Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After Christmas

Well it's Wednesday morning, 12-26, and Christmas 2007 has come and gone. It was my first Christmas without Joyce and God saw my family and I through. We all had a really good time together - a very busy last few days - and I know Joyce would have been blessed by the love and closeness of the family. The grandkids were beyond over-stimulation and as they usually do, brought a level of energy that helped make our gatherings a lot of fun.

Now things are very quiet and it's time to refocus on what God is calling you and I to for the coming year. 2008 will have it's own unique challenges for all of us and it will be essential that we are walking close to the Lord, staying in His Word, and letting Him direct and use us as He desires. 

I still have a few medical challenges ahead for the next two or three months. Hopefully in February I'll be having another surgery to reconnect my colon - they tell me the recovery time from that surgery is much quicker than the one I recently went thru. While I'm waiting for that to be scheduled I'll be back in the pulpit thru most of January and early Feb. As always, I deeply appreciate and need your prayers. May we all press on to know and serve our Lord!

In His Arm's,



  1. You inspire many, your consistent walk and faith through the last year is a testiment to how we should all lean and trust in the Lord. Keep going Pat.
    Look forward to your return to the pulpit and subsequent sermons.

    May God continue to bless you.

  2. Hey Pat,
    Your name has come up recently because a friend of mine from Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach moved to San Marcos as a result of a pending divorce. I've been trying to get him to come visit ya'll at Escondido.
    But anyway, reading your blog I learned about the moving on of Joyce to heaven. May God strengthen you as you go through these rough transitions. How long has it been? Was it expected?
    Anyway, I have cause to pray for you.
    Tom Wood
    Georgetown, TX

  3. We serve a mighty God do we not Brother? He is able to do above and beyond all that we may need or ask. May His name be praised as He continues to hold you in the palm of His hand, comforting you and strengthening you.

    You are in my prayers and I am excited to see what great things the LORD has in store for you.

    In Christ Jesus, a fellow laborer in the Harvest...
