Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sat. 1-17-07

Our Bible reading for today: Leviticus 21-22 and Matthew 28

Thanks for praying! Today was a fruitful day. Our monthly elders meeting was encouraging to me in many ways. We prayed for hurting families, Pastor Miles shared about our vision for more systematic discipleship and training for ministry; we discussed selection of a couple of new elders soon, and we talked about my role and function in leading the church in these trying days.

I am so blessed to have such a great group of godly men around me and helping me with the many duties of ministering to our flock at CCE. In the days ahead, we'll be laying out a plan of transition of responsibilities that will, we believe, help our church continue to move forward in God's purposes for us. Those who know me well know I feel I need to me in charge, in control of everything that's happening at CCE. But God is graciously dealing with me and I think I'm starting to hear him...and realizing He is the one in control and can work thru all of us, in many different ways, to accomplish His plans.

I have very capable, experienced, gifted, humble and loving pastors and elders holding up my arms. I trust them and their leadership and decision making abilities. They love CCE as much as I do and I need to let them run without having to take everything thru me. I'll still be teaching on most Sunday's and Wednesdays but I need to let go of the day to day running of the
ministry and let my team grow to their potential. I need to be home with Joyce more and more as she battles her cancer. Our board is encouraging me to do just that - so in the next couple of weeks we'll be working on the plan and let the body know the details when it's ready to implement. Pray my stubborn pride dies :-)

On the home front, Joyce was able to come with me and Noelle to Gabbi and Donovan's wedding this evening at the church. She hadn't been to the church in nearly 3 months - it was very tiring for her but she did it! I was so proud of her! And the wedding was full of joy and good fellowship. A great day overall! Thank You Lord!



  1. Praying for Joyce daily, in the middle of the night sometimes. I think it is wonderful that you have so many capable loving staff members at hand.
    Take the time with Joyce and be at Peace. Love to all.

  2. I pray that your wife gets well soon. I pray that the Lord uses CCE and it's leadership for bigger and better are stting the example. I do not live in Escondido nor attend your church, however I do read this blog and watch your Moday show..I do attend church. Your teachings are a blessing, which makes me want to be knowing more about God.
    Others say WWJD, you show us WDJD.
    (wwjd=what would Jesus do wdjd=what did Jesus do)
    Thanks, God bless you all.
