Wednesday, January 3, 2007

1-3-07; Gen. 7-9; Mt. 3

Genesis 7-9 covers the great Flood and story of Noah's ark. There are some great pictures of sacrifice and redemption here that forshadowed the work of Jesus for you and me.

Mt. 3 introduces us to the ministry of John the Baptist - and in verse 11, tells us how Jesus would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire. You and I need the Holy Spirit working in our lives - purging away the old man - the old sin nature, and purifying us for His purposes, and inceasing and overflowing our passion for the Lord!

I need that power and so does Joyce. She is very tired and weak and has to start chemo again tomorrow. Please pray for us!

In His Arm's,



  1. We will continue to pray you both through this time, especially tomorrow. Thank you both so much for continuing to minister to His body , even when its from home. We serve an all powerful God :)

  2. May God Bless you and keep you embraced in His love and peace.

  3. Pat and Joyce,
    My prayers are with you today (1/4/07) as they are always. It is apparent that our Lord God is holding you both very close.

    Love, faith and peace to you.
