Friday, February 29, 2008


It's tough to give updates when there is not much to update. But here goes anyway :-)

This has been a slow hard week in the recovery process. I've been dealing mostly with a bronchial infection that is finally starting to clear up and complications with my new ileostomy - lots of skin irritation and over all discomfort. So my days are a battle to get up, take all the meds - which I'm thankful for but so sick of - and try to get around and do something other than sit.

So much goes thru my mind of things I want or could be doing which I can't...and that is frustrating to say the least. I know it's not all a waste; God is using this time in ways I'll probably only discover later. Pray I can just stay tuned in to Him and not drift into anything other than His peace that passes understanding. Love to all of you!

In His Arm's,



  1. Pastor
    Praying for your health, praying that you would find HIs peace to be settled in it! The Lord showed me these words yesterday, I thought about how often I want to know God's Will, and then it hit me, it is not knowing His will as my problem, it is doing it! God in His grace understands and speaks to this concern saying he will teach me to do his will! I am certain he is doing the same for my Brother! See you soon.
    Duff & Zorica & Auntie
    Ps 143:8-10
    143:8 May I hear about your loyal love in the morning, for I trust in you.
    Show me the way I should go, because I long for you. Rescue me from my enemies, O Lord!
    I run to you for protection. Teach me to do what pleases you, for you are my God. May your kind presence lead me into a level land.
    lead me26 into a level land.27

  2. Dear Pat,

    Thank-you for your faithfulness. You may not seem like you're doing anything as you share in your blog but your daily walk has been an inspiration to Barry and I for so many years and it continues to this day as we read your blog. You have been so instrumental in our lives and as we think and pray for you know we love you and you will always be our Pastor no matter where God leads us. We miss you and will continue to pray for you Pat.

    Lots of Love from the Poudrier's
