Wednesday, May 7, 2008

hurry up and wait

Talked to my surgeon this evening. He said everything looked good to proceed with the surgery and he put in an order for it to be scheduled. That's the good news - the not so good news is that I may have to wait another 4 to 6 weeks before I get on the OR table. It's not an "emergency" surgery so I'll have to get in line for a spot. So that's the latest on the medical side. Oh how I just love waiting - grrrrrrrrrr! I know, Is.40:31.



1 comment:

  1. Dear Pastor Pat:

    I know it is easy to say, but you have to concentrate on the positive. Which is the fact that you can be reconnected. That in itself is a miracle from God. God knows your heart, he knows that you have been waiting on him for quite some time. Keep the faith, once your body is restored and your health is returned, look out. God is going to use you in such a mighty way, it is good that you have time to rest now.

    God Bless you today with his peace and love that surpasses all understanding.

    In Christ's Love,
    Kathy Gomez
