Gonna try and get this blog thing up and running again. As most of you know, Pam and I were married on May 1, moved from Yucca Valley to Coronado on July 1 and the place we're living is starting to feel like a home. Most of the unpacking is done, pictures are going up on the walls, files are mostly out of boxes and back into the desk and file cabs, computer is set up, the dogs are happy......so we're good to go!
We both appreciate so much all the prayer and love we've received during still another major life transition. God is good and even when we are faithless, He remains faithful!
Ministry wise, I'm still working with Shepherd's Staff Mission Facilitators as their Western US Regional Mission's Pastor and Poimen Ministries. Both ministries are growing and I'm blessed more than I deserve to still be being used for His Glory!
In His Arm's,
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