Friday, February 27, 2009

Into Your Hands

Worries, concerns, fears. As a believer, I hate to say it, but these things often get the best of us!

And yet relief and a better perspective isn't that far away. In fact, I think it's really but a prayer away! In Ps. 57:1-2 David prayed, " soul trusts in You: yes, in the shadow of your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities are past. I will cry unto God most high; unto God Who performs all things for me."

As you think about the things that may overwhelm you, right now get quiet and lift each one to the Lord. "Lord, into Your hands I place my family, my employment, my bills, my relationships, my ministry, my health, my life!" There is a peace that passes understanding; that goes beyond human comprehension that can be ours when we cast our cares upon Him. When we consciously and specifically put each worry, concern, or fear into His faithful, merciful, and loving hands.

These are difficult times for everyone. But God's people for thousands of years have endured difficult, even harsh times with firm trust in "God most high - who performs all things for me."

This afternoon I was just thinking (and worrying) about a bunch of things - until I simply prayed, "Lord, You know about all this stuff! And right now I put each thing into Your hands."
I can't tell you a great light filled the room and my house shook with the presence and power of God :-) But my heart was instantly covered with His peace. And my thoughts went immediately to those who might still be following my blog and I felt at least one of you needed to read this - so DO IT!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

something new

Hi Folks!

Posting to my blog has been a little slow while I've been recovering. I'm sure most of you really wouldn't be too excited to read that "I stayed home this morning; went grocery shopping; sent some e-mails; read a book; went to bed." Which has been the story pretty much the past few weeks.

Today, however, I'm trying something new. A friend of mine from church has some empty office space and he has invited me to use it whenever I need it. A real blessing for sure. Working out of my house just doesn't seem to be very motivating - so to have a place to go for a few hours each day I think will really help me focus.

I also wanted to share a short note I received yesterday from another friend who has endured some difficult seasons of loss and pain. It ministered to me and I thought it might encourage some of you.

"There's an old book called Hinds Feet on High Places that has made an impact on my life for a long time.  There is a chapter about suffering that paints a picture of a generational chain linking all sufferers together (back to the Old Testament believers and Heb. 11 and onward).  When it comes to you, you grab onto the chain, side by side with other sufferers and make it through the valley.  The companionship of others who 'know' and 'understand' is comforting.  I do believe that a broken heart is precious to Jesus; He knows just what to do with it.  I was reminded today that, though I do not always know what God is doing, I do know God.  That makes all the difference."

God richly bless your week ahead!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

22 years

I had an enjoyable evening yesterday with Chuck and Anita Saunders who are missionaries serving at Calvary Chapel Oxford - England. They have been on the mission field for 22 years! First in the Philippines from '87 to '01 and in England ever since. 22 years is a huge chunk of ones life - and not as common in our day as in decades past. Just sitting in my living room and listening to them share about their work, the needs and challenges of their church, the many opportunities open for ministry... it all just blessed me so much.

When they left I had to thank God for allowing me the great privilege of getting to know and serve in some small way missionaries like these. After nearly a month of me dealing with my own medical problems - and being a bit sidelined from my new work because of it - last nite may not have wowed the Saunders as it did me - but God used it to refresh my heart and remind me of the good work He has ahead for me.  Blessed be His Name!

Today I joined the staff of CC Escondido for lunch with missionaries sent out from CCE about 10 years ago - Boy and Jane Borbaho - who are back here for a few months from the Philippines. Again it was a joy just listening to their stories and marvelling at how they've grown and how the Lord has been using them.

May the Lord continue to bless these precious servants and may He raise up many more to reach the nations with the good news of Jesus!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, February 15, 2009

A whole week!

Wow! It sure is nice going thru a whole week without feeling like I got run over by a bus! Saturday morning I sat in with a whole bunch of musicians worshipping the Lord together at Calvary Escondido. It was a real joy seeing lots of old friends and making some new ones as well. And, of course, playing my guitar for a couple of hours really felt good. Sweet voices and fun music being lifted up to the King was the order of the morning.

It helped fill a day that I always enjoyed with my darling valentine till cancer took her a couple of years ago. Now my valentine is Jesus, the true and eternal love of my life. 

Another life milestone has passed with both of my children now in their 30's! Jordan had his big 3-0 last week and Noelle passes 34 today. Which means that their dear old dad will be staring down the "60" marker in a few months. Come Quickly Lord Jesus!

I'm going to be meeting with some Shepherd's Staff missionaries from Oxford, England tomorrow evening - that will be a joy getting acquainted!

Thanks again for all your prayers for me, my family, and my ministry!

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I met with my surgeon yesterday for my post op appointment. He said everything looked good and appeared to be healing up properly. He said the recovery time would be another four to six weeks, ie. no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. After 15 months what's another few weeks, right?

Overall, the past couple of days have been my best yet - pain wise. My head is still a little foggy from the meds and anesthesia but slowly clearing. I'm starting to focus again on my work with Shepherd's Staff and anxious to get back up to speed. I'm hoping to be well enough to rep Shep. Staff at the Southwest pastors and leaders conference in Tucson Mar. 9-11 and a missions conference in central Ca. in Santa Maria the following weekend.

And thru it all, God is so good! If anything I am learning thru all these trials that God is faithful and loves me so much! That is so humbling because I am so often such a whiner :-)
He loves me, not because of who I am or what I am accomplishing, but because of Who He is.
He sees my end and I only see my present. He sees me with Him in eternity and loves me as if I were already there! That's pretty cool!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, February 8, 2009

When will it stop?

When will it stop? I think that's a very common question expressed by many who are going thru seasons of suffering, illness, or loss. When I'm hurting it seems it will never go away - it will never get better. A very limited narrow perspective for sure, but also a very powerful influence on the quietness, peace and steady trust in the Lord, which is our constant possession as believers.

I'm gaining greater empathy for people who suffer with chronic or constant pain. My ordeal isn't as gnarly as what many good and godly people have to endure. But I am learning as I go thru my own bouts of abdominal pain from my surgeries and blockages that God is right here with me. Not causing my pain but holding me and seeing me thru it day after day. 

I've come to the point of "discussing" with God the possibility that I might be dealing with this pain and discomfort and inconvenience for a long time - maybe for the rest of my life. And if that's the case, how will I still serve Him? What will my ministry consist of? I'm not resisting those possibilities anymore - just wondering how I will need to adapt and humbly asking for His wisdom, strength, and patience to do so.

When will it stop? Maybe it will and maybe it won't. Either way, His love and care remains constant and deep and eternal. And that's the place we really grow. Help us Lord to walk close to you every day - and when the storms and tragedies of life seem to nearly knock us off our feet, may we remain confident that You are holding us and you will never let go!

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So how can I pray for you?

I've received so much love and encouragement while getting better and I would truly like to be praying for you who have been following my crazy journey thru loss of a spouse, transition to a new ministry and trying to get well physically. You can write me at

This week has been an improvement over last week pain wise. Starting to get out and run errands every day and hope to be walking daily by the end of the week.

On the missions front. Please pray for the Havertape family as they have left for Russia to work on obtaining their residence visas - a process that could take a couple of months - they have already served in Russia for 5 years. Also, next week, my friend Bob Claycamp's son Jessie and his family are heading out to China long term. Bob and Jeanie's other son, Micah, and his family are presently missionaries in the Ukraine. Pray for the Senior Claycamps as a bunch of their grandchildren will be in the mission field as well. And you grandparents know how hard it is to have your grandkids live far away - and ya can't get much farther away than Russia and China!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, February 1, 2009

slow progress

6 days out from surgery and I'm starting to feel a little better. There is still a lot of pain and swelling in the abdominal area but I did get out for a short walk this afternoon. They told me this one would be more painful than the others - and they weren't lying.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get moving on a bunch of correspondence with my missionaries and their sending churches. Please pray for the Inland NW Pastor's and Leader's Conference being held in Spokane, WA. Ron from Shepherd's Staff will be covering it in my place. Pray for a growing hunger for raising up and sending out their own missionaries amongst these great churches.

Hope you all had a blessed weekend.

Thanks to all who have been praying and calling and sending encouraging notes these past few weeks. And a deep thanks to all who stepped up to commit to financial support of my new ministry with Shepherd's Staff.

In His Arm's,
