Monday, October 6, 2008

Home sweet home!

Thanks for praying! I got home from Kaiser Hospital earlier this afternoon. The tests showed no blockage in the stomach and small intestine. Whatever was kinked when I went in was now unkinked. Due to random scar tissue and adhesions from all the past surgeries, I am more subject to occasional attacks as I had last Friday. So now its time to learn how to treat my body better that I might lessen the chances of this happening again. And with the increasing of responsibilities and travel, the challenge to eat right and properly care for my own health is mine to take or ignore...

Special thanks to Pastor Miles for coming over to my home just before I called 911. He graciously met the paramedics, helped them with information concerning me and secured my house when they took me to the ER. Later in the day he also covered for me at a graveside service I was to officiate at Oak Hill. With all that's going on in his life he took the time to help and serve and minister comfort to me and the hurting folks who I couldn't minister to. Made me proud of our new Sr. Pastor at CCE. Pastor Richard also stayed with me for several hours at the hospital on Friday - he ministered to me more than he knows.

I also want to thank my dear sister-in-law, Nancy, for staying with me at the ER at Palomar and Kaiser and being my advocate when I was really hurting and out of it. She also spent many hours sitting with me in my hospital room each day and I'm so grateful for her care and company.

So now it's back home and time to refocus on what's ahead. Keep loving and serving one another!

In His Arm's,


1 comment:

  1. Pastor Pat
    I will continue to pray for your good health and for your ministry, you are a blessing God has given all of us.
    In Him
