Sunday, February 24, 2008

God is Good

It's early Sunday morning - about the time I'd normally be up and getting ready to head over to the church for Sunday morning services. Today, I'm a full week home from the hospital - but not going anywhere just yet. My wounds are healing up pretty quickly - I'm on half the pain meds I was a week ago and getting used to the new ileostomy bag, but I've been battling a deep cough all week - likely from the surgery and long hospital stay. And frequent coughing after major abdominal surgery seems to sap what little energy I have. That being said, it's still a good day and God is in control.

I was reading in the Our Daily Bread devotional this morning and one thought there strengthened me for the day and week ahead. "Circumstances are not the barometer of God's love and goodness - the cross is." I think it's only human to wrestle with the questions of "Why is God letting all these things happen to me? Where is his love and kindness and goodness in all these trials?" But only the cross brings these hard things of life into clear and true focus. God gave His Son to not only take away my sin and give me the promise of eternal life - but also to keep my mind and heart true and focused and steady during the storms and hardships of normal life. "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."

God is good and loves each of us more than we could ever comprehend.

In His Arm's,


1 comment:

  1. Pastor Pat
    We are praying for your health, we are encouraged by your faith. We look forward to having you over very soon. A dear friend of ours from CT, their Daughter was in a terrible snow boarding accident. Like you her faith was tested and proven genuine! She has a blog
    I used to sit for those three kids look what God has done.
    I am certain that God will accomplish in you all he intended, he completes the work. I will call soon to stop by, right now my back is out. Thankful I was able to work, would covet your prayers as I recover. Just want you to know we think much of you and are excited about your recovery and return.
    Your Flock,
    Duff & Zorica & Auntie
