Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Server

Last Friday evening the church's website began a move to a new server. As a result, my blog and many other items associated with were migrating thru cyberspace for the better part of this past week. As of yesterday, everything seemed to have found it's new home and we're up and running again.

The week was a blur with family and church things. I had some good days and a couple harder days and am still waiting for my surgery date. I started the Grief-share series at Emmanual Faith Comm. Church here in Escondido on Tuesday evening. It's the first of a 13 week session and tho it was painful at times, it was helpful. I was in a group of about a dozen men and women who had recently lost their spouses. There have been times that I just couldn't believe what has happened. I watched some video and heard Joyce's voice and her being gone seemed so unreal.

But the Lord has and will continue to see me and my family thru. I praise Him for His faithfulness. He truly is our ever present help in time of trouble!

In His Arm's,



  1. Still praying for you my friend!

  2. Pastor Pat,

    I just got home from a two week vacation and came straight to my computer to read what you had to say on your Blog. What you are experiencing comes as no surprise to me. Even with the Lords help, It will be a long rough road of adjustment without Joyce. You need to know,now, that the pain never leaves, it just gets to the point where you learn to tolerate it. That silvery lining will come and go, and the SUN will shine brightly, for awhile. The rain of tears will fall, depression will come over you like a cloud of doom, but your will survive. I realize with the Holidays around the corner it is going to be an added challenge for you to get through it all. My heart aches for the pain you are having to endure. Most of the joy has been taken from you, but it will return in a bitter sort of way. This is reality. But life goes on, doesn't it?
    Keeping you in thought and prayer....God Bless you....Isabelle
