Happy New Year! As this new year begins, I must thank and praise God again and again for His goodness and faithfulness.
I also hope to blog more often as I seek the Lord's direction for 2012. It seems changes and challenges are just the norm these days.
Here are a few things we are anticipating this year: My wife is closing in on the end of her career with the US Navy. Her ship, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, left San Diego on Jan. 6th for Bremerton Washington - across the Puget Sound from Seattle. I join her in a few days and that will begin the first of many trips to the PAC Northwest til she retires in July. We are looking forward to meeting many new folks and enjoying winter in Washington. It won't be Coronado but we are going to make the best of it.
I'm also anticipating establishing new relationships with as many churches as possible as we seek to expand the ministry of Shepherds Staff.
Any day now my daughter will be giving birth to her first child, a little girl. She will be my 5th granddaughter! We are so excited for Noelle and her husband.
Thanks to all who have been praying for and supporting our ministries to missionaries, sending churches, and giving encouragement and counsel to many other pastor's.
What a joy to continue being used by the Lord for His purposes!
In His Arms, Pat
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Summer Update
Hi Folks!
It's time for another one of my frequent updates, lol. I recently flew back to San Diego from Dallas, TX where I accompanied my stepdaughter, Haley back to TCU (Texas Christian University) to help her move into her sorority house for the start of her sophomore year. A week ago, she and I were in Hong Kong, where we met up with my beautiful wife. The USS Reagan finally had another port stop after 79 days at sea. thankfully, her deployment is almost over and she should be home in just a few weeks.
The summer has really zipped by and I've been blessed with many opportunities to teach and minister the love of Jesus and His heart for the world, to churches, missions conferences, pastors conferences, small groups and a lot of missionaries. Presently I just finished representing the ministry of Shepherd's Staff Mission Facilitators at the annual Hawaii Pastors and Leaders conference in Honolulu. Today I flew over to Hilo on the big Island to spend time with Ron Brav, the pastor of CC Hilo and teach at their Sunday service. Then it's back to Honolulu to hook up with a few other pastors's I know and then finally watch the Reagan sail in to Pearl Harbor and see Pam again before the final voyage of this 7 month deployment back to San Diego.
Another very special highlight of the summer was sharing at all 3 morning services at Calvary Escondido, my home church, as we all celebrated the 30th Anniversary of CC Escondido. Can't really express my joy and gratitude for all God has done, is doing, and will continue to do thru CCE.
On Sunday Sept. 18th I'LL be filling in at Valley Baptist in Valley Center for my friend Gunar Hansen.
As always, I deeply appreciate your continued prayer and support!
May the Lord richly bless and keep you in His love and pour thru you His abundant Joy!
In His Arm's,
It's time for another one of my frequent updates, lol. I recently flew back to San Diego from Dallas, TX where I accompanied my stepdaughter, Haley back to TCU (Texas Christian University) to help her move into her sorority house for the start of her sophomore year. A week ago, she and I were in Hong Kong, where we met up with my beautiful wife. The USS Reagan finally had another port stop after 79 days at sea. thankfully, her deployment is almost over and she should be home in just a few weeks.
The summer has really zipped by and I've been blessed with many opportunities to teach and minister the love of Jesus and His heart for the world, to churches, missions conferences, pastors conferences, small groups and a lot of missionaries. Presently I just finished representing the ministry of Shepherd's Staff Mission Facilitators at the annual Hawaii Pastors and Leaders conference in Honolulu. Today I flew over to Hilo on the big Island to spend time with Ron Brav, the pastor of CC Hilo and teach at their Sunday service. Then it's back to Honolulu to hook up with a few other pastors's I know and then finally watch the Reagan sail in to Pearl Harbor and see Pam again before the final voyage of this 7 month deployment back to San Diego.
Another very special highlight of the summer was sharing at all 3 morning services at Calvary Escondido, my home church, as we all celebrated the 30th Anniversary of CC Escondido. Can't really express my joy and gratitude for all God has done, is doing, and will continue to do thru CCE.
On Sunday Sept. 18th I'LL be filling in at Valley Baptist in Valley Center for my friend Gunar Hansen.
As always, I deeply appreciate your continued prayer and support!
May the Lord richly bless and keep you in His love and pour thru you His abundant Joy!
In His Arm's,
Sunday, May 29, 2011
April/ May update
It's been a pretty crazy season (what else is new) :-) My new bride has been snatched away by the US Navy now for 117 days with 100 more to go. Please continue to pray for her and I as we deal with this long separation. I was blessed to be able to visit with her a few days earlier this month as her ship was ported in Phuket, Thailand - we had a wonderful time together. It was not a planned stop and I found out about 3 days after I returned from 2 weeks in the Philippines that she would be there May 1st - our one year anniversary thru May4! So I got home from the PI April 12th, taught at Horizon Park Chapel on the 17th, then all the Easter activities the following week, flew to Albuquerque for a couple of days of meetings with the Shepherd's Staff board Apr. 25-26, and 3 days later began a bunch of flights back across the Pacific to Thailand. I got home the evening of May 5 and am finally recovered from not only travel but medical stuff too. While I was in the Philippines a nasty amoeba parasite decided to hitch a ride on my innards and about killed me. I never felt that sick. I was in a Filippino hospital for 4 days, but God used it to bring me close to several Shepherd's Staff missionaries serving ail over the Philippines.
The bug was dead but my system still hadn't quite recovered before I was across the ocean again. On my way home from Thailand I got hit with a bad chest cold and that, coupled with jet lag put me out for several days. Thankfully the body still heals :-)
I know many were praying for me and I honestly believe I couldn't have made it without those prayers. I know there was an element of spiritual warfare going on and you guys, alongs with many others, helped sustain me thru it. That Philippines trip - tho I was ill for half of it - had to be the best visit I ever had to the PI - and I've been there many times over that last 20 years. The depth of fellowship I had with folks I knew and many more I had never meet was so sweet. I think there is a deeper bond of intimacy that develops during times of suffering and helplessness.
While I was hospitalized I had a team of "bantays" (meaning, watchers) with me 24/7. Among them were all the missionaries I really hoped to spend time with during the Pastor's Conference (which I was supposed to teach at and missed the entire thing). I wanted to go to them and bring them encouragement - but God had it work the other way around - and in the end - koinonia - sweet communion - constant prayer!
The summer ahead also looks like it's going to pretty full. We are continuing to grow at Shepherd's Staff, serving close to 160 missionary families - of which 80 are my responsibility, being sent out from West Coast churches. I hope to be visiting many of those churches and meet face to face with the pastor and the team that is supporting their missionary. Missionary care is our developing focus and we can't do that effectively without the sending church being on board. You'd be surprised how many churches really don't have a clue about the needs of their missionary, much less a plan to meet those needs. And that's where we can help - so pray for open doors this summer.
Finally, one last word of thanks to each of you for praying and caring about the new things God is doing in my changing life and ministries.
I love you all and pray for God's best for you too. Press in closer to Him! And press on faithfully in all He has called you to do - for His Glory.
In His arm's,
Western Regional Mission's Pastor
Shepherd's Staff Mission Facilitator's
The bug was dead but my system still hadn't quite recovered before I was across the ocean again. On my way home from Thailand I got hit with a bad chest cold and that, coupled with jet lag put me out for several days. Thankfully the body still heals :-)
I know many were praying for me and I honestly believe I couldn't have made it without those prayers. I know there was an element of spiritual warfare going on and you guys, alongs with many others, helped sustain me thru it. That Philippines trip - tho I was ill for half of it - had to be the best visit I ever had to the PI - and I've been there many times over that last 20 years. The depth of fellowship I had with folks I knew and many more I had never meet was so sweet. I think there is a deeper bond of intimacy that develops during times of suffering and helplessness.
While I was hospitalized I had a team of "bantays" (meaning, watchers) with me 24/7. Among them were all the missionaries I really hoped to spend time with during the Pastor's Conference (which I was supposed to teach at and missed the entire thing). I wanted to go to them and bring them encouragement - but God had it work the other way around - and in the end - koinonia - sweet communion - constant prayer!
The summer ahead also looks like it's going to pretty full. We are continuing to grow at Shepherd's Staff, serving close to 160 missionary families - of which 80 are my responsibility, being sent out from West Coast churches. I hope to be visiting many of those churches and meet face to face with the pastor and the team that is supporting their missionary. Missionary care is our developing focus and we can't do that effectively without the sending church being on board. You'd be surprised how many churches really don't have a clue about the needs of their missionary, much less a plan to meet those needs. And that's where we can help - so pray for open doors this summer.
Finally, one last word of thanks to each of you for praying and caring about the new things God is doing in my changing life and ministries.
I love you all and pray for God's best for you too. Press in closer to Him! And press on faithfully in all He has called you to do - for His Glory.
In His arm's,
Western Regional Mission's Pastor
Shepherd's Staff Mission Facilitator's
Monday, March 14, 2011
March 2011
What an interesting month March has been so far.
Of immediate note is of course the ongoing crisis in Japan. Our hearts ache for the countless families now dealing with loss and change far beyond anything they ever imagined. We humbly ask the Lord to strengthen the believers there and use them to bring consolation, comfort, and the Gospel to so many gripped with dismay, hopelessness, and fear. Yet as I think about what's happening in Japan, I realize I'm dealing with some real fear myself. I've watched the media coverage of many a calamity over the years but always from a sort of detached safe distance. Not so today. I may safe in San Diego but I'm certainly not detached.
Shortly after the earthquake and Tsunami devastated Northern Japan, the Navy ship my beautiful wife serves on was diverted to Japan to assist with rescue and recovery. Yesterday the media reported that several airmen attached to a helicopter wing returned to the ship with low level radiation exposure. The ship (the Ronald Reagan nuclear powered aircraft carrier) was quickly repositioned away from the danger area. I talked to Pam this afternoon and she said she was fine but sounded quite busy.

Am I concerned for her safety and health - of course! Am I trusting God that she and her fellow sailors will be OK? Yes - but once again, a crisis reveals my fears. I realize that Pam isn't kicking' back on a pleasure cruise but working hard on the most powerful warship ever. I knew that in my head but seeing and hearing reports about the deteriorating condition of the Fukushima nuclear plants causes my heart to tremble and my mind to worry. I find myself giving in to fear. Fear for her well being, fear that something worse may happen...and yes, even fear that I will loose her too. Yet fear can only be answered with faith. If I've learned anything thru my own personal losses, disappointments, and transitions over the past few years, I have learned that God is faithful and I must trust in Him alone.
Psalm 73:25-26 says, "Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon the earth that I desire besides You. My heart and flesh may fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
How blessed we are to have God's Word to comfort our hearts and refocus our thinking! What power and peace there is to trust in the Lord and not depend upon my - or anyone elses understanding. Only as I submit all my ways to Him and acknowledge His power over all - only then can I walk in His peace that passes all understanding. So I must rest in Him. 40 days into Pam's deployment with 177 days, 12 hours and 45 minutes till she returns home; yes I think God is stretching my faith once again!
I'd like to share one other thing God has been showing me these past few weeks. As I shared in my update last month, I was asked to be a part of the teaching team at the Philippines Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference the first week in April. This past year Shepherd's Staff began serving several missionaries already in the Philippines so I saw this as a great opportunity to visit and encourage many of them one on one. There was also the possibility that I might be able to meet Pam somewhere near the Philippines a week after the conference. So I accepted and began booking my flight arrangements.
Then the fears began. I began to think, "What the heck are you doing, Pat??" "You're planning an 20 day trip that is sure to tax you physically and with all your medical issues you could really get messed up!" So I had several appointments with my doctors who checked me over, gave me meds and inoculations and vaccines - and medically I was good to go. But the fears remained and even grew stronger. I began to agree with the 'voices' and felt that there was no way I'd be able to handle the heat and humidity and dirt and bugs and food and sleeping conditions and and and....
.....and then it came to me! A revelation! A lightning bolt thru my clouded thinking! What about God??? Is He able to sustain, bless and use you even in the Philippines? I felt a big "Duh!" I realized I had not even ASKED Him to help me. My fears and worries were dominating me and I was walking in the strength of my flesh and not by the strength of His Spirit. So I began to call upon Him! I began to ask Him to strengthen my heart and straighten out my thinking.
And almost overnight I began to relax and get excited for what God might want to do. Instead of worrying about ME I began praying for those I would be visiting. You'd think I'd know this after all these years - but as I've often said, "The flesh has short term memory!" You mortify the flesh today and tomorrow it rises up again - oblivious to the beating it took the day before.
Perhaps that's why Paul the Apostle said, "I die daily" (1 Cor. 15:31)
So please pray for this conference: for the pastor's, pastor's wives, and other church leaders who will be attending. Pray for their safe travel to Dumaguete. Pray for my study in Eph. 5:22-33. Pray for Pastor Bong and Calvary Chapel Cebu where I will be teaching the Sunday after the conference. And please pray, if it's God's will, that He might keep Pam safe from harm and that I might see her for a few days before returning back to the states in mid April.
In His Arm's,
Of immediate note is of course the ongoing crisis in Japan. Our hearts ache for the countless families now dealing with loss and change far beyond anything they ever imagined. We humbly ask the Lord to strengthen the believers there and use them to bring consolation, comfort, and the Gospel to so many gripped with dismay, hopelessness, and fear. Yet as I think about what's happening in Japan, I realize I'm dealing with some real fear myself. I've watched the media coverage of many a calamity over the years but always from a sort of detached safe distance. Not so today. I may safe in San Diego but I'm certainly not detached.
Shortly after the earthquake and Tsunami devastated Northern Japan, the Navy ship my beautiful wife serves on was diverted to Japan to assist with rescue and recovery. Yesterday the media reported that several airmen attached to a helicopter wing returned to the ship with low level radiation exposure. The ship (the Ronald Reagan nuclear powered aircraft carrier) was quickly repositioned away from the danger area. I talked to Pam this afternoon and she said she was fine but sounded quite busy.
Am I concerned for her safety and health - of course! Am I trusting God that she and her fellow sailors will be OK? Yes - but once again, a crisis reveals my fears. I realize that Pam isn't kicking' back on a pleasure cruise but working hard on the most powerful warship ever. I knew that in my head but seeing and hearing reports about the deteriorating condition of the Fukushima nuclear plants causes my heart to tremble and my mind to worry. I find myself giving in to fear. Fear for her well being, fear that something worse may happen...and yes, even fear that I will loose her too. Yet fear can only be answered with faith. If I've learned anything thru my own personal losses, disappointments, and transitions over the past few years, I have learned that God is faithful and I must trust in Him alone.
Psalm 73:25-26 says, "Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon the earth that I desire besides You. My heart and flesh may fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
How blessed we are to have God's Word to comfort our hearts and refocus our thinking! What power and peace there is to trust in the Lord and not depend upon my - or anyone elses understanding. Only as I submit all my ways to Him and acknowledge His power over all - only then can I walk in His peace that passes all understanding. So I must rest in Him. 40 days into Pam's deployment with 177 days, 12 hours and 45 minutes till she returns home; yes I think God is stretching my faith once again!
I'd like to share one other thing God has been showing me these past few weeks. As I shared in my update last month, I was asked to be a part of the teaching team at the Philippines Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference the first week in April. This past year Shepherd's Staff began serving several missionaries already in the Philippines so I saw this as a great opportunity to visit and encourage many of them one on one. There was also the possibility that I might be able to meet Pam somewhere near the Philippines a week after the conference. So I accepted and began booking my flight arrangements.
Then the fears began. I began to think, "What the heck are you doing, Pat??" "You're planning an 20 day trip that is sure to tax you physically and with all your medical issues you could really get messed up!" So I had several appointments with my doctors who checked me over, gave me meds and inoculations and vaccines - and medically I was good to go. But the fears remained and even grew stronger. I began to agree with the 'voices' and felt that there was no way I'd be able to handle the heat and humidity and dirt and bugs and food and sleeping conditions and and and....
.....and then it came to me! A revelation! A lightning bolt thru my clouded thinking! What about God??? Is He able to sustain, bless and use you even in the Philippines? I felt a big "Duh!" I realized I had not even ASKED Him to help me. My fears and worries were dominating me and I was walking in the strength of my flesh and not by the strength of His Spirit. So I began to call upon Him! I began to ask Him to strengthen my heart and straighten out my thinking.
And almost overnight I began to relax and get excited for what God might want to do. Instead of worrying about ME I began praying for those I would be visiting. You'd think I'd know this after all these years - but as I've often said, "The flesh has short term memory!" You mortify the flesh today and tomorrow it rises up again - oblivious to the beating it took the day before.
Perhaps that's why Paul the Apostle said, "I die daily" (1 Cor. 15:31)
So please pray for this conference: for the pastor's, pastor's wives, and other church leaders who will be attending. Pray for their safe travel to Dumaguete. Pray for my study in Eph. 5:22-33. Pray for Pastor Bong and Calvary Chapel Cebu where I will be teaching the Sunday after the conference. And please pray, if it's God's will, that He might keep Pam safe from harm and that I might see her for a few days before returning back to the states in mid April.
In His Arm's,
Saturday, February 19, 2011
February 2011
Here is a link to a Sunday morning study I taught in 2 Cor. 1 at Horizon Park Chapel in San Diego on 2-13-11
My wife is presently deployed in the US Navy on board the USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier. She has just begun about a 7 and a half month 'cruise' and has been gone about 3 weeks now. Fortunately we get to email frequently and have phone calls every other day.

I'm keeping busy with Shepherd's Staff. Just this past week I interviewed 4 new missionary families. One already in the field in Entebbe, Uganda; another heading to work with the Shoreline Calvary Chapel church plant in Camden Towne, London; another going to assist in a Calvary Chapel Bible Institute in Rotorua, New Zealand; and the last a young family preparing to work with the CC Bible College in Lima Peru.
Do keep these folks and their families in prayer.
I'm heading up the freeway tomorrow for the Southern California Regional Pastor's Conference at Steve May's church - CC South Bay. I'll be representing Shepherd's Staff there and sure to make a bunch of new friends - God willing :-)
Blessings! Pat
My wife is presently deployed in the US Navy on board the USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier. She has just begun about a 7 and a half month 'cruise' and has been gone about 3 weeks now. Fortunately we get to email frequently and have phone calls every other day.

I'm keeping busy with Shepherd's Staff. Just this past week I interviewed 4 new missionary families. One already in the field in Entebbe, Uganda; another heading to work with the Shoreline Calvary Chapel church plant in Camden Towne, London; another going to assist in a Calvary Chapel Bible Institute in Rotorua, New Zealand; and the last a young family preparing to work with the CC Bible College in Lima Peru.
Do keep these folks and their families in prayer.
I'm heading up the freeway tomorrow for the Southern California Regional Pastor's Conference at Steve May's church - CC South Bay. I'll be representing Shepherd's Staff there and sure to make a bunch of new friends - God willing :-)
Blessings! Pat
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