Friday, February 29, 2008


It's tough to give updates when there is not much to update. But here goes anyway :-)

This has been a slow hard week in the recovery process. I've been dealing mostly with a bronchial infection that is finally starting to clear up and complications with my new ileostomy - lots of skin irritation and over all discomfort. So my days are a battle to get up, take all the meds - which I'm thankful for but so sick of - and try to get around and do something other than sit.

So much goes thru my mind of things I want or could be doing which I can't...and that is frustrating to say the least. I know it's not all a waste; God is using this time in ways I'll probably only discover later. Pray I can just stay tuned in to Him and not drift into anything other than His peace that passes understanding. Love to all of you!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, February 24, 2008

God is Good

It's early Sunday morning - about the time I'd normally be up and getting ready to head over to the church for Sunday morning services. Today, I'm a full week home from the hospital - but not going anywhere just yet. My wounds are healing up pretty quickly - I'm on half the pain meds I was a week ago and getting used to the new ileostomy bag, but I've been battling a deep cough all week - likely from the surgery and long hospital stay. And frequent coughing after major abdominal surgery seems to sap what little energy I have. That being said, it's still a good day and God is in control.

I was reading in the Our Daily Bread devotional this morning and one thought there strengthened me for the day and week ahead. "Circumstances are not the barometer of God's love and goodness - the cross is." I think it's only human to wrestle with the questions of "Why is God letting all these things happen to me? Where is his love and kindness and goodness in all these trials?" But only the cross brings these hard things of life into clear and true focus. God gave His Son to not only take away my sin and give me the promise of eternal life - but also to keep my mind and heart true and focused and steady during the storms and hardships of normal life. "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."

God is good and loves each of us more than we could ever comprehend.

In His Arm's,


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Peace in the setbacks

The big deal today was the removal of the 25 or so staples that held my wounds together. Went smoothly and everything on the outside is healing up nicely. Still a ways to go on the inside but I know it's getting better too. Just got to give it time, good nutrition, and rest, and light activity - ie. short walks, stuff around the house. I can't drive for a week or two yet - need to be off the narcotic pain meds before getting behind the wheel.

My daughter has been with me all week and her husband is joining her tomorrow for the weekend before I have have to fly solo next week. What a blessing family is. As my kids were growing up it was always hard to picture then taking care of me. But they have stepped it up and have been right there to encourage and help. Not a day seems to pass without each of them calling and checking up on me. That is a treasure I will never again take for granted.

Spiritually, the Lord has given me a fresh peace concerning this recent surgical setback. I was so sure after this surgery I would be off and running as soon as it healed up. But now I'm faced with still another surgery a few months down the road to reconnect the new portion of my colon that was disconnected to allow the whole colon more time to heal. At times I think I should be depressed - but I'm not. I'm tired and sore for sure but still excited about how God is going to use all this for His purposes and glory.

May we all press on in our love and service to Him no matter the twists and turns on the road.

In His Arm's,


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Finally Home!

Well, after 8 days in the hospital, twice longer than I expected, I got to come home today. Thanks for praying! I'm still quite sore and groggy from the ordeal - will be for a couple more weeks. When I can think straighter I'll share some details and lessons learned.

In His Caring, Healing Arms,


Thursday, February 7, 2008


Well looks like all is a go for my colon reconnect surgery tomorrow morning at Kaiser Hospital on Zion Ave. in San Diego. Prayer is definitely needed and appreciated. Specifically, please prayer the doc can do the surgery laproscopicly instead of slitting me open again. I am so looking forward to getting past all this!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Back from Idaho

I had an enjoyable few days with some dear friends from the early days of my Christian walk. My visit was to Twin Falls, Idaho and visited the Calvary Satellite Networks main offices and studio's as well as participate "To Every Man an Answer" both wed. and Thurs. afternoons. I also attended an evening service at Calvary Chapel of Buhl, Id on Wednesday nite. One of my friends there lost her husband to pancreatic cancer about 7 weeks ago - he was the Pastor of CC Buhl and also old friend.  So there was much opportunity to share with them what I've been thru and be an encouragement to them. It was cold and snowing pretty much the whole time I was there - hadn't driven in snow in 15 years or more! Please keep Merrily and her brother, Mike, in prayer as they navigate some rough waters of life.

Ministry at CCE was great again today - and now I prepare for my colon reconnect surgery this coming Friday...which again will knock me out of the pulpit for the next few weeks.

Thanks again for praying with me!

In His Arm's,
