Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Plans - His Plans

Prov. 16:9 says, "A man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps." Or, as a refrigerator magnet I have says, "Man plans - God laughs!"

My plan was to fly to Tucson tomorrow to rep Shepherd's Staff at the SW Pastor's and Leaders conference. The fly in the ointment was that for the first time in over 20 years, I lost my drivers license this past week! Without the actual license I couldn't rent a vehicle - which was a must for all the back and forth meetings I was hoping to have. My passport alone was good for the flights but then I'd be stuck. Option B was to drive out, but the 7 hour drive would just be too much for my still hurting abs and lower back. My director at Shep Staff recommended I just focus on the Santa Maria conference this coming weekend.

Well I asked you guys to pray - and this is what I get??!?? :-) just kidding. I have a peace now about it but yesterday I was not a happy camper. God knows what I can and can't handle right now and so I have to adjust my steps to His directing.

So the DMV tomorrow and a call to my doc to check why the pain in my side and back seems to be getting worse. Perhaps it's a thorn in my flesh of some kind and for some purpose I, at the moment, don't quite understand.

I'll keep you posted.

BTW I did teach the missions class up at Refuge Calvary in Huntington Beach this evening and it was a real blessing. A whole bunch of folks with a heart for missions there. Some that are going out to the field and others who feel called to serve as senders. I taught on the components of a missionaries' care/support team. They are in the middle of a 9 week training called, "Get up and Go!"  And thanks Pastor Bill for the coffee and fellowship before the meeting!

Hope you all have blessed and fruitful week serving your wonderful King!

In His Arm's,


1 comment:

  1. The Lord has been taking me through, "Not my will, but His will". "Not my way, but His way"...sigh. I'm sure you can imagine how painful that is for ME! So it looks like you and I (and I'm sure countless others) are in the same boat. Continuing to pray for you.
