Today was more a kickback day in Montana. It snowed again on and off but the temp got a little warmer as the day progressed and by late afternoon the sun was shining for the first time since I got here. It was a day to reflect a little as well as rest. I had mentioned before about having many opportunities to serve and I am thinking the greater challenge for me will be having too much to choose from. And with that, I'm realizing the need for prayer and wisdom about what, where, when and how is greater than ever.
The idea of doing extended ministry outside of Escondido is still almost surreal. But I can see God opening all kinds of doors. I don't think I'll be sitting around waiting for stuff to do after my medical stuff is done. Already, I look at my calendar for the next three months and see the present dilemma - lot's of things to do and places to go and dear friends to see - but there's a fog over the calendar called surgery and recovery - dogonit :-) I want to get my cart before my horse and that never works. So again I ask for patience. Being up here and participating in an
intensely relational ministry whets my appetite and I want to dive in - but I know this is just a time of searching out - and I will still need to wait and pray for what He wants rather than what I want. One thing for sure, the next few months will be very interesting.
Love you guys! Thanks for all the comments you've made!
In His Arm's,