Friday, March 23, 2007

Fri. 3-23-07

Today's Bible Reading: Joshua 13-15; Luke 1:57-80

Joyce had a few hard days this week. It's still very slow going with the walker and lot's of fatigue. But she got thru her CT scan yesterday - you have to fast and then drink these 3 containers of a solution that makes the contrasts in the scan. It takes about 2 & 1/2 hours (drink the stuff and then wait til the body absorbs it, then the pictures are taken). Her favorite comment is "I'm just looking forward to the ride home!"

Today, she has the 3rd of 10 radiation treatments on her leg....and then the weekend to rest!

I decided not to go on the annual trip to the Padres Spring Training facilities in Peoria, AZ this weekend. Been going every spring for the past 15 years. :-(

Anyway, it's better I'm home - I know I'ld be worried about Joyce if I went and wouldn't really enjoy I'll save about $500.

Well, hope you all have a very blessed weekend in the Lord!

In His Arm's, Pat

1 comment:

  1. Hope Joyce will be feeling better with several days to rest. CAT scan solution been there done that.Yuck! In addition to God,family, and friends some things that cheered me up a little when I was going thru Cancer. I read an inspirational website
    On days when I was feeling a little better they drove me around Dixon Lake to look at the beauty and wonder. Sometimes I was actually able to take a little walk down to see the ducks. Take a little snack because the fresh air might actually helps a little with Joyce's appetite. Don't forget a big hat to protect her from the sun.
    Take care. 0:-) God bless
