Saturday, February 3, 2007

Sat. 2-3-07

Thru the Bible in a year: Exodus 31-33; Matthew 22:1-22

Yesterday was a hard day for Joyce - the first couple of days after chemo usually are - but she rested good, ate a little and didn't get sick. She was in a lot of pain thruout the day but slept well last night and went 10 hours between her main pain med dosing - she is totally my hero!

I stayed home with her and was just greatful that I could. We have a wonderful staff at CCE and the ministry moves forward. Miles and Josh made it back safely from Germany and brought me a small bar of German Choclate which my granddaughter and I really enjoyed!

My brother Mike is doing well too. He also had a hard day in ICU yesterday but everything is progressing as it's supposed to and he likely will be transfered to a regular room today.

Hope your day is full of Jesus!


1 comment:

  1. Joyce is TOTALLY my hero, too!! :-)
    Thanks for sharing, Pat. CONTINUALLY lifting you both up in prayer. We love you guys.
