Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thurs. 3-1-07

Today's Bible Reading: Numbers 23-25; Mark 7:14-37

Yesterday was a challenge for us. Our oncologist said, on the positive side that it appears the chemo is working as the pain in the original places has subsided considerably. She ordered new CT scans to be done in about three weeks. But the right leg injury is a problem. The X-rays showed a possible "imminent" fracture - not sure what that means - except that Joyce will have to see an orthopedic doc in the next few days. If it is fractured or measurably weakened it will need to be "stabilized" - I don't like that word. She is in a wheel chair now - can't use her right leg at all.

Added to the discomfort mix, she is scheduled for chemo this afternoon. Joyce is in good spirits thru all of this and still fighting. I, on the other hand, am wrestling with many things - mostly mental/spiritual. It's easy to be thankful when things are going well - but takes pure faith when things are falling apart. So again I find myself arguing with the Lord over His Mercy and Kindness towards Joyce. I read of His healing power (Mark 7) and struggle when faced with worsening disease. Then I realize that I am to be His hands of mercy and kindness to my wife in my love and care for her. I'm good with that - it just takes a while to click in.

I have purposely taken myself out of the loop concerning the everyday business of the church. Mark, Richard and Miles, with the support of our Elders will be leading the fellowship for the time being. I am planning on still preaching on Sunday mornings whenever possible.

Today, we need His grace and strength!

In His Arm's, Pat


  1. Pat hang in there and hold on to your faith. It doesn't seem feel like you're doing much, but in fact you are ministering to Joyce with your faith and ministering to all of us who read your blog. You are reaching more people than you realize. You are teaching all of us to pray, have a joyful heart,and always to trust in the Lord no matter how difficult things get. Thank you

  2. Dear Pastor Pat,
    Please, don't waiver now. As easy as it is to give in to the questions, the whys or why nots, the only thing we have that is for certain is our Father in Heaven and His love for us. All else falls away. Hold on tight, He is with you because He promised to be faithful, and we are with you too, those of us who are in the same struggle and the rest who will someday be. We love you and Joyce and are praying for God's perfect will in your lives.

  3. Dear Pastor Pat,
    We are praying for you and Joyce daily as we pray with one another and in our private prayers too. We know that His promises are proved real in the fiery trials. They are more firm than the ground we stand on or anything that we see with our eyes. There is nothing impossible for Him even if we are hemmed in on all sides and can only see an uncrossable sea before us. God still has a plan to glorify Himself in your life and He IS doing it abundantly. Stand still, keep your gaze fixed on Him who walks on the stormy sea and see His mighty deliverance.
    agape, Elaine

  4. Pat,
    We're keeping you and Joyce in our prayers. I'm so sorry this is happening. I may not know the Lord's plan for you and Joyce in this, but I do know he has a plan and he loves you both. God bless.

  5. Joyce, I am so sorry to hear of your leg injury, like you don't have enough going on. I pray the Lord will reveal why. It sure would make it easier to deal with and possibly accept...You have, over the years, revealed tremendous faith that I admire you so. Hang in there girlfriend and when you are doing better please let me know so Gloria and I can pop in.
