Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sat. Apr.28, '07

Hi all! Just wanted to bring an update on what's been going on with Joyce and I this past week.

Joyce had a very hard day on Tuesday. She awoke with lot's of pain and the medications were not helping. She was also sick and dizzy and couldn't eat or drink anything. It was a scary day but the Lord saw us thru it! Her doc changed her meds a bit and by Wednesday morning she was feeling a lot better. We're unsure of what brought it all on. She has been OK since.

I'm still working my way thru the antibiodics for my colon problems. Should be done by Monday. I think what freaked me out the most was the fear of being unable to help Joyce when she needed it. Good health is a precious gift that most don't appreciate until it's not there.

Anyway, we press on, knowing that the Lord is with us and that He will guide us thru every challenge and be with us in every difficulty.

Blessings! Pat


  1. Praise God! What more can any of us do. I lift you up to our God of Love and pray that you will be strengthened in your tribulations! Blessed be the name of the Lord!

  2. 21, 2007 at 1:51 PM

    Dear Pat & Joyce
    I have to thank you for the beautiful flowers which arrived today from you both .I thank you dearly for your good wishes and prayers. I shouldnt be sad for my Mum as she is out of her pain now and I hope with her beloved son Gerard who died suddenly aged 45 in 1995.I would ask you also to pray for Ann (my stepsister) who has a cerbral anuerism and has had her life support machine turned off and now awaits for God to call her to Him. Thank you again and I pray that Joyce will continue to improve and we all look forward so much to meeting you in November for happier times With love from Charmian & David
