Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Great trip - glad to be home

I'm dealing with some jetlag at the moment. Up at 2:30am! But God is also up at 2:30 am. and that sure is good! Just wanted to let you all know I had a safe trip back home from Budapest, Hungary. It is good to be home - and I'm really feeling pretty good, physically, in fact, I feel better than before I left. So I'm just grateful to my Lord for His blessings - and His Strength to see me thru a very busy week overseas.

Lot's more coming up this summer! I'll be posting a calendar later this week.

Don't forget to be praying for the work God is doing in Eastern Europe!

In His Arm's,


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday from Vajta

Last nite I visited Calvary Chapel Budapest - located smack in downtown Buda! The church is growing like crazy with two Wed. evening services and three Sunday morning services - 1200 plus of mostly 20-30 year old young people on fire for Jesus! I felt old but invigorated by this sweet and powerful move of God in the capital  city of Hungary.

Pastor Bill Goodrich taught the study on How much God loves us out of, primarily, Ephesians 1.

Before heading back to Vajta (about a 90 minute drive) we stopped by an overlook of the city all lit up and quite beautiful. It again was one of those bittersweet moments of remembering. Joyce and I had gone to that very spot 9 years ago. Even as we were driving into the city earlier in the afternoon, I could feel the twinges of missing her. The reality of her not being with me and not back home either hit me harder than I expected. Such is the nature of grief.

Yet in the midst of my personal reflections, God was and is doing an incredible work of revival and raising up a whole new generation to take the Good News of Jesus to the nations of Eastern Europe and beyond. I'm blessed to be a very small part of it all.

So the conference is going very well. Every day, Bryon and I are connecting with more and more really incredible people. I've had the opportunity to talk, counsel, and pray with many folks. Some, seasoned missionaries. Others, students, interns, and young people just stepping out into their areas of service and outreach. Good stuff!!!

Thanks again for all your prayer support. I do believe God hears and has certainly been sustaining me and keeping me strong. May He bless you deeply and use you today for His purposes and glory!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vajta, Hungary

Just a short note to say that I'm in Vajta, Hungary attending the Eastern European Pastors and Leaders conference at the beautiful CC Bible College Europe. God is graciously bringing so many dear people into my path. I'm so blessed to be here and doing well health wise. Pray that Bryon, my East Coast counterpart with Shepherd's Staff, and I stay open to what God wants us to do and be while here. Pray also that Bryon's luggage arrives today. Love to all of you!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Time for an update! Both conferences last week were huge blessings! The Sr. Pastors Conference in Murrieta helped me reconnect with many old friends (and a few young ones too :-) And the Missions conference at CC Downey fed my spirit thru challenging teaching by Jeff Johnson, Don Richardson, Danny Lehmann, and John Michaels. 

This week has been filed with many personal visits with friends and ministry partners along with a great midweek service at Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee with my son, Jordan.

I deeply appreciate your prayer for my health and support of my work. If you'd like to know more about the ministries I'm involved with, click on Shepherd's Staff or Poimen Ministries.

May the Lord continue to not only bless you but use you for His Glory!

In His Arm's,


Friday, June 5, 2009

Downey Conference

Made it up to the Mission's Conference at Calvary Chapel Downey. I was pretty sore first part of the day but the pain eased up in the evening. Jeff Johnson kicked off the conference with A challenging message about 6 essentials of being prepared to go - things we need as we go. I had dinner with Pastor John Michaels and closed out the evening listening to "Peace Child"
 and "Eternity in Their Hearts" author and missionary, Don Richardson.

Tomorrow, Don continues his teachings followed by Danny Lehmann - should be a good day. One comment made by Jeff J. struck me as so true - and something which needs to be instilled in every new believer: "You begin to become a missionary the moment you get saved.

Hope all is well with all of you!

In His Arm's,

Pat Kenney

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sr. Pastor's Conference.

I had the blessing of participating in the annual Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor's Conference held this week at the Murrieta Hot Springs Bible College and conference center. The theme of this years conference was "Hold Fast To The Word" and featured a study thru 2 Timothy taught by Calvary pastors from all over the nation. In addition to the encouraging and challenging general sessions, I was able to have a display table for Shepherd's Staff and met and talked with many pastors from all over the world. Of particular joy were the numerous opportunities to pray on the spot for these men, their families, and their ministries. Having gone through suffering, loss, illness, and pain, I find myself moved to pray much more quickly - and especially for those I'm talking with who are going thru difficult seasons. It used to be, "Hey I'll pray for ya bro!" Now it's, "Can I pray with you right now?"

So today I'm resting up, organizing, and getting ready for the Missions Conference at Calvary Chapel Downey this weekend.

Thank you for your faithful prayer!

In Hs Arm's,
