The big deal today was the removal of the 25 or so staples that held my wounds together. Went smoothly and everything on the outside is healing up nicely. Still a ways to go on the inside but I know it's getting better too. Just got to give it time, good nutrition, and rest, and light activity - ie. short walks, stuff around the house. I can't drive for a week or two yet - need to be off the narcotic pain meds before getting behind the wheel.
My daughter has been with me all week and her husband is joining her tomorrow for the weekend before I have have to fly solo next week. What a blessing family is. As my kids were growing up it was always hard to picture then taking care of me. But they have stepped it up and have been right there to encourage and help. Not a day seems to pass without each of them calling and checking up on me. That is a treasure I will never again take for granted.
Spiritually, the Lord has given me a fresh peace concerning this recent surgical setback. I was so sure after this surgery I would be off and running as soon as it healed up. But now I'm faced with still another surgery a few months down the road to reconnect the new portion of my colon that was disconnected to allow the whole colon more time to heal. At times I think I should be depressed - but I'm not. I'm tired and sore for sure but still excited about how God is going to use all this for His purposes and glory.
May we all press on in our love and service to Him no matter the twists and turns on the road.
In His Arm's,