Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wed. April 11, 07

Hi Folks! Sorry about the gap in posts to my blog. Been in a bit of a communication meltdown this past week.

Easter Sunday was wonderful at church but none of my family were able to make it.

Joyce has also begun hurting more again and so has my spirit. Several times this past week I tried to think of encouraging, positive things to write and was just empty, blank, and honestly dealing with an, "I don't care" attitude.

Joyce's palliative care nurse was by this morning and helped us understand the proper use of her pain meds, which we basically were not using with the most efficiency. I think that helped some and Joyce felt encouraged. This disease can be a frightening, paralyzing monster at times and it's been gnawing on both of us. New or recurring pain renews fears of worsening quality of life. For me, fearing her slowly deteriorating and then losing her battle is, at times, just overwhelming - and such it has been this week.

So that's about it for now. Thanks for continuing to pray for us. In the Lord, the Lord alone is everything we need.

In His Arm's,


1 comment:

  1. You are human and I know God understands your fears and saddness. I keep you both in my prayers daily. My God hold you both up today
