Saturday, May 26, 2007

Short Getaway

Hi Friends and Family!

Joyce and I were able to get away for a few days and just got back into town this afternoon. Some friends of ours blessed us with a mini-vacation up in San Clemente. We stayed in a comfortable and quiet condo close to the ocean - we could see and hear the waves breaking on the shore from the patio! Joyce did well and each day we got out and did something together.
God is good!

I didn't have an internet connection there so I couldn't post to the blog.

Next week Joyce has more testing again - tumor marker, bone scan and CT scan.

Our love to all of you! Pat

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pastor Pat,

    I am in Schaumburg. I thought I was going to get a break from travel but I've been gone 3 of the last 5 weeks.
    I got behind a bit and am catching up on the blog. Hang in there. I pinch myself everytime I land in San Diego. The Lord has blessed us with such a great climate and the opportunity to go to places like San Clemente. It warms my heart that you guys had a chance to get away for a spell.

    God Bless,

