Friday, November 24, 2006


I would appreciate prayer for this Sunday 11-26. Pastor Pancho Juarez asked me to teach at CC Montebello this Sunday. Miles will be covering for me at CC Escondido.
They have 3 morning services and I'm planning on teaching from Mark 4:35-41 - "Calm in the Storm"

I came across this old poem that relates to my subject this Sunday. Hope it blesses you as it did me:

He never fails the soul that trusts in Him;
Tho' disappointments come and hope burns dim,
He never fails.
Tho' trials surge like stormy seas around,
Tho' testings fierce like ambushed foes abound,
Yet this my soul, with millions more has found,
He never fails; He never fails.
He never fails the soul that trusts in Him;
Tho' angry skies with thunder-clouds grow grim,
He never fails.
Tho' icy blasts life's fairest flow'rs lay low,
Tho' earthly springs of joy all cease to flow,
Yet still 'tis true, with millions more I know,
He never fails; He never fails.
He never fails the soul that trusts in Him;
Tho' sorrow's cup should overflow the brim,
He never fails.
Tho' oft the pilgrim way seems rough and long,
I yet shall stand amid yon white-robed throng,
And there I'll sing, with millions more, this song--
He never fails; He never fails.
by J.S. Baxter, Explore The Book.

Joyce and I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Pat


  1. Wow that is a great poam,Its amazing how God ALWAYS meets you where your at and ALWAYS speaks Truth and Life to your soul, He is sooo good!!! So many times I have felt Hopelesness in my life and I know that hopelessness comes from the enemy. God tells us that "We are NOT to be moved from the hope held out in the Gospel" Col.1:23b even when He slays me I can trust in Him and Him Alone, For He is trustworthy!!!" your Word O Lord is eternal it stands firm in the Heavens your Faithfulness continues through all generations you established the Earth and it endures your laws endure to this day FOR ALL THINGS SERVE YOU!!!Psalm 119:89-91 That is soo good to hear not some things but ALL THINGS are His servants, no matter what they are They are used by the Lord To accomplish HIS purposes and work them together for GOOD!!!
    YOU Pastor Pat and Joyce have only been to me a great Blessing!!! And even though I havent been present physically I have been with you both in Spirit and in prayer. OH how I love you both,
    Your Sister IN CHRIST, Dina

  2. Beautiful, It's so true that while were in 'the depths of despair' God is faithful and, when we think that the world should end because of things going on in life, God is faithful, and he never fails. Even when every one else fails us, he never does. AMEN!! that was beautiful, our Lord is so rad!
