Sunday, August 17, 2008


What a great morning! I was able to attend both morning services at my home church, CC Escondido, and was thoroughly blessed by all the love and warm greetings, great worship by Chuck Butler and his band and a challenging message out of the MT. 28 great commission passage by my old friend, Jeff Jackson. There is nothing like true Christian fellowship! And I don't think there is anything more beautiful than a church family gathering together for corporate worship, encouragement and study of God's Word.

Pray your coming week is blessed - and as you go about your way, pour out the love of Jesus on all who cross your path!

In His Arm's,



  1. Dear Pat,

    It was wonderful to see you there this morning, looking happy and refreshed and greeting your brothers and sisters in the Lord with such love and care. Yes, behold how good and how plesant it is to dwell together in unity.

    God's great plan for the next phase of your life is just around the corner and we all believe together that it is going to be GREAT!

    His wonderful, bountiful, heart-filling blessings upon you, brother.

  2. Hi Pat,
    You're looking good! It was really nice to see you on Sunday.

    Your sister,
