Friday, August 29, 2008


Good intentions to post how my visit to Yucca Valley went earlier in the week - hey it went really good! My friend, Jerrel, who pastors Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel is getting married in November to my friend Merrily who lost her husband to pancreatic cancer several months after Jerrel's wife succumbed to the same kind of cancer! It was really good seeing him happy and excited and grateful for God's goodness and blessing after going thru such a dark and painful time. They are going to make a great team! Keep them in your prayers.

A lot is happening on the future ministry front for me as well. I know you want details and they will be forthcoming - but for now I ask you to continue to pray for wisdom and discernment - particularly over the next few weeks. I have several important meetings scheduled that likely will determine the direction my ministry will take and I need to be hearing from the Lord...and an extra measure of faith wouldn't hurt either!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yucca Valley

Heading up to Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel today to meet with a pastor friend of mine, Jerrel, who lost his wife to pancreatic cancer nearly two years ago. He's been a great encouragement to me and we're going to hang out a few hours and talk about life, ministry, and future. I'll let ya know tomorrow how it went! Have a wonderful day in Jesus!

In His Arm's,


Friday, August 22, 2008

A Lull

So far so good on the healing process. Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since my surgery and most days this past week I've felt pretty good - and mostly pain free. Emotionally it's been a roller coaster as I've had to make some hard personal decisions this week - but God is good and I'm always amazed at how He sees me thru. On the ministry front, I'm continuing to make contacts and sharing my vision with friends in the ministry - and I've been blessed and encouraged with the feedback I've received thus far. I'm hoping for the green light from my surgeon in a couple of weeks to return to a higher level of activity and start rolling on some of the opportunities before me. Your prayers for wisdom and strength are always needed and treasured.

Have a fruitful and blessed weekend in Jesus!

In His Arm's,


Sunday, August 17, 2008


What a great morning! I was able to attend both morning services at my home church, CC Escondido, and was thoroughly blessed by all the love and warm greetings, great worship by Chuck Butler and his band and a challenging message out of the MT. 28 great commission passage by my old friend, Jeff Jackson. There is nothing like true Christian fellowship! And I don't think there is anything more beautiful than a church family gathering together for corporate worship, encouragement and study of God's Word.

Pray your coming week is blessed - and as you go about your way, pour out the love of Jesus on all who cross your path!

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Unfolding Plans

Jesus is sure good to us! I've just been thinking about what He's already taken me thru - and it's been interesting to begin thinking ahead. At first, fear of the unknown tries to take over, but then the promises of the Word, the settling of the heart by the Spirit, and the encouragements of fellow believers reminds me that He has a good plan. It will unfold in His time. I'm about ready to begin planning for the remainder of the year - knowing ahead of time that most of what will happen will probably unfold outside of my plans :-) Does that make any sense?

I think many of you have experienced what I'm talking about. You think you're heading in one direction and then God rearranges schedules and paths and before you know it, you're into something you didn't plan but is clearly where God wants you to be. Bottom line: God is at the controls. Help us all Lord to seek You first, and all these things we have need of will be added unto us - in Your perfect time.

The past few days have been a steady improvement from a week ago. I've had lots of company and some great fellowship with friends. My doc says he wants me to go easy for at least the next four weeks - no heavy lifting, no strenuous exercise, no bike riding, but at least I can walk and I'm trying a minimum of a 30 minute continuous walk daily. My head is also starting to clear from all the surgical drugs and IV's - and that really feels good!

As always, I so appreciate all the prayers and encouraging comments and emails. Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, August 9, 2008


Just a brief update. Been home from the hospital a week and feeling so much better. Every thing's working OK so thanks again for all the prayer support. May God richly bless your week ahead.

In His Arm's,


Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today was better than yesterday. Felt more human and hopeful that this trial will soon be past.

Thought I'd share this clip someone sent me on a grieving family. As some of you know, recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman's young 5 year old daughter was killed last May when their 17 year old son accidentally ran over her in the family driveway.  Good Morning America did a nice interview of the family and I wanted to share their message of hope in the midst of grief with you.

In His Arm's,


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

slow going

Hi Folks!

Well this evening is about the first time since I've been home that I've been able to spend any time on the computer. Recovery from a third colon surgery has been a little slower and harder than I expected. My body has been thru a lot and is just now beginning to adjust to my system being restored back to operating status.

The Lord has brought to me a continuous stream of encouragement from the Word thru many caring friends. Each day has been a roller-coaster of emotions but at every dip there has been a strong word to remind me He's in charge and working things out.

Pray for strength, patience, endurance and moderation for my body as it heals.

I'm so blessed to be part of a family of believers who deeply care for one another!

In His Arm's,


Saturday, August 2, 2008


Just got home after 7 days in the hospital. I'm wiped out and sore but glad the 'hard part' is done.
Now it's time for recovery and healing up.

In His Arm's,
