Tuesday, April 28, 2009

prayer request update

Wanted to give you all an update on the prayer request for the missionaries in Kenya whose daughter was dealing with a possible tumor.

From Kelli Compean:
I have just returned from the neurosurgeon who had good news.  His opinion is that while there has been some increase in size of the pituitary this is not yet cause for surgery.  He said, since there is no visual or hormonal impairment he would like to just monitor her.  He feels that her headaches are caused by what the opthamologist called benign intracranial hypertension.  He feels this should resolve in 3-4 weeks with the medicine she is currently on.  He said she definitely has something which needs follow up so the plan is for her to be on this medicine, follow up with the opthamologist in one week to see if their is relief of the pressure causing the optic disk bulging.  He also said her vision and likely hormones should be monitored every 3-6 months, or sooner if there is a noticeable change.  The other plan is to repeat the MRI in 4 months.  

This puts her finishing school here on schedule, attending her job in Alaska and then checking in with a new doctor in California just before college starts.  Thank you for your prayers and concern.  While we still don't have a final word from the pediatrician, we do feel there is some direction.  While we certainly get into a panic and her mom jumps to worse case scenarios, we do feel confident that all the doctors are working together to gain a clear picture of what is happening.  Please keep us in prayer as this chronic, potentially serious issue is something we are all adjusting to and it really makes it hard to let Haley go and live her own life.  We don't want to hold her too tightly or be over protective but give her the skills she needs to take care and be responsible for her own health.

We love you and thank you 

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Moderation. def. "The avoidance of excess or extremes; the action of making something less intense." Now that's a word easy to preach about but not so easy live by. But by the grace of God, this past week I've been able to 'moderate' somewhat in my often hectic life. I laid low - no public speaking - no traveling - and really not a lot of talking; and for the first time in a couple of months my sore abs actually feel like they're starting to heal. Now moderation would instruct me to continue the process and not ramp up to quickly. So if you see me running around town this week, just say. Go home and moderate :-)

I would like to ask you to keep in prayer a missionary family serving in Kenya. Ed and Kelli Compean (out of Calvary Chapel Poway) are asking for prayer for their daughter, Haley, who has been diagnosed again with a growing tumor in her brain. They are consulting with their doctors tomorrow - and since it's already Monday in Kenya you could pray right now for God's power and wisdom to be demonstrated.

Hope you all have a very blessed week serving Jesus!

In His Arm's,

Pat Kenney

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back from Chicago

Just a quick post thanking all of you for your prayers and thoughtful messages to my family and I as we laid my mom to rest yesterday. It was a Christ centered Irish Catholic funeral - an interesting combination - but God was glorified and my family was blessed - and my mom had a very loving, dignified memorial.

I"m home now and looking to get a few days rest and finally give my sore surgery site some time to heal.

Blessings and peace to all of you!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mom's Home!

At about 2am this morning, the Lord called my mom out of her worn out tent into a new mansion! A house not made with human hands! We are all very exhausted but grateful for the time we did have with her the last two weeks of her life. 

Services are being held tomorrow afternoon and Sat. morning in Lombard, IL. Calvary Escondido has the details. I'm pretty fried at the moment and need to get some sleep. Gonna be a busy weekend. I am booked on a flight back to San Diego on Sunday afternoon. Thanks for praying and caring!

In His Arm's,


Monday, April 13, 2009

Not so fast

My mom continues to amaze us all. About 1am this morning she opened her eyes and started chatting; uncomprehendable - but chatting nonetheless. And she stayed that way all day til I left around 7pm. She wasn't able to carry on a conversation but occasional responded to a direct question. My cousin asked her this afternoon, "Aunt Eileen, are you going to heaven?" To which mom responded clear as a bell, "Certainly!" She even puckered up for kisses while trying several times to get up, saying she wanted to go home and that she needed to get her hair done. From comatose over the weekend to this. The miracle and power of life is astounding.

None of us have any idea what tonite or tomorrow will bring. I think the whole family decided they all needed to go home and get some rest this evening. Mom's probably waiting for everyone to clear out of her room - she never liked to leave a party early!

Please continue to pray her thru on her journey to heaven.

In His Arm's,


Sunday, April 12, 2009

moving soon

Continuing to watch and wait with my Chicago family as our mom gets ready to move out of her old tent into her new mansion in heaven. She's very close now. We have all been surprised at how strong this seemingly frail lady has been in her final struggle. We expected her passing about mid-week but she has had her own time-table, given to her by the Lord, and we can't really know it. It was my first Easter spent in a hospital room and my first Easter in more than 39 years that I've spent with my biological family - my two younger brothers and younger sister and spouses and nieces and nephews and cousins...

My daughter sent me pics of my grandkids at a gathering of my California family at my son's home. Made me homesick a bit. 
I pray you all were able to focus today on the miracle of the Resurrection of our Savior. As born again followers of Jesus, we really celebrate the resurrection every day. Because He is risen I am no longer dead in my sins but alive to God with the assurance of eternal life - all because He arose! To God be the glory, great things He has done!

In His Arm's,


Friday, April 10, 2009

Mom Update

My mother continues to hold on to life - not quite ready yet to let go. Those of you who have gone thru this before know how agonizing and draining the waiting can be. Each nite, waiting for the phone call from the hospital; each day, by her bedside in the hospital; watching, praying - and waiting.  It's brought back the all to vivid memories of my own wife's final days. 

I'm glad I could be back here with my brothers and sister and their families. It's been a long time since all four of us have been together and making decisions as a family. I miss my own family and friends back in California - for nearly 40 years, that has been "home" for me. Yet being here in the Chicago area with my siblings and other relatives is necessary and good.

Please pray for strength for all of us. Pray for my health - which is still an issue. Pray for God to use me as a witness of His great love for all my family.

And today is Good Friday. Can we ever thank our Lord enough for the price He paid that we might have life and that more abundantly than we could ever have imagined?

Continuing in His Arm's,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Heaven - soon

Today was a hard day for my mom and all of us. She was admitted into the Hospice program at Elmhurst Hospital. They have half a dozen quiet, peaceful rooms and a comfortable family area and they'll be giving her round the clock care til the Lord takes her home. We didn't have to mover her back to her condo nor to a nursing home. She'll spend her last few days with top notch care and her family able to be by her side without carrying the burden of physical and medical care as well. God brought some wonderful people across our path today. Mom and I had about 10 minutes of semi lucid communication this morning. I told her she had a stroke, she was being well cared for in the hospital...and she could be seeing the Lord, my dad and Joyce real soon. I asked her to give Joyce a kiss for me - and then I broke down a little. She just smiled, raised her eyebrows a bit, and then I quickly showed her pictures of Kaylee and her other great grandkids - she liked that.

Then a couple minutes later she slipped off into a deep sleep and barely opened her eyes for the rest of the day. We feel it could be very soon now. Heaven's not that far away! Again I and my family are so grateful for yours and so many others prayers and encouragement.

In His Arm's,


Monday, April 6, 2009


Thanks for your prayers! I made it to Chicago fine with very little pain. Got to see my mom but she was not very responsive. I hope to speak with her Dr. in the morning. I'm staying in Lombard with my brother, Mike. Not sure when I'll be back but I'll keep posting updates here.

In His Arm's,


Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Mom

Well on top of everything else, my mom (89) has taken a severe downward turn and her docs are recommending family be gathered if they're able. So tomorrow I'm flying back to Chicago to be with my family at this difficult time. I'm still in a lot of pain myself so please pray for travel mercies and the Lord's healing hand all around!

Love you guys!

In His Arm's,


Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Can Be

Today I was encouraged in the Lord to lift my eyes up and press on. As hard as I try, I can't make things happen. I can't say "jump" to my doctors and they timidly and obediently say, "How high, Pastor?" They'll jump when the Lord tells them to jump. In the meantime there's work to be done, and even tho physically I need to rest my hurtin bod, I can still be productive.

I can be productive in prayer.

I can be productive in my study of the Word.

I can be productive thru writing and calling missionaries and their support teams.

I can be productive by being an encouragement to all who call or stop by.

And I can be productive by getting my taxes done :-) clock's ticking buddy!

So while I wait for a response from the medical quagmire, I choose not to be a bump on a log!

Love you guys! Pressing on!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prayer request

Hi Folks!

I'm seeing my surgeon this afternoon. Please pray for wisdom and resolution to finding the source of my pain and figuring out how to deal with it. Thank you so much!

In His Arm's,
