Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Trust and Endure

These are the two words the Lord gave me during my recent hospitalization. Trust and Endure.
These certainly are "faith" words that apply to many different circumstances for all of us. But for me, they meant simply, "Trust Me! I'm using this setback for your good," and "Endure this patiently; don't panic - there is still much ahead."

I was reading in Ps. 34 last night. "I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears." vs.4 "This poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them." vss. 5-6 "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him." vs. 8

We all have fears assaulting us daily. Health fears, financial fears, career fears, relationship fears, for some - safety fears. Complex problems in confusing times call for renewed trust in the One True God Who knows us and loves us and is able to see us thru whatever comes against us.
"The righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit." vss. 17-18

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all." vs. 19

Teach us to trust you Lord in everything that we might endure with joy!

In His Arm's,


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