Friday, May 23, 2008


Hi Folks! Been a good week of learning and growing! Had some great fellowship with Pastor Brian Broderson, Pastor Chuck's Assistant Pastor, up at Calvary Costa Mesa on Wednesday. He was very encouraging as to the opportunities that lie ahead for my ministry when I'm physically ready to "launch out." Also had a good meeting with my friend, Pastor Jim Davis, who leads Pastoral Training of Asia - limitless opportunities there!

I also had a bit of a breakthru in this whole waiting for surgery drama. I felt the Lord telling me this week that He already had a date prepared for the surgery to take place and I didn't need to worry about it or try to make it happen. So what did I do? Of course I humbly submitted to the Lord the whole matter....NOT. Nope, instead I called surgery scheduling and my doctor trying to pull strings to get this done - and as understanding as they were of my desire, they made it clear that cancer patients needing surgery had priority in their scheduling and there was nothing they could do to speed the process up. And it was egg on my face - mostly just between the Lord and I - and it was one of those "Oh I get it!" moments.

So I think I'm more at peace now with just waiting and if it takes 4 weeks or 4 months I'm OK with it. In the meantime I can work on continuing to build up my strength and focus my mind and study on what's next.

Pray you all have a very blessed weekend!

In His Arm's,


1 comment:

  1. Dear Pastor Pat:

    How wonderful that you got to spend time with the very first Pastor I ever met and who I rededicated my life to the Lord under. I started attending Calvary Chapel Vista first, when it was on Hacienda drive. Maybe 50 members. Of course you saw what the Lord did with that ministry. Well the exact thing happened with your ministry because we started attending Calvary Escondido when we met at the old Vineyard Mall, relatively the same amount of members, probably more but it was in the early days of your ministry in Escondido.

    It is also where Dad fell in love with your teaching and stayed with you until his last days. I listen to Pastor Brian every night on my way home from work. He is so awesome, his teaching is like so many of you raised up by Pastor Chuck. Greg Laurie and Raul Ruiz, are just a few that come to mind but what testimonies they all have and how wonderful it is to see how God has used them to further his kingdom.

    God will use you also in a very special way in the next chapter of your life. Look what you have accomplished this far, did you ever dream that Calvary Chapel Escondido would ever be what it is today? Glory be to God our Father for using the men from Calvary Chapel. We are all better Christians, with a much better understanding of God's word because of how we were taught. I know that you give all the Glory to Our Father in Heaven, but I thank God for your obedience.

    Well as to the scheduling of your surgery, we are all continuing to keep you in our prayers. It is totally in God's hands and in his time. I know mentally you are ready to jump into the next phase of your ministry, I know that God hears all of our prayers for that.

    We love you and will continue to pray that you will soon be free from the worry and anxiety of the upcoming surgery. But we all know that you are in the palm of our dear Lord's hand. God Bless you with his love and peace.

    All our Love and Prayers,
    The Angel Gomez Family
    Margaret, Kathy, Rosemarie, Emily and Angelica Rose
