Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday nite 6-21-07

We continue to wait. Joyce has been resting deeply most of today. She has very little pain and is comfortable in her own bed in her own bedroom in her own home - with family in and out all day. That's how she wanted it. We had a houseful of people today - mostly family and it was hard for many but wonderful how we all were helping each other thru.

Someone called us wondering why Joyce wasn't on an IV for fluids. The reason we switched over to hospice was because our goals had changed. We were no longer interested in further treating the disease as further treatment would only cause more pain and weakness. We knew that as the end approached we didn't want to be in and out of hospitals and stuck with needles.
The goal has been to keep Joyce as comfortable and pain free as possible as she prepares to go home. Giving more fluids at this time would be tantamount to prolonging her pain and suffering.
Joyce is ready for her new body - and this is the path she has chosen.

We pray for the Lord's mercy to take her home soon now. Her earthly tent is about worn out. Glory with her Savior awaits! Come quickly Lord Jesus!



  1. Love you guys, Pat.

    All Our Love and Prayers,

    The Olson Ranch

  2. Dear Pastor Pat & family,
    We are still lifting you up in our prayers. Soon she will be with our Father and away from the pain. When the time comes for her to leave, He will give you and your family the strength to carry on.

    Take care 0:- ) God bless

  3. Pat my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very moment. I sometimes wonder if the pain we/or loved ones go through during the grave illness is to help us to let go. Through my experience I didn't want my love ones to go be with the Lord, I wanted them to stay longer, but seeing them in such pain I found myself praying to the Lord to please come and take them quickly. I didn't want their pain to continue. For years I felt ashamed and guilty for praying such a prayer. Pain/suffering is a way in which it helps us to let go of our love one and our love one to let go of this world and be ready to be with the Lord Who is waiting to receive us with open arms. May the Lord continue to give you strength and courage through this difficult time.

  4. Pat, Our hearts are aching with you all. We love you and are praying earnestly for God's grace and mercy to shine thru in this difficult time. May He give you all the peace that passes all understanding and His strength for the days ahead. We love you here in Arkansas.
    The Crosby family

  5. Pat,
    How we love you guys! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to talk to Joyce on speakerphone. You guys are in our prayers daily. You are still ministering to so many people by living the words "Though you slay me, yet will I trust you." Everyone here in Belize remembers Joyce and are praying for your family.
    Juan and Karen

  6. Pastor Pat and family,
    We love you! Even in your suffering, you, Joyce(yes!), your family, and friends continue to be shining examples of Christ working in so many hearts through this trial. I know He's working in mine.

    John 9...when Jesus' disciples asked why the man was born blind, Jesus replied, "...but that the works of God should be revealed in him. I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work."

    Father, receive Joyce into your waiting arms and may Your Comfort fill the Kenney house.

  7. Pat, thank you so much for sharing information with us at such a difficult time. You and Joyce are never far from our thoughts these days. We continue to lift you up in prayer. We love you!
    Eric, Tonya, Olivier & Isabelle Jamois

  8. Dearest Kenney's,
    Continuing on our knees for you, interceding.

  9. Pat and Joyce,

    We love you.
    Thank you for loving us.

    Bill, Marilyn and Bill

  10. Pat:

    Gus and I have been praying for your situation. We love you and will continue to pray for the Lord to ease the pain. Gus prayed this morning reminding Jesus that He had already endured all the pain on the cross. It no longer belongs to us. I don't have much of a voice but if she ever wanted someone to just sing hyms to her, I would like to do that.

    Gus and A.



  12. I would just like you to know Pat and Joyce that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you guys. Tony and Angie Bierle

  13. GOD be with you both. As much as we love you, He loves you so much more. A BIG HUG to you both and GOD's perfect peace.

  14. "We are not humans having a Spiritual Experience.
    We are Spirits having a human experience."

    Lord, Thank You for letting us cross paths with Joyce. Her beautiful smile will be remembered forever. In our minds eye let us see that beautiful smile as she enters the gates of heaven with praise and thanksgiving.


    With much Love and Prayers,
    The Keleshians'

  15. with each breath, breathe in His love and exhale His peace. A miracle is happening, His will is being fulfilled, His daughter, whom He loves more than all we can, will be home, at last, where she (and all of us) belong. How much deeper can He show us Himself, there is so much more He has for you both to reveal, moment at a time. There is safety and security in His will, do not fear. Let the pain go through you and be taken up by Him. He is attentive, no slack in what is happening. I see Him as right beside you, holding you both, listening, crying with you both, and knowing the joy that will come in the morning for you both. You are not alone, your family in christ, are with you both.

  16. Thank you, Pat, for sharing with all of us. Our prayers are with you all. Joyce has been a blessing to us.
    God bless you all.
    Greg & Sharon Graham

  17. Pastor Pat, Joyce and Family,

    I am praying for you all, praying for God to comfort her, praying for Him to bring her home quickly.

    Blessings to you all and thank you for letting us go thru this with you.


  18. Hi Pat,
    I sit in the front row with my wonderful husband of 30 years. My heart really goes out to you and all the pain you have. Frank is the love of my life and I know Joyce is the love of your life! I can not imagine the pain you feel as the love of your life suffers so much. My prayers are with you and Joyce! Karen

  19. Hello Kenney Clan,
    Just a wee note to let you know we've been praying for you.

    Victoria prayed that Jesus would come into my Momma's room and comfort her Himself. I guess that explains the big fat smile she had on her face the moment He took her home.

    Joyce, I am praying you can see His face shining upon you. We know His countenance is lifted upon you. May He continue to bless you, keep you and give you His heavenly peace.

    We love you and trust the Lord for all your needs.

    Donovan :) and Gabbi :)

  20. Yes, Jesus, please come quickly! Praying continually that you and your family will be held close in His Comforting Hands.

    We love you,
    In Christ ~ The Asman Family
    (Todd, Rachel, Raylene & Chetty in Heaven)
