Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year Notes

Well here we go! 2008 is off and running. Got to be a little brighter than 2007, amen?

Health wise - so far so good. Feeling better than I have in months. I have a pre-surgery colonoscopy scheduled for this Monday afternoon - necessary before the next surgery which is looking pretty good for mid February.

Spirit wise - also a lot better. God is so faithful to hold me up when I can't stand on my own. In spite of all that's happened this past year I still am so blessed. He truly can do above and beyond all that I could ask or think. Am I setting myself up for more disappointment this year should more heavy trials come? Nope, I don't think so! God is still our Rock and will remain so no matter what's beating against us. "I will call upon the Lord! Who is worthy to be praised! So shall I be saved from (whatever)!" Ps. 18:3

Saturday, 1/5, it will be 6 months since my Joyce was taken Home. Hard to believe that much time has already passed. As always, thank you for praying and lifting up my family and I and our church. Please don't stop!

In His Arm's,


1 comment:

  1. Pastor Pat,

    This is Brooks Fuller from Horizon Christian Fellowship. I just wanted to say hello and to thank you for your faithfulness. I look forward to seeing you sometime soon.
