Monday, April 13, 2009

Not so fast

My mom continues to amaze us all. About 1am this morning she opened her eyes and started chatting; uncomprehendable - but chatting nonetheless. And she stayed that way all day til I left around 7pm. She wasn't able to carry on a conversation but occasional responded to a direct question. My cousin asked her this afternoon, "Aunt Eileen, are you going to heaven?" To which mom responded clear as a bell, "Certainly!" She even puckered up for kisses while trying several times to get up, saying she wanted to go home and that she needed to get her hair done. From comatose over the weekend to this. The miracle and power of life is astounding.

None of us have any idea what tonite or tomorrow will bring. I think the whole family decided they all needed to go home and get some rest this evening. Mom's probably waiting for everyone to clear out of her room - she never liked to leave a party early!

Please continue to pray her thru on her journey to heaven.

In His Arm's,



  1. Pat,

    We are praying for you and your family. We are glad you are there to comfort and to be comforted by your siblings. You have family all over the world who pray for you continually. You are a blessing and I know God loves you more then all of us combined. God is watching over you. We send our love and prayers. Sandy and Barry Poudrier

  2. What a wonder indeed.... Praise the LORD for her assurance in Christ, our sweet blessed hope... I am praying for you Pat and all your family. May the Lord give each of you sweet times of family love and fellowship, remembering and making new memories together. I am sure that you Mom is so blessed to have all her dear ones so close at hand. I pray that you are feeling well and healing up moment by moment. May God give you songs in the night seasons. We all love you Pat... Grace and peace be with you..
