In an earlier version of this post I put in some info on raising support but after posting it, felt it was a bit premature. I need to give this new opportunity a little more time to play out. God is providing :-)
I am still going to be available to assist pastors who need pulpit help, guest speaking, retreats, church consulting, counseling and encouragement.
I was blessed to complete a 3 part series in Hebrews 12 on God's Chastening at CC Living Hope last Wednesday. Had a memorial service to do on Saturday and enjoyed a loud, rockin', Christian concert Sat. eve. at the Cricket Amph. in Chula Vista featuring, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot, and 3rd Day.
My schedule for Oct. is shaping up as follows:
Throughout the month I'll be making contact with missionaries and their sending churches as part of my Shepherd's Staff duties. In addition:
10-1 - Police Chaplains mtg.
10-3 - Another memorial service
10-7 - CC Outreach Fellowships Meeting
10-11 - Speaking at a Men's Breakfast at CC El Centro - 8am
10-13 to 16 National Send the Message Missions Conference at CC Spring Valley in Las Vegas
10-19 Speaking at CC Vista - all 3 morning services
10-20 thru the end of the month - US District Court Jury Duty
Thanks for continuing to pray.
In His Arm's,