Sunday, January 7, 2007

Sat. Jan 6; Gen. 16-17 & Mt. 5:27-48

Today was one of the worst for my darling wife. It was the 2nd full day after chemo and her poor body was taking a major hit - but the Lord was our help and she slept well this evening.
I felt pretty empty - didn't have much time or, to be honest, desire to study and prepare for Sunday morning. Caregiving is a real privilege but it's also very consuming and emotionally exhausting.

Sorry if this is depressing. It's just what we're going thru right now. I know the Lord is our ever present help in time of trouble....

In His arm's,


1 comment:

  1. Dear Pat and Joyce,
    Thank you so much for being so open and transparent with what you are going through. It really helps us to see Jesus in you! You are ministering to us as the Lord ministers to you. He is faithful and good in all His ways. I am begging the Lord on your behalf- for His mercy and grace, His healing and strength and especially His peace and joy. His joy over us as we obey Him in the tough times is our strength.

    Here are some verses I am praying for you about the Lord's care of even our bones:
    Ps.6:2 "...O Lord heal me for my bones are troubled."
    Prov.3:8 "...Fear the will be stregth to your bones."
    Prov.15:30 "...a good report makes the bones healthy."
    Prov.16:24 "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."
    Prov.17:22 "A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."
    Isa.58:11 "The Lord will guide you continually...and strengthen your bones..."

    May the Lord bless and protect you, may you hear His voice of comfort moment by moment and may He lift you up in His righteous right hand and carry you in His arms, near His heart.

