Thursday, April 22, 2010


Well it's 9 days till my wedding to Pamela and, needless to say, we are both very excited to begin our new life together. Next week I'll be moving up to Yucca Valley for a couple of months before we set up our home in Coronado in July. Pam will be assigned to the Reagan aircraft carrier ported at North Island for the last two years of her career in the US Navy.

On June 19th we'll be having an Escondido reception at Calvary Chapel and I hope many of you can come and meet this wonderful lady the Lord has brought into my life. More details will follow.

God has been so faithful. He has taught me much about His steadfast love and mercy these past 3 years of being single.

I have often felt like Jacob - wrestling with God for control - and always having to yield to His plan - regardless of my opinion of what He has allowed in my life. I'm learning again and again that the Lord really does love me and still wants to use me in spite of my many failings! He is so good and kind!

Again I want to thank all of you for standing with me thru a rough couple of years. My health is improving, I'm working out again, and the pain from my surgeries is more an annoyance than a hindrance.

Shepherd's Staff continues to grow and I am honored to be assisting this good and much needed ministry. My work with missionaries and their sending churches serving around the world has been such a blessing.

This past month I've had the opportunity to work with missionaries serving or preparing to serve in South Africa, the UK, Kenya, Spain and Germany. The month of May will largely be filled with honeymoon travel :-) In June I'll be representing Shepherd's Staff at the annual Senior Pastor's Conference in Murrieta - they are expecting over 850 churches to be represented - please pray for a fresh infilling and empowering of the Holy Spirit in the lives, families, and ministries of these men. Pray also for new open doors for the ministry of Shepherd's Staff!

Presently we are handling the administrative needs of over 120 missionaries and their families. Click here to learn more about the many missionaries we serve and ask the Lord to direct you how to pray for them!

Each of you are such an encouragement to me! You have helped me more than you'll ever know to do things I never thought I could!

Let's continue to work together that His Name would be known by every nation, people, tribe and tongue!

In His Arm's, Pat