Wanted to give you all an update on the prayer request for the missionaries in Kenya whose daughter was dealing with a possible tumor.
From Kelli Compean:
I have just returned from the neurosurgeon who had good news. His opinion is that while there has been some increase in size of the pituitary this is not yet cause for surgery. He said, since there is no visual or hormonal impairment he would like to just monitor her. He feels that her headaches are caused by what the opthamologist called benign intracranial hypertension. He feels this should resolve in 3-4 weeks with the medicine she is currently on. He said she definitely has something which needs follow up so the plan is for her to be on this medicine, follow up with the opthamologist in one week to see if their is relief of the pressure causing the optic disk bulging. He also said her vision and likely hormones should be monitored every 3-6 months, or sooner if there is a noticeable change. The other plan is to repeat the MRI in 4 months.
This puts her finishing school here on schedule, attending her job in Alaska and then checking in with a new doctor in California just before college starts. Thank you for your prayers and concern. While we still don't have a final word from the pediatrician, we do feel there is some direction. While we certainly get into a panic and her mom jumps to worse case scenarios, we do feel confident that all the doctors are working together to gain a clear picture of what is happening. Please keep us in prayer as this chronic, potentially serious issue is something we are all adjusting to and it really makes it hard to let Haley go and live her own life. We don't want to hold her too tightly or be over protective but give her the skills she needs to take care and be responsible for her own health.
We love you and thank you
This puts her finishing school here on schedule, attending her job in Alaska and then checking in with a new doctor in California just before college starts. Thank you for your prayers and concern. While we still don't have a final word from the pediatrician, we do feel there is some direction. While we certainly get into a panic and her mom jumps to worse case scenarios, we do feel confident that all the doctors are working together to gain a clear picture of what is happening. Please keep us in prayer as this chronic, potentially serious issue is something we are all adjusting to and it really makes it hard to let Haley go and live her own life. We don't want to hold her too tightly or be over protective but give her the skills she needs to take care and be responsible for her own health.
We love you and thank you