Sunday, July 15, 2007

A different reality

Yesterday's memorial service for Joyce was so beautiful. The music, the testimonials, and the sweet fellowship made for an overwhelming day of love and encouragement. My family and I were so blessed by so many. It was a fitting tribute to an amazing lady!

Today I had breakfast with my sister and two nieces from the Chicago area before their flight back to the mid west. Though the time was short, they were able to spend some good time with Jordan and Noelle and the grandkids - and had some good bonding time with their west coast family.

Noelle and Paul headed back up to LA this afternoon leaving me to an empty house for the first time. The process of facing a new reality is upon me. As the afternoon wore on I found myself overcome several times with a deep sense of loss and grief. I had a choice to stay at home this evening or get out and do something. I chose the latter and headed over to church for the Sunday nite prayer meeting. It was clearly the right thing for me to do. Only a few folks had gathered and Pastor Josh led the devotion and then we all prayed for one another and for folks who were hurting and for wisdom for the leadership of our church. It was a simple, sweet time and I felt refreshed and at peace when I got back home this evening.

I'm sure I have so much to learn about living without Joyce in this new reality. She has been so much a part of me for 35 years - but I can't forget that the Lord has also been a part of that three fold cord all these years and He is still with me. So I'm not alone and that is reality.

We'll see what this week unfolds - thanks for your continuing prayer!

In His Arm's,



  1. Sorry that i just heard about ate Joyce's death. We will continually keep you in our prayers. We are blessed for you heart for the Filipino people, and we hope that someday you can come and visit us again. Someday... when we see Him face to face, we will be able to reunite with ate Joyce... With love from the Philippines. Dyna, Genghis & CCTC family.

  2. Pat,

    The memorial service was such a lovely tribute to Joyce. The things people shared about her were touching and perfect. She would have been so blessed, and maybe even surprised, to hear how she made such an impact in so many lives. Her life truly reflected the love of the Lord in so many ways!

    The reception was a sweet time of fellowship. Seeing so many brothers and sisters from years gone by at Calvary Escondido was great! It was almost overwhelming (in a good way) trying to place the names with the faces of so many folks whom we haven't seen in years! I think we got a tiny little glimpse of heaven, in gathering with saints of our pasts.

    May the Lord comfort and guide you in the days ahead as you enter this "new reality" in your life. I know how close you were with Joyce and what a void this leaves for you. Pastor Mark shared well when he said how when Joyce would come into the office you would always stop what you were doing. I remember it that way too, and how you would just light up when she called or came in! I have always admired your love for her. I will miss her calls and visits to the office and seeing you light up the way you did when your "sweetie"

    God bless you, Pat. Jeff and I love you and will continue praying for you.

    "Rejoyce" in the Lord always!


  3. Pastor Pat,

    What a blessing Joyce's memorial was. She has touched so many. Hearing Noelle speak about her Mom with such loving closeness, made me re-evaluate my relationship with my daughters. I want to have what Joyce and Noelle have. Joyce's service has changed me. Please know Pastor that you are in our prayers daily, and we are continuing to pray for your health needs also.

  4. I feel bad for you.I am going to miss Joyce.
    Love Madison Walker (nikki is my mom)

  5. Unfortunatly, 'loss and grief' will be a big part of the healing process. Yes, it is difficult to be in a house alone after sharing it with someone for 34 years. I've been there and done that. At times I thought I would not be able to endure, but the 'spirit of comfort' and the love of family saw me through it all. More now, than ever, we all have to continue to keep you dear Pat in our thoughts and prayers. Reality tells me that you will shed many more tears. Tears are good. Sorrow comes to everyone at one time or other. Physical activity will help. Walking, swimming, playing gets the blood coursing through your system. WRITING YOUR FEELINGS DOWN IN YOUR BLOG AND SHARING IT AS YOU HAVE, HELPS. IT IS NATURAL TO CRY WHEN PAIN OR SORROW COMES. THIS IS A RELIEF MECHANISM PROVIDED IN THE BODY BY ALMIGHTY GOD. A GOOD CRY IS A RELEASE FROM HEARTACHE, SO LET THE TEARS FLOW. HOLDING THEM BACK IS NOT GOOD. THIS IS YOUR TIME TO WEEP.



  6. Dear Pastor Pat,

    Psalm 42:8
    The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, And in the night His song shall be with me - A prayer to the God of my life.

    This is my prayer for you. His word is sure. His promises are true. We continue in prayer for you, our brother. We love you.

    Ken & Teresa Pilbin

  7. The Angel Gomez FamilyJuly 16, 2007 at 4:57 PM

    To Our Dear Pastor Pat:

    What a beautiful tribute to your beloved Joyce. The slide show was precious, boy what a special love you two shared. It is and was so obvious in every picture of the two of you how deeply you loved each other. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful, and what a blessing she and your Jordan and the grandchildren will be to you as you go through the grieving process. There are no shortcuts, unfortunately, Pat it hurts so bad it surprises me that we truly can endure a broken heart. Of course, that's where God comes is to hold us so close, you can almost feel his arms around you. You are loved so much and we will never be able to thank you for sharing yours and Joyce's love story. It will stay with us always. Please promise to take care of yourself, we lift you up in prayer and are here for you and are hurting with you. You have so many people who love and care for you, but at the same time you need some alone time to pour your heart out to the Lord. He is right there beside you holding you up every step of the way.

    We all send our love and prayers to you today and every day.

    Love In Christ,
    Margaret, Kathy, Rosemarie, Emily and Angelica

  8. Dearest Pastor Pat,
    I knew that I wanted to respond to your blog but at first I didn't know what to say. Of course the Lord would be faithful to give me the words! As I was catching up on some paperwork that was sitting on my desk I opened up my bible to add the church bulletin from Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church where Marcus attends church in Riverside. In doing so prompted me to clean up some notes that I had taken during service at our church. There was only one piece of paper with notes on it dating back to 10-25-2006 which was a Wednesday night service that you gave while we were in the book of Numbers. For the longest time I thought that I was just being lazy in getting to these notes and making my flash cards but today the Lord has shown me that He would use these notes to minister to you how He used YOU to minister to me! What spoke to me the most during the service that night was how we are to edify one another! Part of the scipture was Numbers 6:24-26 which reads:

    "The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!"

    I pray this blessing for you Pastor Pat! The Lord has used you in a remarkable way to speak to me! I pray that the Lord uses all of His church to speak/minister to you! Thank you for being so personal in your blog. Only the Lord could have given you the strength to keep us updated. You've been most generous during what I can only imagine as being your darkest hours! Joyce's memorial was the most beautiful service I've ever attended and she is loved and greatly missed! Although I didn't get to know her nearly as much as I would have liked too her passing has greatly impacted my life! The testimonial of her life seen through her family and closest friends speaks volumes of what a Godly woman she was!!! The Lord has used Joyce to inspire me to be more Godly and pleasing in HIS eyes!!! To be a better servant, better mother, better friend (to total strangers as well) and God willing someday in the near future to be a Godly wife!!! You are very much loved and I leave you with this verse:

    Psalm 4:8
    In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety.

    May God bless you and keep you safely in His arms!!

    With God's love,
    Michele Antonacci

  9. The memorial service for your Joyce was so beautiful. What a wonderful example she was. I also walked away from that service wanting to be a more godly woman.
    I kept her memorial picture and taped it to my wall. I could not throw it out. It brings me a measure of peace to look at it and to remind me to continue pressing forward to being more like her.

    God Bless you and your family.

  10. Still checking in on you. So glad to hear that you are beginning to experience the joy of knowing that Joyce is with the Lord. I could just hear your laugh as I pictured you on Sunday enjoying the fellowship. Praying that your surgery will be sooner rather than later. We love you Pat.
