I am posting more frequently on Facebook. You can add me as a friend by entering my email address: escorev@gmail.com
I'm also gearing up for another ministry called Poimen (from a Greek word meaning 'workman or workmanship') with the focus being pastors serving pastors. Check out our new website for more details at www.poimenministries.com
Here's my newsletter:
Dear Support Team,
I pray you and yours are well, blessed, and growing in the Lord!
May has certainly zipped by and summer is almost upon us. I am encouraged to report that my health is improving! The severe ab pain I'd been dealing with has begun to lessen and I'm so grateful for all your prayer. Those of you who have endured lingering surgical pain (or chronic pain for that matter) know the impact that can have on your outlook on life, your output in work, and even your uplook in your daily walk with the Lord.
I rejoice today that thru it all God remains faithful! The Bottom line of all that we face and struggle with is:HE IS NOT DONE WITH US YET! We're here and we have a purpose and there is still so much to do! May He encourage and strengthen each of you as you serve Him and love those He has placed in your sphere of influence!
Thank you all for your continuing support of my ministry with Shepherd's Staff. The month of June will be very busy and July is shaping up to be pretty full as well. Of particular note will be me traveling with my East Coast counterpart, Bryon Mondok, to the Eastern European Foundations Conference being held at the Calvary Chapel Bible College and conference center in Vajta, Hungary. I leave June 20 and return June 28. We will be representing the ministry of Shepherd's Staff and personally encouraging the many missionaries who will be attending the conference. Please pray for travel mercies and strength as this will be my first overseas trip after all my surgeries.
I would also ask you to pray for a group of 7 future missionaries who will be attending Shepherd's Satff Field Intensive Training May 30 - June 13 in La Gloria, Mexico.
My schedule is shaping up as follows:
May 31 4-5pm Leading in prayer at the Global Day of Prayer event at Grape Day Park in Escondido
June 1-4 - Sr. Pastor's Conference in Murrieta - Representing Shepherd's Staff
June 1 - Monday 6:30pm - Teaching at the CC Escondido Men's Dinner & Fellowship
June 5-7 - Missions Conference at Calvary Chapel Downey - Representing Shepherd's Staff
June 10-11 - Shepherd's Staff Field Intensive Training for new missionaries in La Gloria, Mexico
June 20-28 - Foundations Leadership Conference in Vajta, Hungary - Representing Shepherd's Staff
July 5 - 9:30am - Teaching Sunday morning service at Crossroad Christian Fellowship in Oceanside
July 19 - 8:30 & 10:30 Teaching Sunday Services at Calvary Chapel Santee
July 26 - 9:30am - Teaching Sunday Service at Calvary Chapel Hidden Valley in Escondido
So, as you can see, lots coming up! In between all of this is my summer project of making personal contact with the sending churches of all my Shepherd's Staff missionaries.
I deeply appreciate all your prayer, encouragement, and financial support!
May the Lord pour out His Spirit in and thru you as you shine for Him in this dark and troubled world.
In His Arm's,