Saturday, April 5, 2008

9 Months

A blessed weekend to you all! I wrote the following to a friend of mine who lost her husband a few months ago to cancer. Her husband was a pastor and she was very involved in ministry as well - and still is. She was commenting on upcoming women's retreats she would be doing and what she wanted to be able to impart to the ladies attending about serving and trusting God in the dark times. That prompted my response, which I felt would be good to share with all of you - especially those of you who may be really struggling thru a dark season of your soul.
"I think there is a process in how God teaches us the deep things - like serving and trusting and loving and forgiving in the dark hours. We learn the principles through good teachers and our own study of the Word. We nod our heads and say, "Amen, brother!" when we hear profound truth expounded. We even copy it and tell others that these things are true! Then....then the then comes - it always does - sooner or later - and then the dark and frightening stuff of life here smashes thru all that we thought was strong and stable. Then God begins an ever so slow yet miraculous reassembly of our shattered lives. Only we're not the same anymore - we're different; our outlook, uplook, worldview, inner heart has been changed - the direction of the river has been altered. And then we get to share with others these marvelous truths of the faithfulness of our God. He uses us to touch others as we never could before."

Today it's 9 months since my Joyce finished her race and I am not the same. The direction of my life has been altered by the One Who changes the course of rivers and Who moves the mountains. And though life is so different now it is still good and God is working! May He flow thru your life today as well!

In His Arm's,



  1. Amen Pat,
    We are seeing that same in our own home. For us it is good to see my wife and the kids mom back better then ever. My self a completely different person, but better for it for the grace of God. Bruce T.

  2. Dear Pastor Pat:

    Thank you for sharing a valuable lesson to all of us who have lost loved ones, it truly is the darkest hour. We wait upon the Lord to heal our broken hearts. But it is on his time, not ours. Eventually we do begin to see his light shining through us again, but it is the hardest lesson of all. Once the healing begins we should reach out to others who are going through similar struggles. Like you said, our lives will never be the same. Our God is a loving God and we know that we have lessons to learn in this life. It is our duty to share the love of Christ with others during these difficult times because we do know what they are going through to some degree. God Bless you Pastor Pat for a beautiful life lesson today.

    Love In Christ,
    The Angel Gomez Family
    Margaret, Kathy, Rosemarie, Emily and Angelica Rose

  3. Thanks Pat,
    What a good word. I would have never wanted God to work in you through such painful circumstances, but I agree with you, that it is in these very deep and dark times that He does something that perhaps nothing else can. I can't believe it is more than 9 months already, but it has only recently really hit me fully, I miss Joyce tremendously, as I know you do.
    But I can testify, that God is good and I see His light in your eyes and hope in your step. May HE pour out upon you rivers of living water and refresh your soul with joy.
    "He gives beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness."
