Here we go again! It seems life has a way of getting in the way of sharing information sometimes. So it's been for me the past couple of months. Healthwise, I'm still on the mend but so much better than I was six months ago. Ministry has shifted from being on the road to being on the phone and on my computer. Still meeting with folks locally and missionaries as they might be in the San Diego or So. California area. The work of Shepherd's Staff continues to grow and I'm currently processing about 10 new missionaries from churches all over the Western US.
As always, prayer for strength, wisdom, and opportunity to share Jesus is needed every day!
Hope you all have a very blessed Christmas and I look forward to hearing from as many as are able!
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hi Folks!
My East Coast swing is going well so far. My friend took me on a tour of Yale University in New Haven, Conn. for most of the day today. I'm blessed to be here and am praying God would use me over the next few days in all my teaching opportunities. Oh yeah, and it's chilly here: 40's during the day and 30's with rain possibly mixed with snow the next few nites.
Bless you all!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Send the Message
Presently I'm at the annual Send the Message Mission's conference at Calvary Chapel Spring Valley in Las Vegas. All is going well and God is blessing me both spiritually and physically - hurray! Love to all!
In His Arm's,
Friday, October 2, 2009
On the Road
Well, September has flown by and it looks like Oct. will zip as well. I've been blessed to attend several pastor's and church leader's conferences the past few weeks, as well as teach at a couple churches. The latest has been the Northern and Central Ca. Pastor's conf. in Santa Cruz and the Pacific NW conf. north of Seattle. I also was blessed to teach at the church of some long time friends in Maple Valley, Wa.
I'm heading back home to Escondido tomoorow and will be home for a week before heading out again for 10 days. I'll be at the Send the Message mission's conf. at Calvary Spring Valley in Las Vegas and then off to the East Coast for a conference I'll be teaching at in New Hampshire.
I want to thank you all who have been praying for me. God has been, as He always is, faithful.
He has given me strength to press on and joy to serve as he opens doors.
In His Arm's,
I'm heading back home to Escondido tomoorow and will be home for a week before heading out again for 10 days. I'll be at the Send the Message mission's conf. at Calvary Spring Valley in Las Vegas and then off to the East Coast for a conference I'll be teaching at in New Hampshire.
I want to thank you all who have been praying for me. God has been, as He always is, faithful.
He has given me strength to press on and joy to serve as he opens doors.
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Santa Cruz
Hi Folks!
Just finishing up attending the Calvary Chapel Northern & Central Pastor's and Leader's conference at the Mt. Hermon conference center in Santa Cruz. I fly back to San Diego this evening. The conference has been focusing on a study thru 2 Timothy and has been encouraging and challenging.
Something about traveling to churches and conferences that's a challenge: I rarely know anyone closely. I don't like being a stranger. I tire of retelling my story over and over. But I have found in the retelling that others are blessed and encouraged - and so am I. There is so much to do! May God keep us all strong and focused til He comes!
In His Arm's,
Monday, September 7, 2009
Next Sunday
Just found out I'll be teaching the morning services at Calvary Chapel Pomona Valley next Sunday, Sept.13. Services are at 8 & 10am. Their website:
Blessings! Pat
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Update - August Part 2
Now for what's been happening and what's coming up.
As I'm sure is true for most of us, this summer is just zipping by! My grandaughters just started back to school yesterday. That almost seems unAmerican: having to go back to school before Labor Day - but I digress :-)
First, an update on my health. Lookin' good - thank You Lord! I am no longer dealing with that severe abdominal pain from my surgeries. There is occasional discomfort and I still can't do any crunches but I can live with that. I've been doing a lot of long beach/sand walks about three times a week and each for one to two hours in length. The only area that really hurt from all that was my feet!
Ministry wise I've done a little travel for Shepherd's Staff, met with a bunch of missionaries home on furlough, and been blessed to do some guest teaching for several churches in San Diego County, including the Men's ministry and Senior's Bible Study at CC Escondido, my home church.
There is also a lot coming up. My schedule for the next 10 weeks or so is as follows:
Monday evenings thru Dec. 14 - taking the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course at North Coast Church in Vista
Sunday, Aug. 23 - Guest teaching at Calvary Chapel Mid Valley in Encino, CA
Tuesday, Sept 1 - Julian Oaks Youth Ministries Board Meeting
Wed. Sept 9 - Jury Duty
Mon - Wed Sept. 14-16 Representing Shepherd's Staff at the Central & Northern Calif. Pastor's and Leader's Conference in Santa Cruz, Ca
Mon - Wed Sept 21-23 Representing SS at the Horizon 'Huddle' at the Twin Peaks conference center in the San Bernardino Mtns.
Fri. sept 25 thru Sat., Oct. 3 Seattle area. Sept. 28-30 representing SS at the Pacific Northwest Pastor's and Leader's conference
Oct. 12-14 - representing SS at the 'Send the Message' mission's conference at CC Spring Valley in Las Vegas.
Oct 15-22 New England; teaching at the NE Huddle in New Hampshire Oct. 19-21.
Shepherd's Staff has also been growing. We've added another 20 missionaries since the first of the year and there are several more 'in the chute' preparing to be sent out. I've been tasked with assisting in the initial interview process for new missionaries, which could add to my travel - but would be an awesome way to develop relationship with both the missionaries and their sending churches from the ground up.
As always, I deeply appreciate and covet your prayer in all this.
Yes, I'm busy - but never too busy for a phone chat or cup of coffee when I'm home. By the way, some have thought I moved to Albuquerque where the Shepherd's Staff offices are based. Nope!
I'm still living here in Escondido and working out of my home. So still lot's of opportunity for fellowship and hang time with friends and family.
That's about it for now. Keep growing in His love!
Update - August Part 1
Before I fill you in on what's been happening and what's upcoming, let me share a few thoughts on a sweet verse in Psalm 46. This is a Psalm of comfort, hope, assurance and challenge. It speaks of God being our refuge and strength - a present help in time of trouble - certainly a challenge to us to trust and not be afraid no matter what comes our way. It also encourages us to be still and know - intimately - our God - that He might be exalted among the nations and in all the earth. Surely as we cultivate an intimate walk with Jesus, His nature and His character will be reflected outward through our lives to a terribly needy and hurting and lost world around us.
The 4th verse in this Psalm gives us great assurance that as huge as the challenge may be facing any of us, God is at work in us, refreshing, strengthening, empowering us thru it all!
It states: There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God. The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
Now I'm sure the psalmist had in mind Jerusalem and the Temple and perhaps even the heavenly Jerusalem...but God gives us an amazing picture in the New Testament of believers like you and I being the temple, the tabernacle, the dwelling place of the Most High God. Check out 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 2 Cor. 6:16 and 2 Peter 2:5.
Jesus also told us in John 7:37-39 that the Holy Spirit would flow out from believers like 'rivers of living water'! So looking back at Ps. 46:4, my paraphrase, "There is Living Water, the indwelling Spirit of God, flowing thru each of us and bringing great joy to the people of God. We have been forgiven, cleansed, filled and set apart now as His own special people! We are those "holy places" not because of how perfect we are but because of how Holy He is! And He bought us with the price of His own blood that He might be glorified in and thru us!
Where am I going with all this? Sometimes I get down and defeated and feel like there is no way I can ever deal with the weight and challenge and responsibility of life and ministry. I stumble and trip and fail so often - and the enemy loves to rub my nose in that. I so often look in the mirror and say to the Lord, "You've got to be kidding! How can You possibly work thru a wretch like me?" Perhaps you have felt that way too. But HEADS UP here! We're wrong!
God has saved us thru the redeeming sacrifice of His Son and has made us a new creation! We've been born again by His will and He has filled us with His Spirit and has decided to move in with us! So rejoice in the Lord today! He still wants to use and I and He has given us, by His Spirit, everything we need that pertains to life and godliness! We are not scum - we are His Saints. And the Most High God is now tabernacling in us that the world would know how great His love really is.
Wow! So much for a few thoughts :-)
I'll post this and follow it up with my ministry update.
In His Arm's,
Monday, August 17, 2009
New post???
New stuff coming this week - really - I'm not kidding - it's gonna happen!! Pat will post to his blog this week....hopefully :-) for sure!
Love all you guys! Pat
Saturday, July 18, 2009
What's Happening?
Tomorrow morning I'm teaching both morning services at Calvary Chapel Santee. Next Sunday I'll be sharing at CC Hidden Valley in Escondido. In between, I'm flying out to Albuquerque, NM for some Shepherd's Staff meetings for a couple of days. Appreciate your prayer for our ministry as it is growing. Seems like new missionaries are hooking up with us every week.
Forgive me for not posting more frequently. I think I just needed to get thru the last couple of weeks - the anniversaries of my Joyce's passing on the 5th, our wedding anniv. on the 7th and the anniv. of her memorial service on the 14th.
Now there's much ahead - what a journey!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
2 Years +
36 years ago today I married the gift of a lifetime! What a wonderful life we had together! 2 years ago this past Sunday, the Lord brought Joyce to heaven. Life without her has been surreal to say the least. Yet life and time continues on and the good memories begin to overtake the traumatic ones, as my daughter told me this evening. My son and daughter-in-law have a new fresh relationship with the Lord, the grandkids are growing so fast - and are so much fun. The family is holding together and still loving each other - we're blessed! That's not to say that challenges and difficulties have ceased to exist - that wouldn't be reality. But we are working thru those bumps in the road and pressing on!
Thanks for all the kind and thoughtful notes and calls. Thanks for remembering!
In His Arm's,
Friday, July 3, 2009
July Newsletter
Hi Folks, Just wanted to post my latest newsletter here for those of you interested.
Dear Support Team!
I pray you are all falling deeper in Love with Jesus today! And as you grow in His love and the knowledge of His Word, I pray you are letting your light shine before everyone you meet. As we grow in our love for the Lord, His heart for the lost and hurting becomes our heart and we reach out to those who desperately need Him. I believe this is the central motivator for missions. Our God is a "Missionary God" - For God so loved the world...
With that reality in mind, I again want to thank you all for your encouragement, prayer, and support of my ministry to missionaries around the world - and their sending churches. When I go out a part of you goes out too! This past month was really crammed with travel and several conferences. June started off with the Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor's Conference in Murrieta, followed by a great mission's conference at Calvary Chapel Downey. The month wrapped up with a trip to the Eastern European Pastors and Leaders 'Foundations' conference in Vajta, Hungary. At each of these conferences I represented Shepherd's Staff and was able to meet personally many of the missionaries served by our ministry. I was also blessed to talk with dozens of pastors from Calvary's across the nation and around the world!
This month I have several local teaching opportunities. This Sunday, I'll be teaching the 9:30 service at Crossroads Christian Fellowship in Oceanside. The following weekend I'll be meeting with missions folks from a church north of LA. On the 19th I'll be sharing at both morning services at Calvary Chapel Santee, and on the 26th I'll be teaching at Calvary Chapel Hidden Valley here in Escondido. I also have a short trip to Albuquerque, NM for meetings and planning at our Shepherd's Staff offices.
And to my health issues: mucho better! Around the middle of May, I felt I was finally turning the corner on the severe pain from my surgeries the past couple of years. Again, I'm so grateful for your prayer in that regard - please don't stop. This Sunday (7/5) it will also be two years since my Joyce was taken home to glory. God has been so faithful in giving my family and I His comfort, peace and strength as we have had to press on without her. It has been difficult but not impossible; painful but not unbearable; lonely but never out of our Lord's caring arm's.
So that's about it for now. Stay in touch if you can but more importantly, stay in prayer.
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Great trip - glad to be home
I'm dealing with some jetlag at the moment. Up at 2:30am! But God is also up at 2:30 am. and that sure is good! Just wanted to let you all know I had a safe trip back home from Budapest, Hungary. It is good to be home - and I'm really feeling pretty good, physically, in fact, I feel better than before I left. So I'm just grateful to my Lord for His blessings - and His Strength to see me thru a very busy week overseas.
Lot's more coming up this summer! I'll be posting a calendar later this week.
Don't forget to be praying for the work God is doing in Eastern Europe!
In His Arm's,
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday from Vajta
Last nite I visited Calvary Chapel Budapest - located smack in downtown Buda! The church is growing like crazy with two Wed. evening services and three Sunday morning services - 1200 plus of mostly 20-30 year old young people on fire for Jesus! I felt old but invigorated by this sweet and powerful move of God in the capital city of Hungary.

Pastor Bill Goodrich taught the study on How much God loves us out of, primarily, Ephesians 1.

Pastor Bill Goodrich taught the study on How much God loves us out of, primarily, Ephesians 1.
Before heading back to Vajta (about a 90 minute drive) we stopped by an overlook of the city all lit up and quite beautiful. It again was one of those bittersweet moments of remembering. Joyce and I had gone to that very spot 9 years ago. Even as we were driving into the city earlier in the afternoon, I could feel the twinges of missing her. The reality of her not being with me and not back home either hit me harder than I expected. Such is the nature of grief.
Yet in the midst of my personal reflections, God was and is doing an incredible work of revival and raising up a whole new generation to take the Good News of Jesus to the nations of Eastern Europe and beyond. I'm blessed to be a very small part of it all.
So the conference is going very well. Every day, Bryon and I are connecting with more and more really incredible people. I've had the opportunity to talk, counsel, and pray with many folks. Some, seasoned missionaries. Others, students, interns, and young people just stepping out into their areas of service and outreach. Good stuff!!!
Thanks again for all your prayer support. I do believe God hears and has certainly been sustaining me and keeping me strong. May He bless you deeply and use you today for His purposes and glory!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Vajta, Hungary
Just a short note to say that I'm in Vajta, Hungary attending the Eastern European Pastors and Leaders conference at the beautiful CC Bible College Europe. God is graciously bringing so many dear people into my path. I'm so blessed to be here and doing well health wise. Pray that Bryon, my East Coast counterpart with Shepherd's Staff, and I stay open to what God wants us to do and be while here. Pray also that Bryon's luggage arrives today. Love to all of you!
In His Arm's,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Time for an update! Both conferences last week were huge blessings! The Sr. Pastors Conference in Murrieta helped me reconnect with many old friends (and a few young ones too :-) And the Missions conference at CC Downey fed my spirit thru challenging teaching by Jeff Johnson, Don Richardson, Danny Lehmann, and John Michaels.
This week has been filed with many personal visits with friends and ministry partners along with a great midweek service at Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee with my son, Jordan.
I deeply appreciate your prayer for my health and support of my work. If you'd like to know more about the ministries I'm involved with, click on Shepherd's Staff or Poimen Ministries.
May the Lord continue to not only bless you but use you for His Glory!
In His Arm's,
Friday, June 5, 2009
Downey Conference
Made it up to the Mission's Conference at Calvary Chapel Downey. I was pretty sore first part of the day but the pain eased up in the evening. Jeff Johnson kicked off the conference with A challenging message about 6 essentials of being prepared to go - things we need as we go. I had dinner with Pastor John Michaels and closed out the evening listening to "Peace Child"
and "Eternity in Their Hearts" author and missionary, Don Richardson.
Tomorrow, Don continues his teachings followed by Danny Lehmann - should be a good day. One comment made by Jeff J. struck me as so true - and something which needs to be instilled in every new believer: "You begin to become a missionary the moment you get saved.
Hope all is well with all of you!
In His Arm's,
Pat Kenney
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Sr. Pastor's Conference.
I had the blessing of participating in the annual Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor's Conference held this week at the Murrieta Hot Springs Bible College and conference center. The theme of this years conference was "Hold Fast To The Word" and featured a study thru 2 Timothy taught by Calvary pastors from all over the nation. In addition to the encouraging and challenging general sessions, I was able to have a display table for Shepherd's Staff and met and talked with many pastors from all over the world. Of particular joy were the numerous opportunities to pray on the spot for these men, their families, and their ministries. Having gone through suffering, loss, illness, and pain, I find myself moved to pray much more quickly - and especially for those I'm talking with who are going thru difficult seasons. It used to be, "Hey I'll pray for ya bro!" Now it's, "Can I pray with you right now?"
So today I'm resting up, organizing, and getting ready for the Missions Conference at Calvary Chapel Downey this weekend.
Thank you for your faithful prayer!
In Hs Arm's,
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Facebook & Newsletter
The pace of life and ministry has picked up again and I've been hard pressed to being creative on this blog site. Perhaps again down the road but for now, I'm just posting my recent newsletter to my support team. That will give you a more current update on what's happening with my ministry with Shepherd's Staff.
I am posting more frequently on Facebook. You can add me as a friend by entering my email address:
I'm also gearing up for another ministry called Poimen (from a Greek word meaning 'workman or workmanship') with the focus being pastors serving pastors. Check out our new website for more details at
Here's my newsletter:
Dear Support Team,
I pray you and yours are well, blessed, and growing in the Lord!
May has certainly zipped by and summer is almost upon us. I am encouraged to report that my health is improving! The severe ab pain I'd been dealing with has begun to lessen and I'm so grateful for all your prayer. Those of you who have endured lingering surgical pain (or chronic pain for that matter) know the impact that can have on your outlook on life, your output in work, and even your uplook in your daily walk with the Lord.
I rejoice today that thru it all God remains faithful! The Bottom line of all that we face and struggle with is:HE IS NOT DONE WITH US YET! We're here and we have a purpose and there is still so much to do! May He encourage and strengthen each of you as you serve Him and love those He has placed in your sphere of influence!
Thank you all for your continuing support of my ministry with Shepherd's Staff. The month of June will be very busy and July is shaping up to be pretty full as well. Of particular note will be me traveling with my East Coast counterpart, Bryon Mondok, to the Eastern European Foundations Conference being held at the Calvary Chapel Bible College and conference center in Vajta, Hungary. I leave June 20 and return June 28. We will be representing the ministry of Shepherd's Staff and personally encouraging the many missionaries who will be attending the conference. Please pray for travel mercies and strength as this will be my first overseas trip after all my surgeries.
I would also ask you to pray for a group of 7 future missionaries who will be attending Shepherd's Satff Field Intensive Training May 30 - June 13 in La Gloria, Mexico.
My schedule is shaping up as follows:
May 31 4-5pm Leading in prayer at the Global Day of Prayer event at Grape Day Park in Escondido
June 1-4 - Sr. Pastor's Conference in Murrieta - Representing Shepherd's Staff
June 1 - Monday 6:30pm - Teaching at the CC Escondido Men's Dinner & Fellowship
June 5-7 - Missions Conference at Calvary Chapel Downey - Representing Shepherd's Staff
June 10-11 - Shepherd's Staff Field Intensive Training for new missionaries in La Gloria, Mexico
June 20-28 - Foundations Leadership Conference in Vajta, Hungary - Representing Shepherd's Staff
July 5 - 9:30am - Teaching Sunday morning service at Crossroad Christian Fellowship in Oceanside
July 19 - 8:30 & 10:30 Teaching Sunday Services at Calvary Chapel Santee
July 26 - 9:30am - Teaching Sunday Service at Calvary Chapel Hidden Valley in Escondido
So, as you can see, lots coming up! In between all of this is my summer project of making personal contact with the sending churches of all my Shepherd's Staff missionaries.
I deeply appreciate all your prayer, encouragement, and financial support!
May the Lord pour out His Spirit in and thru you as you shine for Him in this dark and troubled world.
In His Arm's,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Has it been more than a week?
Well, you blink your eye's and 10 days have zipped by. Life and work have picked up a bit so I thought I'd post some of my schedule for the next few weeks.
Fri. 5-15: Teaching a home fellowship in La Casta
Sat. 5-16: Walk for Life & Ministry Faire at CC Escondido
Sun. 5-24:Teaching Sunday Morning services at Calvary Chapel Yuma, AZ
June 1-4: Sr. Pastor's Conference - Murrieta, CA
June 5-7: Missions Conference - Calvary Chapel Downey
June 20-27 Eastern European Foundations Conference - Vajta, Hungary
And lot's of one-on-one stuff in between. God is so faithful! Health wise things seem to be turning a corner. Thanks so much for praying for me and my ministry.
In His Arm's,
Monday, May 4, 2009
Monday Update 5-4
All is well on the Kenney front :-)
This past week involved several doctor's visits, both with another surgeon to get a 2nd opinion on what's been causing my pain and a first visit to the Kaiser pain clinic. Both appointments were positive in narrowing down the cause - which now seems to be more neurological than muscular. Evidently, during surgery, a pocket of nerves became trapped by the procedure, and have been firing away, causing much of my discomfort. Good news is that, with time and treatment, they gradually quiet down. And normal activity will not cause any further damage.
I've really been feeling a lot better since I returned from Chicago and am glad that things finally appear to be on the mend. As always, thanks so much for your continued prayer.
Ministry wise these next couple of weeks look to be pretty full. I know, I can hear it now, "Don't overdo it Pat!" I am pacing myself, walking more every day, as well as getting the rest my body needs. You all know my heart to be serving and I'm just grateful for the opportunities ahead to glorify Him and to edify and encourage His people - because they have sure been a huge encouragement to me these past couple of years.
Love to all of you!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
prayer request update
Wanted to give you all an update on the prayer request for the missionaries in Kenya whose daughter was dealing with a possible tumor.
From Kelli Compean:
I have just returned from the neurosurgeon who had good news. His opinion is that while there has been some increase in size of the pituitary this is not yet cause for surgery. He said, since there is no visual or hormonal impairment he would like to just monitor her. He feels that her headaches are caused by what the opthamologist called benign intracranial hypertension. He feels this should resolve in 3-4 weeks with the medicine she is currently on. He said she definitely has something which needs follow up so the plan is for her to be on this medicine, follow up with the opthamologist in one week to see if their is relief of the pressure causing the optic disk bulging. He also said her vision and likely hormones should be monitored every 3-6 months, or sooner if there is a noticeable change. The other plan is to repeat the MRI in 4 months.
This puts her finishing school here on schedule, attending her job in Alaska and then checking in with a new doctor in California just before college starts. Thank you for your prayers and concern. While we still don't have a final word from the pediatrician, we do feel there is some direction. While we certainly get into a panic and her mom jumps to worse case scenarios, we do feel confident that all the doctors are working together to gain a clear picture of what is happening. Please keep us in prayer as this chronic, potentially serious issue is something we are all adjusting to and it really makes it hard to let Haley go and live her own life. We don't want to hold her too tightly or be over protective but give her the skills she needs to take care and be responsible for her own health.
We love you and thank you
This puts her finishing school here on schedule, attending her job in Alaska and then checking in with a new doctor in California just before college starts. Thank you for your prayers and concern. While we still don't have a final word from the pediatrician, we do feel there is some direction. While we certainly get into a panic and her mom jumps to worse case scenarios, we do feel confident that all the doctors are working together to gain a clear picture of what is happening. Please keep us in prayer as this chronic, potentially serious issue is something we are all adjusting to and it really makes it hard to let Haley go and live her own life. We don't want to hold her too tightly or be over protective but give her the skills she needs to take care and be responsible for her own health.
We love you and thank you
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Moderation. def. "The avoidance of excess or extremes; the action of making something less intense." Now that's a word easy to preach about but not so easy live by. But by the grace of God, this past week I've been able to 'moderate' somewhat in my often hectic life. I laid low - no public speaking - no traveling - and really not a lot of talking; and for the first time in a couple of months my sore abs actually feel like they're starting to heal. Now moderation would instruct me to continue the process and not ramp up to quickly. So if you see me running around town this week, just say. Go home and moderate :-)
I would like to ask you to keep in prayer a missionary family serving in Kenya. Ed and Kelli Compean (out of Calvary Chapel Poway) are asking for prayer for their daughter, Haley, who has been diagnosed again with a growing tumor in her brain. They are consulting with their doctors tomorrow - and since it's already Monday in Kenya you could pray right now for God's power and wisdom to be demonstrated.
Hope you all have a very blessed week serving Jesus!
In His Arm's,
Pat Kenney
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Back from Chicago
Just a quick post thanking all of you for your prayers and thoughtful messages to my family and I as we laid my mom to rest yesterday. It was a Christ centered Irish Catholic funeral - an interesting combination - but God was glorified and my family was blessed - and my mom had a very loving, dignified memorial.
I"m home now and looking to get a few days rest and finally give my sore surgery site some time to heal.
Blessings and peace to all of you!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Mom's Home!
At about 2am this morning, the Lord called my mom out of her worn out tent into a new mansion! A house not made with human hands! We are all very exhausted but grateful for the time we did have with her the last two weeks of her life.
Services are being held tomorrow afternoon and Sat. morning in Lombard, IL. Calvary Escondido has the details. I'm pretty fried at the moment and need to get some sleep. Gonna be a busy weekend. I am booked on a flight back to San Diego on Sunday afternoon. Thanks for praying and caring!
In His Arm's,
Monday, April 13, 2009
Not so fast
My mom continues to amaze us all. About 1am this morning she opened her eyes and started chatting; uncomprehendable - but chatting nonetheless. And she stayed that way all day til I left around 7pm. She wasn't able to carry on a conversation but occasional responded to a direct question. My cousin asked her this afternoon, "Aunt Eileen, are you going to heaven?" To which mom responded clear as a bell, "Certainly!" She even puckered up for kisses while trying several times to get up, saying she wanted to go home and that she needed to get her hair done. From comatose over the weekend to this. The miracle and power of life is astounding.
None of us have any idea what tonite or tomorrow will bring. I think the whole family decided they all needed to go home and get some rest this evening. Mom's probably waiting for everyone to clear out of her room - she never liked to leave a party early!
Please continue to pray her thru on her journey to heaven.
In His Arm's,
Sunday, April 12, 2009
moving soon
Continuing to watch and wait with my Chicago family as our mom gets ready to move out of her old tent into her new mansion in heaven. She's very close now. We have all been surprised at how strong this seemingly frail lady has been in her final struggle. We expected her passing about mid-week but she has had her own time-table, given to her by the Lord, and we can't really know it. It was my first Easter spent in a hospital room and my first Easter in more than 39 years that I've spent with my biological family - my two younger brothers and younger sister and spouses and nieces and nephews and cousins...

My daughter sent me pics of my grandkids at a gathering of my California family at my son's home. Made me homesick a bit.
I pray you all were able to focus today on the miracle of the Resurrection of our Savior. As born again followers of Jesus, we really celebrate the resurrection every day. Because He is risen I am no longer dead in my sins but alive to God with the assurance of eternal life - all because He arose! To God be the glory, great things He has done!
In His Arm's,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Mom Update
My mother continues to hold on to life - not quite ready yet to let go. Those of you who have gone thru this before know how agonizing and draining the waiting can be. Each nite, waiting for the phone call from the hospital; each day, by her bedside in the hospital; watching, praying - and waiting. It's brought back the all to vivid memories of my own wife's final days.
I'm glad I could be back here with my brothers and sister and their families. It's been a long time since all four of us have been together and making decisions as a family. I miss my own family and friends back in California - for nearly 40 years, that has been "home" for me. Yet being here in the Chicago area with my siblings and other relatives is necessary and good.
Please pray for strength for all of us. Pray for my health - which is still an issue. Pray for God to use me as a witness of His great love for all my family.
And today is Good Friday. Can we ever thank our Lord enough for the price He paid that we might have life and that more abundantly than we could ever have imagined?
Continuing in His Arm's,
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Heaven - soon
Today was a hard day for my mom and all of us. She was admitted into the Hospice program at Elmhurst Hospital. They have half a dozen quiet, peaceful rooms and a comfortable family area and they'll be giving her round the clock care til the Lord takes her home. We didn't have to mover her back to her condo nor to a nursing home. She'll spend her last few days with top notch care and her family able to be by her side without carrying the burden of physical and medical care as well. God brought some wonderful people across our path today. Mom and I had about 10 minutes of semi lucid communication this morning. I told her she had a stroke, she was being well cared for in the hospital...and she could be seeing the Lord, my dad and Joyce real soon. I asked her to give Joyce a kiss for me - and then I broke down a little. She just smiled, raised her eyebrows a bit, and then I quickly showed her pictures of Kaylee and her other great grandkids - she liked that.
Then a couple minutes later she slipped off into a deep sleep and barely opened her eyes for the rest of the day. We feel it could be very soon now. Heaven's not that far away! Again I and my family are so grateful for yours and so many others prayers and encouragement.
In His Arm's,
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thanks for your prayers! I made it to Chicago fine with very little pain. Got to see my mom but she was not very responsive. I hope to speak with her Dr. in the morning. I'm staying in Lombard with my brother, Mike. Not sure when I'll be back but I'll keep posting updates here.
In His Arm's,
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My Mom
Well on top of everything else, my mom (89) has taken a severe downward turn and her docs are recommending family be gathered if they're able. So tomorrow I'm flying back to Chicago to be with my family at this difficult time. I'm still in a lot of pain myself so please pray for travel mercies and the Lord's healing hand all around!
Love you guys!
In His Arm's,
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I Can Be
Today I was encouraged in the Lord to lift my eyes up and press on. As hard as I try, I can't make things happen. I can't say "jump" to my doctors and they timidly and obediently say, "How high, Pastor?" They'll jump when the Lord tells them to jump. In the meantime there's work to be done, and even tho physically I need to rest my hurtin bod, I can still be productive.
I can be productive in prayer.
I can be productive in my study of the Word.
I can be productive thru writing and calling missionaries and their support teams.
I can be productive by being an encouragement to all who call or stop by.
And I can be productive by getting my taxes done :-) clock's ticking buddy!
So while I wait for a response from the medical quagmire, I choose not to be a bump on a log!
Love you guys! Pressing on!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Prayer request
Hi Folks!
I'm seeing my surgeon this afternoon. Please pray for wisdom and resolution to finding the source of my pain and figuring out how to deal with it. Thank you so much!
In His Arm's,
Friday, March 27, 2009
Those of you who have endured debilitating illness or injury know how "forever" the season seems in which you are not in good health or in reasonably full strength. When pain increases and sustains you wonder if you'll ever be 'normal' again. In most cases, the body does heal, but often not at the pace you would like. And the older one gets the longer the healing process takes.
I often forget what I've been thru and just expect that today I'm gonna feel a lot better and the worst is behind me. The result of that 'forgetfulness' is an assumption that I can do all that I used to do, at the pace I used to do it without consequences. One would think that after suffering the horrible 4 year battle of my wife's cancer and then losing her that emotionally I might be a mess - for a long while.
One might also surmise that my own medical challenges of six hospitalizations and four major abdominal surgeries in less than two years might seriously impact my physical and mental stamina. Then another might conclude that after moving on from my pastoral position of 27 years serving the same church and people I loved that I might be facing a serious identity crisis.
Add to that, pushing 60 years of age and now discovering I have a severe transverse oblique muscle strain/inflammation on my lower right side that may have some tearing as it transitions into my abdominal tendons causing severe stabbing pain with minimal exertion - and you might conclude that I'm a total basket case and just ready for the Lord to take me home!
All the above are reasonable assumptions - and at times I have felt everyone of them - sometimes all of them at once - and it's not a pleasant place. As most of you know who have been following this blog I have often shared just what I was dealing with... and you all have been so faithful to pray and encourage and not write me off as a confused and depressed whiner. Thank you :-)
Going home to be with the Lord and all the brethren that have gone before will surely be beyond ecstasy! But the fact and reality is - it's not over - in fact, it's likely far from over, I will recover from all this and life will go on, richer, deeper, and humbler than ever before. A dear friend shared these verses with me a couple of days ago:
Ps 27:13-14 "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!"
Ps. 40:1-5 comes to mind as well. Look it up - it's a good one!
So all this to say that I, and all my brothers and sisters who may be hurting from one crisis or another, need to look up and see the goodness of the Lord in the midst of their fog of pain and discouragement. He is still Lord, not just in the sweet by and by but in our very stark and real land of the living.
I do have an appt. with my surgeon's office this Monday evening. Please pray for them - that they might effectively guide me thru what's necessary to heal up from this muscle injury (and the previous surgeries). And pray that in the meantime, in the process of healing, I not lose heart but see the goodness of the Lord thru it all. Pray also that I have the courage and humility to heed the direction given and take the time needed to heal properly.
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
From Phoenix
Hi Folks!
Heading back to Esco from the Phoenix area where I joined several guys from church and their boys for a few days of spring training baseball and some rest. Unfortunately, I was battling a lot of pain from my last surgery (which was 2 months ago) and wasn't able to be my usual crazy self at the Padres spring training complex :-) The usual quota of baseballs I get (balls hit out of the practice fields) is about 30 for 3 days - I only got 10 - operating at only 1/3 my potential :-0!
I was able to meet with the pastor of several of our Shepherd's Staff missionaries (in China and the Ukraine) and enjoyed hanging out a bit with Pastors Jeff and Rick Jackson. So now it's back home, another doctor's appointment and hopefully get a handle on the ab pain. as always, I deeply value your prayer!
In His Arm's,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Home again
Made it home safely from my visit to the central coast. Got to meet and hang out with some great folks from Santa Maria, Morro Bay, and Lompoc. Also was blessed to spend some good time with one of our newest missionaries getting ready to begin a new work with children in Pedregales, MX. Meagan Webster - pray for her if you would. she's heading out in 3 weeks and still could use use more support.
This evening (Wed.) I taught the midweek service at Calvary Chapel Living Hope and was totally blessed. I haven't been able to do much pulpit ministry since last December. Met a gal praying about becoming a missionary to Israel and possibly going thru Shepherd's Staff.
The teaching time at CCLH was pain free! And tho I was sore afterward, I was so glad to have felt almost normal while teaching for a full hour. Thanks Lord!
In His Arm's,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Santa Maria 2
After the morning services at Calvary Santa Maria, I drove about 20 minutes north to Pismo Beach and went for a nice walk. As you can see it was a beautiful afternoon. Interestingly, this was the place, in 1972, on an outreach trip with Joyce and a team from Christian Chapel Walnut, that I knew I wanted her to be my wife. A bittersweet memory.
just as deep and as funny as ever! Love that guy!
So it was a good conference - small attendance wise but edifying for me and a good learning experience in preparing for, setting up, and engaging folks in conversation about the ministry.
Monday I drive up to Morro Bay to have lunch with a couple of the pastors there - and then pack up for the long drive back home.
God continues to show Himself strong and gracious on my behalf and I'm humbled He would allow me to serve these wonderful men and women who have committed their lives to making our good God known to the nations!
In His Arm's,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Santa Maria
Made it safely to Santa Maria on Friday for a Missions Conference hosted by the Central Coast Calvary Chapels at CC Santa Maria. Pastor Jeff Jackson is the main speaker/teacher for the event and I am representing Shepherd's Staff. The drive up from Escondido took about 5 hours. I was pretty sore by the end of the day but grateful to be here. Details to follow.
Blessings, Pat
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
God's ways
It's been an interesting week, thus far. As you know from my Sunday post, I did not make it to the conference in Tucson. Due to the loss of my driver's license, I would not have been able to rent a car. Then Monday and Tuesday the pain from my surgery flared up big time and Tues. I had to see a doc at Kaiser. X-rays were taken and the good news was that there was no evidence of any blockages or surgical left overs! No evidence of any muscle tears! But no diagnosis for what was causing all the pain - except that pesky scar tissue. Well, today the pain was almost non-existent and all I can deduce is that the Lord just wanted me to stay put because He knew my going to Tucson would be more than my body could handle. So He hid my license.
Yesterday I went to the DMV and got a new one and this afternoon the Honda dealership called and said they had my license!!! My lease was up and I decided to purchase my Accord and did the deal there last Monday. My car lady found my D/L on her copy machine (she'd been out of her office for several days and mine was her last transaction). She was very apologetic and I told her it was OK - that it was a God thing! God knew I wasn't going to be feeling well and stubbornly would have flown to Tucson anyway - so He had her forget to give me my license back to stop me in my tracks. She thought I was just being kind to her - but I really felt it was God so no need to get upset with her.
And so God's ways are sure higher than my ways. Now I'm preparing to head up to the missions conference for the Central Coast Calvary's on Friday. Will it happen??? God willing I'll be going, but I'm not throwing around that "God willing" part. I really am utterly dependent on His "willingness" to have me go. And if He doesn't, please pray I don't have to be knocked in the head to get it! Stay tuned :-)
In His Arm's,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My Plans - His Plans
Prov. 16:9 says, "A man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps." Or, as a refrigerator magnet I have says, "Man plans - God laughs!"
My plan was to fly to Tucson tomorrow to rep Shepherd's Staff at the SW Pastor's and Leaders conference. The fly in the ointment was that for the first time in over 20 years, I lost my drivers license this past week! Without the actual license I couldn't rent a vehicle - which was a must for all the back and forth meetings I was hoping to have. My passport alone was good for the flights but then I'd be stuck. Option B was to drive out, but the 7 hour drive would just be too much for my still hurting abs and lower back. My director at Shep Staff recommended I just focus on the Santa Maria conference this coming weekend.
Well I asked you guys to pray - and this is what I get??!?? :-) just kidding. I have a peace now about it but yesterday I was not a happy camper. God knows what I can and can't handle right now and so I have to adjust my steps to His directing.
So the DMV tomorrow and a call to my doc to check why the pain in my side and back seems to be getting worse. Perhaps it's a thorn in my flesh of some kind and for some purpose I, at the moment, don't quite understand.
I'll keep you posted.
BTW I did teach the missions class up at Refuge Calvary in Huntington Beach this evening and it was a real blessing. A whole bunch of folks with a heart for missions there. Some that are going out to the field and others who feel called to serve as senders. I taught on the components of a missionaries' care/support team. They are in the middle of a 9 week training called, "Get up and Go!" And thanks Pastor Bill for the coffee and fellowship before the meeting!
Hope you all have blessed and fruitful week serving your wonderful King!
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hi Folks!
Sure would appreciate your prayer for my upcoming schedule. Except for one area of nagging pain I'm feeling pretty good and preparing for a busy next couple of weeks.
Starting this Sunday evening I'll be teaching a class on the functioning of a missionary's care and support team at Refuge Calvary Chapel in Huntington Beach.
Then Monday morning I fly out to Tucson, AZ to represent Shepherd's Staff at the SW Calvary Chapel Pastor's/Leader's conference. Home on Wednesday 3/11
Friday morning, 3/13, I drive up to Santa Maria for a weekend Mission's Conference for the Central Coast Calvary's. Pastor Jeff Jackson will be the keynote speaker and I'll be representing Shepherd's Staff.
Monday 3/16 I'm meeting with the pastor and mission's pastor of Shoreline Calvary in Morro Bay, then home Tuesday evening.
Wednesday 3/18 teaching the midweek study at Calvary Chapel Living Hope in Oceanside.
So I would really appreciate your prayer support over the next couple of weeks.
Also, someone posted a comment on my last entry asking if I've thought about hosting/teaching a weekly home fellowship. The answer is yes, but as you can see from the above, my schedule can involve being away from Escondido a lot, health permitting. I'm thinking about hosting a monthly prayer meeting for the missionaries and support teams I serve. The first one may be in April. I'll post the date and time when it's set.
May each of you be filled afresh with His Spirit and overflowing with His Love!
In His Arm's,
Friday, February 27, 2009
Into Your Hands
Worries, concerns, fears. As a believer, I hate to say it, but these things often get the best of us!
And yet relief and a better perspective isn't that far away. In fact, I think it's really but a prayer away! In Ps. 57:1-2 David prayed, " soul trusts in You: yes, in the shadow of your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities are past. I will cry unto God most high; unto God Who performs all things for me."
As you think about the things that may overwhelm you, right now get quiet and lift each one to the Lord. "Lord, into Your hands I place my family, my employment, my bills, my relationships, my ministry, my health, my life!" There is a peace that passes understanding; that goes beyond human comprehension that can be ours when we cast our cares upon Him. When we consciously and specifically put each worry, concern, or fear into His faithful, merciful, and loving hands.
These are difficult times for everyone. But God's people for thousands of years have endured difficult, even harsh times with firm trust in "God most high - who performs all things for me."
This afternoon I was just thinking (and worrying) about a bunch of things - until I simply prayed, "Lord, You know about all this stuff! And right now I put each thing into Your hands."
I can't tell you a great light filled the room and my house shook with the presence and power of God :-) But my heart was instantly covered with His peace. And my thoughts went immediately to those who might still be following my blog and I felt at least one of you needed to read this - so DO IT!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
something new
Hi Folks!
Posting to my blog has been a little slow while I've been recovering. I'm sure most of you really wouldn't be too excited to read that "I stayed home this morning; went grocery shopping; sent some e-mails; read a book; went to bed." Which has been the story pretty much the past few weeks.
Today, however, I'm trying something new. A friend of mine from church has some empty office space and he has invited me to use it whenever I need it. A real blessing for sure. Working out of my house just doesn't seem to be very motivating - so to have a place to go for a few hours each day I think will really help me focus.
I also wanted to share a short note I received yesterday from another friend who has endured some difficult seasons of loss and pain. It ministered to me and I thought it might encourage some of you.
God richly bless your week ahead!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
22 years
I had an enjoyable evening yesterday with Chuck and Anita Saunders who are missionaries serving at Calvary Chapel Oxford - England. They have been on the mission field for 22 years! First in the Philippines from '87 to '01 and in England ever since. 22 years is a huge chunk of ones life - and not as common in our day as in decades past. Just sitting in my living room and listening to them share about their work, the needs and challenges of their church, the many opportunities open for ministry... it all just blessed me so much.
When they left I had to thank God for allowing me the great privilege of getting to know and serve in some small way missionaries like these. After nearly a month of me dealing with my own medical problems - and being a bit sidelined from my new work because of it - last nite may not have wowed the Saunders as it did me - but God used it to refresh my heart and remind me of the good work He has ahead for me. Blessed be His Name!
Today I joined the staff of CC Escondido for lunch with missionaries sent out from CCE about 10 years ago - Boy and Jane Borbaho - who are back here for a few months from the Philippines. Again it was a joy just listening to their stories and marvelling at how they've grown and how the Lord has been using them.
May the Lord continue to bless these precious servants and may He raise up many more to reach the nations with the good news of Jesus!
In His Arm's,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A whole week!
Wow! It sure is nice going thru a whole week without feeling like I got run over by a bus! Saturday morning I sat in with a whole bunch of musicians worshipping the Lord together at Calvary Escondido. It was a real joy seeing lots of old friends and making some new ones as well. And, of course, playing my guitar for a couple of hours really felt good. Sweet voices and fun music being lifted up to the King was the order of the morning.

It helped fill a day that I always enjoyed with my darling valentine till cancer took her a couple of years ago. Now my valentine is Jesus, the true and eternal love of my life.
Another life milestone has passed with both of my children now in their 30's! Jordan had his big 3-0 last week and Noelle passes 34 today. Which means that their dear old dad will be staring down the "60" marker in a few months. Come Quickly Lord Jesus!
I'm going to be meeting with some Shepherd's Staff missionaries from Oxford, England tomorrow evening - that will be a joy getting acquainted!
Thanks again for all your prayers for me, my family, and my ministry!
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I met with my surgeon yesterday for my post op appointment. He said everything looked good and appeared to be healing up properly. He said the recovery time would be another four to six weeks, ie. no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. After 15 months what's another few weeks, right?
Overall, the past couple of days have been my best yet - pain wise. My head is still a little foggy from the meds and anesthesia but slowly clearing. I'm starting to focus again on my work with Shepherd's Staff and anxious to get back up to speed. I'm hoping to be well enough to rep Shep. Staff at the Southwest pastors and leaders conference in Tucson Mar. 9-11 and a missions conference in central Ca. in Santa Maria the following weekend.
And thru it all, God is so good! If anything I am learning thru all these trials that God is faithful and loves me so much! That is so humbling because I am so often such a whiner :-)
He loves me, not because of who I am or what I am accomplishing, but because of Who He is.
He sees my end and I only see my present. He sees me with Him in eternity and loves me as if I were already there! That's pretty cool!
In His Arm's,
Sunday, February 8, 2009
When will it stop?
When will it stop? I think that's a very common question expressed by many who are going thru seasons of suffering, illness, or loss. When I'm hurting it seems it will never go away - it will never get better. A very limited narrow perspective for sure, but also a very powerful influence on the quietness, peace and steady trust in the Lord, which is our constant possession as believers.
I'm gaining greater empathy for people who suffer with chronic or constant pain. My ordeal isn't as gnarly as what many good and godly people have to endure. But I am learning as I go thru my own bouts of abdominal pain from my surgeries and blockages that God is right here with me. Not causing my pain but holding me and seeing me thru it day after day.
I've come to the point of "discussing" with God the possibility that I might be dealing with this pain and discomfort and inconvenience for a long time - maybe for the rest of my life. And if that's the case, how will I still serve Him? What will my ministry consist of? I'm not resisting those possibilities anymore - just wondering how I will need to adapt and humbly asking for His wisdom, strength, and patience to do so.
When will it stop? Maybe it will and maybe it won't. Either way, His love and care remains constant and deep and eternal. And that's the place we really grow. Help us Lord to walk close to you every day - and when the storms and tragedies of life seem to nearly knock us off our feet, may we remain confident that You are holding us and you will never let go!
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
So how can I pray for you?
I've received so much love and encouragement while getting better and I would truly like to be praying for you who have been following my crazy journey thru loss of a spouse, transition to a new ministry and trying to get well physically. You can write me at
This week has been an improvement over last week pain wise. Starting to get out and run errands every day and hope to be walking daily by the end of the week.
On the missions front. Please pray for the Havertape family as they have left for Russia to work on obtaining their residence visas - a process that could take a couple of months - they have already served in Russia for 5 years. Also, next week, my friend Bob Claycamp's son Jessie and his family are heading out to China long term. Bob and Jeanie's other son, Micah, and his family are presently missionaries in the Ukraine. Pray for the Senior Claycamps as a bunch of their grandchildren will be in the mission field as well. And you grandparents know how hard it is to have your grandkids live far away - and ya can't get much farther away than Russia and China!
In His Arm's,
Sunday, February 1, 2009
slow progress
6 days out from surgery and I'm starting to feel a little better. There is still a lot of pain and swelling in the abdominal area but I did get out for a short walk this afternoon. They told me this one would be more painful than the others - and they weren't lying.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to get moving on a bunch of correspondence with my missionaries and their sending churches. Please pray for the Inland NW Pastor's and Leader's Conference being held in Spokane, WA. Ron from Shepherd's Staff will be covering it in my place. Pray for a growing hunger for raising up and sending out their own missionaries amongst these great churches.
Hope you all had a blessed weekend.
Thanks to all who have been praying and calling and sending encouraging notes these past few weeks. And a deep thanks to all who stepped up to commit to financial support of my new ministry with Shepherd's Staff.
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Heading home!
Hi folks! Well my doc said I was good to go home this morning.
Thanks so much for your prayer and faithful support.
Pat Kenney
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, January 23, 2009
tell what's happening
I've often wondered why missionaries don't write back to their home churches and supporters more often. And as I stared at my blank blog screen for the 4th or 5th time this week, I began to identify. Tho a lot has been happening, putting it into words or a format that's interesting and compelling reading doesn't come natural to most of us.
So this week I've met and/or talked with a bunch of missionaries, counseled some, encouraged others, made new contacts, visited support teams and missions pastors and friends and home fellowship and it's all a lot like last week and the week before and the week before that :-) Like so many other missionaries/pastors/servant leaders we do what we do as unto the Lord without a lot of fanfare and splash. We often are repulsed at bringing attention to ourselves or our work because all glory belongs to the Lord. And yet the nature of our Christian community is one of sharing and caring and not isolation. A vital part of fellowship is communicating what the Lord is doing in our lives even if it doesn't seem like much in our own eyes.
Others are blessed in ways we may never know by our "routine" faithfulness to His call. So tell others about the Lord's work in your lives. Tell how He is blessing and sustaining and chastising and empowering. We often are moved and challenged and grow thru the witness and testimony of those around us.
And I get to share a new 'hospital' testimony next week as I'm having surgery Monday morning to repair a few hernias related to my previous surgeries! Thanks in advance for your prayers!
In His Arm's,
Monday, January 19, 2009
Good Monday morning! Just a short note to say I'm feeling a lot better today. Thanks for your prayers. Yesterday, after meeting with the support team for one of Shepherd Staff's missionaries in Romania and the leadership of CC Poway, and receiving a lot of prayer from them, my physical discomfort began to ease up. I thank God for His mercy!
Today I meet with my surgeon to go over the hernia repairs scheduled for next Monday. Tomorrow I meet with another missionary family preparing to return to Russia. Lot's of email to catch up on before next monday. Love you all!
In His Arm's,
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thanks to all who were praying for my recovering from another obstruction that landed me back in the hospital last weekend. I got home Monday, but all week I've been weak and still hurting - just not as bad as last Thursday. And again I have to wonder, "How does this all fit?" I know in the Lord's sovereign plan He has a purpose for everything - but He usually seems to draw us thru the trial that we might learn to trust it all to Him - and later down the road we see the benefit of staying true and close to Him - even in the storms!
So I'm trying to pace my self since this last incident sparked surgery scheduling to finally schedule my hernia repair surgery for next Mon. the 26th.
This setback and the upcoming surgery as forced me to cancel a trip to Phoenix for some Shepherd Staff Training last week and a conference up in Spokane I was supposed to attend the week after my surgery. I also had to cancel a Sunday Morning teaching op at CC Mid Valley in Encino on the 25th. Frustrating, because I want to be telling you all about the new work I'm doing with some wonderful missionaries - but that will come.
Again, thanks for keeping tabs on me - and your prayers for next weeks surgical procedures would deeply appreciated.
In His Arm's,
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Once again I find myself confined to a hospital bed at Kaiser.
Thursday evening, as I was packing for Phoenix, I felt the sharp
stabbing pains of a small bowel blockage. Needless to say I didn't
make it to Phoenix!
Thursday evening, as I was packing for Phoenix, I felt the sharp
stabbing pains of a small bowel blockage. Needless to say I didn't
make it to Phoenix!
This one has been rougher than 3 months ago - but God is still faithful.
I may go home by Tuesday.
In His Arm's
Pat Kenney
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Mission's Conference
Well I've been representing Shepherd's Staff at the annual Calvary Chapel Mission's Conference going on thru Thursday in Murrieta. I'm having a great but exhausting time meeting folks from all over the world. Many have shown serious interest in the ministry and resources available and followup from all the contacts made will keep us hopping for the next few weeks!
I pray you're all having a blessed week!
In His faithful care!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year
What will 2009 bring? After 2008 I'm a little more cautious in asking that question. '08 was surely an emotional roller coaster for me. In many ways it was a very hard year - dealing with surgeries and hospitalizations and long recoveries, continuing to work thru the grieving of the loss of my Joyce, and no longer pastoring Calvary Escondido. It was also a year of many victories, new relationships, and new ministry opportunities. The greatest joy of '08 has been watching my son renewed in his relationship with the Lord and growing in his daily walk. Both my son and daughter have been such an incredible support to me thru a very difficult year. Another huge blessing has been the opportunity to serve the mission's ministry of Shepherd's Staff.
As I now await the scheduling of still another surgery I understand that life and ministry goes on regardless. Rather than putting everything on hold again "til I'm better," I'm instead moving ahead with ministry and life and the Lord will work out the timing. I love the Lord and so desire to know Him and His Word closer and deeper in this coming year. His promises are sure and He will never leave or forsake me! Psalm 1:3 assures me that "he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in it's season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper!"
2009 is sure to be filled with God working inside and out. Perhaps this will be the year that the Lord brings His church home! If He chooses to wait a bit longer, then we all have more time to serve Him and each other and to continue reaching out to a very hurting and hopeless world with the light and truth of the good news of Jesus Christ!
Press on!
In His Arm's,
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