!

I also had a bit of a breakthru in this whole waiting for surgery drama. I felt the Lord telling me this week that He already had a date prepared for the surgery to take place and I didn't need to worry about it or try to make it happen. So what did I do? Of course I humbly submitted to the Lord the whole matter....NOT. Nope, instead I called surgery scheduling and my doctor trying to pull strings to get this done - and as understanding as they were of my desire, they made it clear that cancer patients needing surgery had priority in their scheduling and there was nothing they could do to speed the process up. And it was egg on my face - mostly just between the Lord and I - and it was one of those "Oh I get it!" moments.

So I think I'm more at peace now with just waiting and if it takes 4 weeks or 4 months I'm OK with it. In the meantime I can work on continuing to build up my strength and focus my mind and study on what's next.

Pray you all have a very blessed weekend!

In His Arm's,


Monday, May 19, 2008


The move of my office to my home went well and tho it was emotional it's done - the decor in the room reminds me of Joyce, the greatest love of my life, and my office furniture and books remind me of CCE - the most enjoyable work of my life! Both are finished chapters and I think both were finished well - and I'm proud and deeply thankful for that!

As we all are stepping out into new territory may we continue to be fruitful and multiply and reach and impact our community with the Gospel Of Jesus Christ like never before! Serve the Lord with all your might and continue to lift up the arms of those God has called to lead our flock.

Over the next few months, I plan on visiting other ministries and seeking guidance, counsel and wisdom from friends in ministry around the country on how to best use my gifts to further the Kingdom of God. I'll need your prayer for sure along the way! As opportunities unfold I'll keep you all posted here.

In His Arm's,


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sat. morning musings

My granddaughter, Kaylee, age 5 1/2 lost her first tooth this week! Big news for a grandpa! Thursday evening we had a "date nite" visiting Joyce's folks, her great-grandparents. Then out for a shake at Farmerboys and lots of laughs and wild stories of her adventures in preschool.

The rest of my week was somewhat bitter sweet. Change - even good change can still be emotionally draining. With the transition of leadership in the church to Miles it was time to move my office stuff to my home. Since I have this next surgery coming up and then the recovery, we felt it best to make a little more room for the staff. So Miles gets my old office and Josh gets Miles. When I'm healed up and ready to move back into the flow of ministry that God has for me it will be just as easy to operate out of my home for a season.

To make room for my office furniture, I had to pack up Joyce's craft room. That was gut wrenching at times. I'd been avoiding spending much time in there the past year. So many of her projects were in different states of development. It was her craft room and she was always working on something for the kids, the grandkids, her friends, the house, the women's ministry. Bits and pieces of materials from past women's retreats we had worked on were everywhere. Scrapbook stuff, pictures, sea shells - she loved the ocean - were also scattered in many places. And her sewing stuff, material and patterns and pieces of cloth from things she made when we were just married - 35 years ago. It was harder than I expected and I had to work thru several meltdowns.

But it's done and later today some of the men from the church will be bringing the office stuff over to the house.

I've been feeling OK. I've gained back most of the weight I lost during the last surgery and hospital stay. My doc said that right about the time I'm feeling half way normal it will be time to do the next and hopefully last surgery. I'm still waiting for surgery scheduling to give me a date. I know God already know the date - I'm just asking him for mercy not to have to wrestle any more with the anxiety of waiting...but I've written enough on that subject already.

Well, it's about 5am. I woke up about three just wide awake - thus today's blog :-) Gonna try to get a couple more hours of sleep before the day begins. Hope your weekend is blessed, fruitful and overflowing with the Joy of the Lord. Share that joy with someone who needs lifting up today!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Just a brief update. I spent Mother's Day weekend with my daughter and son-in-law up in Valencia. Mother's Day was the last time Joyce was able to make it to church before she passed.
I needed to be with my daughter on that day.

Treasure your moments with those you love!

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

hurry up and wait

Talked to my surgeon this evening. He said everything looked good to proceed with the surgery and he put in an order for it to be scheduled. That's the good news - the not so good news is that I may have to wait another 4 to 6 weeks before I get on the OR table. It's not an "emergency" surgery so I'll have to get in line for a spot. So that's the latest on the medical side. Oh how I just love waiting - grrrrrrrrrr! I know, Is.40:31.



Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Good Report

It appears my test results were good yesterday and I'm now waiting to talk with my surgeon. I'd appreciate your continued prayer that my reconnect can proceed soon!

Love Ya!


Monday, May 5, 2008

10 Months

Great is Your faithfulness, oh God my Father! There is no shadow of turning with Thee! All I have needed Thy hand has provided, great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

10 months ago my sweet Joyce was taken home to heaven. I still ache for her and tears well up out of the blue. Each time I weep I treasure the moment. It's the only connection I have left with her. I'm grateful for the emotion. I'm not depressed and I'm not stuck in my grief - I just realize how blessed I was to be loved by her - God loved me thru her. My tears are a mixture of sorrow and thanksgiving.

Perhaps as I think about all that she and I and our family and our friends went thru, particularly a year ago this time, the intensity of those days rushes back. I can't avoid looking at the calendar and remembering. I still catch myself thinking from time to time, "did this really happen? How was that possible?" And then God gives His peace and comfort and my desire yearns to know the what not the why. I know God is faithful - even in the storms - and I know He continues to work in all our lives as we face and deal with our loss. I think I'm almost over asking the "why?" questions. Life indeed goes on and I want to know what God desires to do in my life as a result, or more accurately, as a fruit, of all that He allowed to happen.

Life now is a new chapter being written day by day. I am looking forward to what the Author and Finisher of my life unfolds!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, May 3, 2008

test date

Well after a busy week, I finally got the test scheduled that will determine if my reconnect surgery can proceed. That test happens Monday morning and if all goes well I could have a date for the surgery by the end of the week. The Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference is during the first week in June. If the surgery happens by mid May, I could make it. Last year at this time, Joyce was really hurting and I only attended one session of the 4 day conference. It would be nice to go to this conference with my days wide open and all the heaviness of the last few years behind me.

I'm frankly tired of talking about all my medical drama. When someone asks, "How are you?" I'd sure like to say, "Really well, thank you!" "God has been faithful to hold me and guide me thru some rough waters and now the seas are calm!"

I truly am looking forward to the new things God has already planned for me - tho I know things won't always be calm. The turn over of the church to Pastor Miles has gone well and we're all moving ahead by His grace.

Stay hungry for His Word!


Monday, April 28, 2008

coning home

Heading home from beautiful Montana today! I saw a moose yesterday walking outside my dorm room! See him in the center of the above foto? It's been a great trip and I'm so thankful the Lord made it possible. I hope to see many of you in the next couple of weeks and as I digest this experience, share some of the things I learned with you.

May the Lord richly bless your week ahead. May He use you to bless others with His amazing love and compassion. May He give each of you fresh vision for what He has ahead for you personally. May you hear his Word speak to your heart as you seek to honor and serve Him!

In His Arm's,
