Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Surgery Cancelled
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I have written a few times about the uncertainty of my identity and ministry and purpose in life since the loss of my lovely Joyce. God has been ministering to me a lot during the past couple of weeks so I would like to share a little of what He has been showing me.
Being one flesh for nearly 35 years created a unique identity in that, tho we were still individuals, in a mystical beautiful way we functioned in life as a unit. Everything each of us said and did and even thought impacted the other - sometimes in ways we could see - but more often in ways we could not. Tho we were individuals we were not independent of each other. And that was wonderful and I'm so thankful for that relationship. So now that our life together has been completed (til death do us part) and she has gone on to her eternal reward in heaven, I find myself at times groping to understand who I am without her and what my life will be like in the months and years ahead - should the Lord give me more length of days.
Mercifully the Lord is not silent. He has been speaking many things to my heart and tho I don't have a clear vision of specifics, I do have a greater sense of His peace and His desire to continue to use my life for His purposes. You'ld think that would be a "no-brainer" but in grief often the link between theology and reality gets really blurred.
In His Arm's,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
In Mesquite
I'm sort of marinating in all that happened at the missions conference the past few days. I know one thing for sure, God still has a plan for my life. Tho I can't see ahead very clearly right now it's not as murky as it was a few weeks ago. And that excites me! I'm anxious to get my surgery behind me, heal up, and move ahead in the things God has for me and for our church and its' outreaches.
There is still so much more God wants to do thru us if stay in love with Jesus and remain yielded to His will and purposes for us. May His Word dwell in you richly as you serve Him and one another!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Send the Message
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A bit harder
Monday, October 8, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
3 Months
It's been three months now since my Joyce was taken to heaven. It's still hard to comprehend that she's gone and not coming back. I'm not troubled with the "why" questions much anymore. I know where she is and Who she is with! I also am keenly aware that she is not with me. I've been traveling a bit the last few weeks, visiting family and friends has been good for me and for them - but nearly every day I felt like I needed to call Joyce and see how she's doing and fill her in on all the new happenings with everyone. And I couldn't do that. Coming home to an empty house after each trip was also surreal. It's like time stopped while I was gone and when I opened the door everything was exactly as I left it. Nothing was moved, nothing was cooking, nothing new was added, nothing old taken away - then I open the refrigerator and realize that a few things had changed...and needed to be tossed in the trash :-)