Saturday, August 2, 2008


Just got home after 7 days in the hospital. I'm wiped out and sore but glad the 'hard part' is done.
Now it's time for recovery and healing up.

In His Arm's,



  1. Top of the mern'in to you, Laddy! :) :) :)

    Hallelujah and Amen!

    The Lord is good!!!

    Still pray'in for you and your complete heal'in, Pat!

    Keep looking up! :)

    your friend, Chuck

  2. When I came to Sun. AM service, I heard you were home and I was so thankful and praised the Lord. you have been in our prayers and we miss you. Sat. 3 PM, I was baptized at the ocean and my son, granddaughter and 3 great granddaughters were there to witness the ceremony. This is one of His many promises to us. "For I know the plans that I have for you..." My words are inadequate to describe how thankful I am.
    Look forward to seeing you soon.
    Gloria Micale

  3. Praise God, I am thrilled things are working again and that you are home.
    I pray your recovery is complete.
    God Bless You,
    Bruce T.
