Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Slow going

Well I'm into day 3 of recovery from my reconnect surgery. I've developed some slight fever and some swelling around the surgery site - which will require some new antibiotics. I'm doing well in the larger areas of attitude and spirit. The drugs are intense but I'm not having many of the nasty side effects like the last time. No set time yet for my return home either. God knows the time - and tho that can drive my controlling mind into a tailspin, I still need to learn to wait - and in due season He will bring it to pass.

Blessings, Pat


  1. Hi Pat,

    Barry and I are glad you are in the final stages of recovery. We will continue to pray for you. Lots of love from the Poudrier's.

  2. I pray the Lord touch you and heal you in Jesus name and That recovery would be quick Love in Christ

  3. Top of the morning to you, Lad!

    I wanted you to know that Gloria Micale from our Seniors' Bible Study will be baptized today at our Beach Baptism. It's never too late, right, Pat? Miles said he'd be honored to do so.

    I wish you could be there with us; however, i'll keep you in mind, while I will be taping it all.

    Maybe, you could go to my website: www.supremeprovider.com, and watch your 2006 Beach Baptism video. Read the instructions on the home page on how to do that. Also, click on the right-side link/button, wait one minute, to let it load onto your computer, then click the "Play" button.

    I will continue to pray for you, Lad!
    in Jesus, sincerely, Chuck :)
