Friday, December 21, 2007

Good week

Just a short update. This week has been my best week pain wise since the surgery. I'm feeling stronger, less fatigued, and tho I'm still on the mend I'm overall feeling a lot better. Even weathered a slight cold without it getting worse. I've been talking with the Lord a lot as well about my present situation and feel assured that He has a plan and is holding me - even tho most of the time it feels like I'm in free fall - not so - He is ever present and ever holding!

I pray your Christmas gatherings with family and friends will be tremendously blessed with His joy and peace!

In His Arm's,



  1. Your sharing so blesses us all! And i know our family thinks of you and your family all the time! And all these firsts are gonna be hard, but I so think the LORD is so faithful, and HE is the almighty comforter! And I know when you are heavy on our hearts is when you need the prayers the most! So Pastor/brother.....we will continue to lift you and i know the LORD hears our prayers, and the LORD has a plan an amazing plan so bless you pastor we love you!

  2. Merry Christmas Pastor Pat.
    We love you!
