Tuesday, July 7, 2009

2 Years +

36 years ago today I married the gift of a lifetime! What a wonderful life we had together! 2 years ago this past Sunday, the Lord brought Joyce to heaven. Life without her has been surreal to say the least. Yet life and time continues on and the good memories begin to overtake the traumatic ones, as my daughter told me this evening.  My son and daughter-in-law have a new fresh relationship with the Lord, the grandkids are growing so fast - and are so much fun. The family is holding together and still loving each other - we're blessed! That's not to say that challenges and difficulties have ceased to exist - that wouldn't be reality. But we are working thru those bumps in the road and pressing on!

Thanks for all the kind and thoughtful notes and calls. Thanks for remembering!

In His Arm's,



  1. Yes Pat, you are loved by so many. Thinking of you today.
    Bless you!!!

  2. Dear Pastor Pat:

    Our love and prayers are always with you and your beloved Noel and Jordan and their beautiful little ones. You are a blessed man to have had such an amazing marriage to your soul mate Joyce. You have been in the thoughts and prayers of the entire Gomez Family. We are so grateful for you and thank God always for our amazing church family. God has answered so many prayers for us with regards to your health, your children and grandchildren, your new ministry. We are so blessed that you have shared with us all the ups and downs in the past two years without your Joyce. We have learned so much and have grown so much from all that you have gone through. We are all stronger for it. We love you and keep you in our prayers constantly.

    In Christ's Love,
    Margaret, Debbie, Kathy, Rosemarie, Emily and Angelica Rose

    P.S. Praise God for bringing Debbie home to us. We love her so much and wanted so much for her to let us help her grieve the loss of her beloved Guy. But it had to be on God's time not ours. Please keep her in your prayers.
