Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Character matters!

I'm back from the conference in Tucson. My stamina was better than I thought it would be and I made it to most of the sessions. The theme was "Character Matters" and the studies were all out of the Book of Daniel. Many things spoke to my heart but I think the main message I got over and over is that being a man of Godly character is what I am to be - period. There are really no options, no excuses, no reasons to ever justify ungodly behavior. How do I stand before my Lord each day? He is the One Who examines the kind of person I am all around - outward and inward. In our permissive, make excuses-for-every-sinful-thing world, this seems unreasonable and impossible.

But I think even us christian folks often forget that is exactly why our Lord suffered and died in our place on that cross outside of Jerusalem nearly 2000 years ago. He died that we might live! Not just in the sweet by and by but in the stark here and now!

Jesus rose that we might rise to walk in newness of life. A new life empowered by the Holy Spirit to love like Jesus loved and to live like Jesus lived - that's what's been given to us. Our lives are changed as we trust and obey Him. But I can't expect change and power and vision and revival if I'm still doing my own thing and obeying only as it's convenient. That will never develop into godly character. I want to be a person of Godly, Christ honoring character, all the time - I pray you do to. Teach us Your ways Lord that we may walk in Your paths and be the light our homes, communities, and world so desperately needs in these last days.

In His Arm's,



  1. AMEN!
    Could not have said it better, it all leaads back to Loving God with "ALL" our heart, strength & mind, Body, Spirit. All of our selves totally surrendered to HIM.
    That we may reflect HIM.

  2. Wow...blown away by your words today. They are just what I needed. Your blog is such a blessing, and your words always minister to my soul. Thank you!
