Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday afternoon 6-25

Hi Friends and Family!

Well Joyce continues to hold on to life! Her hospice nurse told us this morning that the death process for younger cancer patients, who had been healthy except for the cancer, often takes longer than those who were older and suffering from other ailments. In Joyce's case her heart is strong, her kidneys have not been diseased, her mind is still processing...and she's just not quite ready to go. She does not seem to be distressed nor in much discomfort or pain. Her lungs are clear and no bed sores either. Her blood pressure and pulse were a bit fainter this morning but still pretty normal 118/80 with a pulse of 96 and only a slight temp. When she is awake she is often laughing softly...several times today she'ld say out of the blue, "That's funny!" and "Ya know what?"

It could still be a few more days but things could also change very quickly. So we love her while we wait! Theresa P. was with her this morning and read to her a lot from the Word - Joyce had some longer periods where she was awake but not agitated - thanks Lord for that! Christi O. is with her now and it's pretty quiet in the house again today.

Thanks again for continuing with us in prayer and the lifting of our arm's as we wait.

In His Arm's,



  1. Pat, when I wake in the middle of the night or early morning Joyce and you are on my heart. I just pray. I pray God will heal her and if that's not His plan that He would let her go easy. I love you and know you two are held by His Everlasting Arms.

  2. Pat....

    You, Joyce and family have truly been an inspiration and example of trusting in our Lord and waiting on Him for everything! Our hearts are heavy as you go through this but joyful at the same time knowing that it's in His hands. We are lifting you, Joyce and your family up in prayer. We, your family in Christ, love you very much and want you to know that we are all here if you need us!

    Our prayers are with you. Hugs from cyberspace!

    God Bless.....Bob and Gloria

  3. Dear friends, We wait with you. Our hearts are in prayer for you both. We cannot sleep much as we watch, but something strange has happened, we are more at peace. One od your frienda made a comment on the blog a few days ago that helped us to understand how God works. He helps us to let go of the person when we see the pain and difficulty they are in. I praise God for those comforting words. We love you guys and pray for Gods peace and mercy to be poured out on your entire family.

  4. Dear Pastor Pat & Joyce,
    Our prayers are with you as we watch and wait. I am glad that you are able to have these precious moments when she is awake and not in pain. So many of us have been truly touched during your trials.

    Take care O :-) God bless

  5. Pat,

    Thank you for your keeping us posted day by day. Hopefully it is as theraputic for you to write as it is for us to read. Even though we all can't be right there with you and Joyce, our hearts and prayers sure are.
    God bless you, and may He minister to each of your family during this time of waiting.
    Truly we are to "be anxious for nothing!" Casting all our cares on Jesus - may He carry you in these times.

  6. Dear Pat,
    Thank you for including us all in this time. You show us the love and value you place for the body of Christ as we agree together in prayer across the globe! We truly are family.

    I am so thankful that Joyce is less agitated. I am blessed to hear of the soft laughter and funny comments, it shows she is more peaceful and at rest. Praise God.

    Our family is praying, we love you all.

    Norma E.

  7. Pat we are praying for you and Joyce. We pray for God's loving arms around you both. Just a little note if Joyce is not drinking a much water perhaps ice chips would be helpful, it will help keep her cool and moisten her mouth, also popciles would also help keep her cool. Jello is also good. These are only suggestions. We continue to hold you up in prayer. We love you very mucy.

  8. Continuing to pray every day. May God continue to pour out His love and mercy on Joyce, you and your family every day.

    Love in Christ,
    The Asman Family (Todd, Rachel, Raylene & Chet in Heaven)

  9. Pat:

    I am so thankful for your sharing. I am sorry not to be able to see Joyce again but I am so thankful to the Lord for the times I did get to talk with her and to hear her share her heart. I just love you both and I am so thankful for your influence and witness in my life. Jason and I like so many others are praying for you all.


  10. Dear Pastor Pat,
    Thank you for keeping us posted. Your family is always on our thoughts and prayers, day and nite.
    May God grant you all the "Peace that surpasses understanding" and may His joy be your strength.
    In everything, may our gracious Lord be praised and glorified.

  11. Pastor Pat and Joyce and family,

    Our God is an awesome God, He reigns, from heaven above, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God! Dave and I love you all so much. Pat, you and Joyce have encouraged us with your hugs, hearts, and sharing over the years. We pray daily for all of you. To know Christ is right by your side walking every step with you and sometimes for you. He has a perfect plan for each of you. Heaven awaits all who believe in Jesus. Joyce may arrive there before us but we prayed for a miraculous healing this evening which I believe God can do, it is His will. All glory to Him. May you be hugged by Jesus today and each day as you trust in Him knowing the body loves your family more deeply than you can imagine. Please read My Utmost for his Highest this week beginning with Monday if you haven't--Updated edition. I believe there are words of comfort there for you and your family. May you know His peace and if you look at Joyce, you will see Jesus for she is an example of Him. Please give her a hug and kiss from us and the body of CC Escondido. God bless and sing her her favorite song tonight!

    Love Patti and Dave Tice and children who you help us to love unconditionally--Thank you!
