Saturday, October 13, 2007

A bit harder

This past week has been a little tougher to deal with. The Lord has been, as He always is, close. We had one of our seniors pass into heaven on Monday, Ouida; Tuesday I had my Griefshare class over at Emmanuel Faith; Wednesday I talked with a man who just lost his father to cancer; Thursday I ran into some old friends who didn't know Joyce passed away. I had to deal with the question again on Friday from a nurse at Kaiser, "How's your wife doing?" 

And, as has been my "new normal", I come home to an empty, all too quiet house every day. On my recent trips visiting family and friends so many new things were happening with them but I was painfully aware that I wouldn't be able to share those experiences with Joyce anymore. I'm dealing with it - I know that's just the way it's going to be for a while. Perhaps my upcoming surgery is working on my head as well. Will I get thru it reasonably well; will I be OK for my daughters wedding? Lot's to just leave in the Lord's strong hands.

So I'll be keeping pretty busy the next eight days or so - leaving tomorrow for the Missions conference then short visits to Mesquite and Phoenix. I'll likely be out of the pulpit for the next three or four weeks after my surgery as I recuperate. Appreciate your continued prayer!

In His Arm's,



  1. Keep looking up, Pat!

    Perhaps today.


  2. Pastor Pat,

    Your honest writing is such a special teaching to all that read it. The words touch our hearts and minister to our souls. Your journey is going to help so many others going through the same thing. Keep pressing on. We are all praying for you, for your heart, and for the empty places that were left when Joyce took her place in heaven.
