Today's Bible readings: Judges 7-8; Luke 5:1-16
A better day for us. Joyce's mom and dad came over for a short visit and later in the afternoon we ventured out for a "field trip" to Barnes and Noble. We just had to get past the emotion of the visit to the crowded oncology dept. at Kaiser Zion in San Diego. Dozens of people, young and old there were facing, just like us, the trial of their lives. Last night's evening of praise and worship at the church helped me focus afresh on how good the Lord really is to each of us.
Psalm 139 was on my heart all evening and we closed the service with the reading of that wonderful Psalm of thanksgiving and worship.
Hope your day and evening are blessed!
In His Joy,
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Wed. 3-38-07
Today's Bible reading: Judges 4-6; Luke 4:31-44
Joyce's update: We saw her oncologist this morning and the results of her recent testing were "mixed". Her tumor marker count (CA2729) had decreased a little, from 162 to 138, but the cancer activity in her abdominal lymph nodes was slightly elevated from the last time. There was no evidence of any new tumors. So we resume chemo in a couple of weeks and she'll have all her testing done again in a couple of months - we press on! Her doctor said she was amazed at Joyce's incredible endurance and that she was an inspiration to her.
Neither of us were overjoyed at that - we both just wanted to get home. Being an inspiration to others, at least in our case, doesn't produce great feelings of satisfaction or accomplishment. She just wants to get well - and the prospect of that happening soon isn't real encouraging right now. I'm just trying to suck it up and help her continue her fight - tho at times I feel like I want to punch a wall, which I wouldn't do because I know I'ld break my hand - and then that wouldn't be much help right?
So where is God in all this? He's right close with both of us. I don't question that a bit. I've learned over the years not to base my faith and trust on my feelings but on His revealed truth. I certainly wish He would choose to make Joyce well - but if He doesn't, I identify with Peter when he told the Lord, "To Whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life!" There is no other place of true peace and refuge in this world.
That's about it for now.
In His Arm's, Pat
Joyce's update: We saw her oncologist this morning and the results of her recent testing were "mixed". Her tumor marker count (CA2729) had decreased a little, from 162 to 138, but the cancer activity in her abdominal lymph nodes was slightly elevated from the last time. There was no evidence of any new tumors. So we resume chemo in a couple of weeks and she'll have all her testing done again in a couple of months - we press on! Her doctor said she was amazed at Joyce's incredible endurance and that she was an inspiration to her.
Neither of us were overjoyed at that - we both just wanted to get home. Being an inspiration to others, at least in our case, doesn't produce great feelings of satisfaction or accomplishment. She just wants to get well - and the prospect of that happening soon isn't real encouraging right now. I'm just trying to suck it up and help her continue her fight - tho at times I feel like I want to punch a wall, which I wouldn't do because I know I'ld break my hand - and then that wouldn't be much help right?
So where is God in all this? He's right close with both of us. I don't question that a bit. I've learned over the years not to base my faith and trust on my feelings but on His revealed truth. I certainly wish He would choose to make Joyce well - but if He doesn't, I identify with Peter when he told the Lord, "To Whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life!" There is no other place of true peace and refuge in this world.
That's about it for now.
In His Arm's, Pat
Monday, March 26, 2007
Mon. 3-26-07
Our reading thru the Bible in a year should have us thru Joshua 24 and Luke 3.
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Joyce was "upgraded" to use a cane last friday - tho she's still a little unsteady with it and is sticking with the walker for a little while longer. She resumed her radiation treatments this morning - 4 down 6 to go.
This Wednesday we meet with her oncologist to go over the results of her recent CT scan and bloodwork which will show how her current chemo is working. We really don't look forward to those appointments - most of the time the news isn't so good. But it really has been amazing to me how the Lord has seen us thru so much. We know He is faithful to us thru this one too! And I'm not just saying that because that's what a Pastor should say. I really mean it.
So an emotional and busy (medically speaking) week ahead.
In His Arm's,
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Joyce was "upgraded" to use a cane last friday - tho she's still a little unsteady with it and is sticking with the walker for a little while longer. She resumed her radiation treatments this morning - 4 down 6 to go.
This Wednesday we meet with her oncologist to go over the results of her recent CT scan and bloodwork which will show how her current chemo is working. We really don't look forward to those appointments - most of the time the news isn't so good. But it really has been amazing to me how the Lord has seen us thru so much. We know He is faithful to us thru this one too! And I'm not just saying that because that's what a Pastor should say. I really mean it.
So an emotional and busy (medically speaking) week ahead.
In His Arm's,
Friday, March 23, 2007
Fri. 3-23-07
Today's Bible Reading: Joshua 13-15; Luke 1:57-80
Joyce had a few hard days this week. It's still very slow going with the walker and lot's of fatigue. But she got thru her CT scan yesterday - you have to fast and then drink these 3 containers of a solution that makes the contrasts in the scan. It takes about 2 & 1/2 hours (drink the stuff and then wait til the body absorbs it, then the pictures are taken). Her favorite comment is "I'm just looking forward to the ride home!"
Today, she has the 3rd of 10 radiation treatments on her leg....and then the weekend to rest!
I decided not to go on the annual trip to the Padres Spring Training facilities in Peoria, AZ this weekend. Been going every spring for the past 15 years. :-(
Anyway, it's better I'm home - I know I'ld be worried about Joyce if I went and wouldn't really enjoy I'll save about $500.
Well, hope you all have a very blessed weekend in the Lord!
In His Arm's, Pat
Joyce had a few hard days this week. It's still very slow going with the walker and lot's of fatigue. But she got thru her CT scan yesterday - you have to fast and then drink these 3 containers of a solution that makes the contrasts in the scan. It takes about 2 & 1/2 hours (drink the stuff and then wait til the body absorbs it, then the pictures are taken). Her favorite comment is "I'm just looking forward to the ride home!"
Today, she has the 3rd of 10 radiation treatments on her leg....and then the weekend to rest!
I decided not to go on the annual trip to the Padres Spring Training facilities in Peoria, AZ this weekend. Been going every spring for the past 15 years. :-(
Anyway, it's better I'm home - I know I'ld be worried about Joyce if I went and wouldn't really enjoy I'll save about $500.
Well, hope you all have a very blessed weekend in the Lord!
In His Arm's, Pat
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Wed. 3-21-07
Today's Bible Reading: Joshua 7-9; Luke 1:21-38
As I read about Joshua and Israel's conquest of Canaan, I'm reminded about the strength and power of faith. In just one generation, the entire nation went from fear to faith. They were complainers and now they are conquerers. It didn't happen overnite; it took a while to learn to trust and obey - and tho they had to go thru a lot of chastisement and rebuke, they were never forsaken by God. And they grew in faith. The terror of the Lord was upon their enemies.
Victories await you and I today! The Lord has already gone before us. If we trust Him and obey Him, he will guide us thru the battles of today - and at the end of the day we will give thanks and say, "Blessed be the name of the Lord for He has done great things!"
On the home front, Joyce began the first of 10 radiation treatments on her leg and then had to get her blood drawn again in prep for next weeks meeting with her oncologist. But before we did all that we had a little fun with a short trip to the mall. She hadn't been since around Thanksgiving! I think we both had a different perspective of the mall - both her in a wheel chair and I the wheel chair pusher. Several stores we went into were far from wheelchair friendly.
In any case it was still good for her to get out.
Hope and pray your day is blessed!
In His Arm's, Pat
As I read about Joshua and Israel's conquest of Canaan, I'm reminded about the strength and power of faith. In just one generation, the entire nation went from fear to faith. They were complainers and now they are conquerers. It didn't happen overnite; it took a while to learn to trust and obey - and tho they had to go thru a lot of chastisement and rebuke, they were never forsaken by God. And they grew in faith. The terror of the Lord was upon their enemies.
Victories await you and I today! The Lord has already gone before us. If we trust Him and obey Him, he will guide us thru the battles of today - and at the end of the day we will give thanks and say, "Blessed be the name of the Lord for He has done great things!"
On the home front, Joyce began the first of 10 radiation treatments on her leg and then had to get her blood drawn again in prep for next weeks meeting with her oncologist. But before we did all that we had a little fun with a short trip to the mall. She hadn't been since around Thanksgiving! I think we both had a different perspective of the mall - both her in a wheel chair and I the wheel chair pusher. Several stores we went into were far from wheelchair friendly.
In any case it was still good for her to get out.
Hope and pray your day is blessed!
In His Arm's, Pat
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Hi Everyone!

Sorry I've lagged a bit on the blog. Sometimes no
news is good news! We've had a good, stable last
few days. Friday our grand daughter, Kaylee,
came over for a visit.

Then on Sunday evening, Joyce was able to get
out of the house for one of our step-grand
daughters-to-be, Halley's, 3rd birthday party.
She also got to spend some time with our newest grand daughter, Brooklynn (5mo.)

We stayed for a couple of hours and Joyce did real well. On Monday, she had the last of the staples from her surgery removed and now is just trying to strengthen her leg so she won't have to use the walker much more.
Today Joyce starts the radiation treatment for her leg which will continue every day for the next two weeks. The resumption of her chemo will be delayed until she finishes radiation and has a little time to recover. We also have a CT scan on Thursday and our next meeting with our oncologist next Wed. to see how everything is progressing. So another busy, medical wise, next few weeks.
Also, please keep my younger brother Mike in prayer. His cancer was upgraded to a Stage 3 and he starts chemo next week. God is giving us more opportunities to talk. He just lost a good friend to colon cancer it's all hitting him hard.
God Bless you all! And stay in the Word! Our reading thru the Bible in a year should have us thru Joshua 6 and Luke 1:20.
In His Arm's, Pat
Sorry I've lagged a bit on the blog. Sometimes no
news is good news! We've had a good, stable last
few days. Friday our grand daughter, Kaylee,
came over for a visit.
Then on Sunday evening, Joyce was able to get
out of the house for one of our step-grand
daughters-to-be, Halley's, 3rd birthday party.
She also got to spend some time with our newest grand daughter, Brooklynn (5mo.)
We stayed for a couple of hours and Joyce did real well. On Monday, she had the last of the staples from her surgery removed and now is just trying to strengthen her leg so she won't have to use the walker much more.
Today Joyce starts the radiation treatment for her leg which will continue every day for the next two weeks. The resumption of her chemo will be delayed until she finishes radiation and has a little time to recover. We also have a CT scan on Thursday and our next meeting with our oncologist next Wed. to see how everything is progressing. So another busy, medical wise, next few weeks.
Also, please keep my younger brother Mike in prayer. His cancer was upgraded to a Stage 3 and he starts chemo next week. God is giving us more opportunities to talk. He just lost a good friend to colon cancer it's all hitting him hard.
God Bless you all! And stay in the Word! Our reading thru the Bible in a year should have us thru Joshua 6 and Luke 1:20.
In His Arm's, Pat
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Sat. 3-17-07
Today's Bible Reading: Deut. 30-31; Mark 15:1-25
Deut 30:20 "that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."(NKJ)
What a profound exhortation from Moses! Help us today, Lord, to love You, obey You and cling to You. Apart from You we can do nothing.
Blessings! Pat
Deut 30:20 "that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."(NKJ)
What a profound exhortation from Moses! Help us today, Lord, to love You, obey You and cling to You. Apart from You we can do nothing.
Blessings! Pat
Friday, March 16, 2007
Friday, 3-16-07
Yesterday and today's Bible Reading: Deut. 26-29; Mark 14:27-72
On Thursday, our home health care nurse removed the staples from 2 of the 3 incisions on Joyce's leg. Everything is healing up quickly and cleanly - thank You Lord! A Physical Therapist also came by yesterday and was impressed with how well Joyce was moving since last week.
Next week the PT plans to replace the walker with a cane. But Joyce still has a lot ahead of her :-( Next week she starts a series of 10 treatments of radiation therapy - every day for 10 days excluding weekends. The radiation will target the tumor that weakened her femur bone and tho she may have some discomfort from the treatments, it's supposed to sterlize the tumor and take away a lot of the pain. Then she continues with her chemo.
Next week she also will be having a CT scan and blood work done to assess how effective this current course of chemo is doing. Pray it will show remission!
I'm doing OK. Tired to say the least but in good spirits. As I've said before, it's a real honor to take care of my wonderful wife. I'm so blessed to be able to be with her and not worry about the church as well. We have a great team of pastors and leaders to care for our flock at CCE. Pray for them, help them, support them as best as you can. If CCE is your home church, I encourage you to get or stay involved, serving somewhere.
Hope you have a very blessed and joy filled weekend!
In His Arm's,
On Thursday, our home health care nurse removed the staples from 2 of the 3 incisions on Joyce's leg. Everything is healing up quickly and cleanly - thank You Lord! A Physical Therapist also came by yesterday and was impressed with how well Joyce was moving since last week.
Next week the PT plans to replace the walker with a cane. But Joyce still has a lot ahead of her :-( Next week she starts a series of 10 treatments of radiation therapy - every day for 10 days excluding weekends. The radiation will target the tumor that weakened her femur bone and tho she may have some discomfort from the treatments, it's supposed to sterlize the tumor and take away a lot of the pain. Then she continues with her chemo.
Next week she also will be having a CT scan and blood work done to assess how effective this current course of chemo is doing. Pray it will show remission!
I'm doing OK. Tired to say the least but in good spirits. As I've said before, it's a real honor to take care of my wonderful wife. I'm so blessed to be able to be with her and not worry about the church as well. We have a great team of pastors and leaders to care for our flock at CCE. Pray for them, help them, support them as best as you can. If CCE is your home church, I encourage you to get or stay involved, serving somewhere.
Hope you have a very blessed and joy filled weekend!
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Wednesday 3-14-07
Bible Reading: Today we should be thru Deut. 25 and Mark 14:1-26
Today I take Joyce to the radiologist to set her up for radiation on the cancer in her leg. Don't know what that will involve yet but we'll soon find out. She's up and about a little more each day now with less pain and discomfort from her leg.
Pastor Mark sent me some wonderful verses from Ps 57 this morning.
Psalm 57:1-3
"Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by. I will cry out to God Most High, to God who performs all things for me. He shall send from Heaven and save me; He reproaches the one who would swallow me up. God shall send forth His mercy and His truth."
The last paragraph in today's Daily Bread devotion also spoke to my heart:
"No matter what happens to us, we have this assurance: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Ps. 46:1). Open your eyes and your heart. He is there.
Thank You Lord!
In His Arm's,
Today I take Joyce to the radiologist to set her up for radiation on the cancer in her leg. Don't know what that will involve yet but we'll soon find out. She's up and about a little more each day now with less pain and discomfort from her leg.
Pastor Mark sent me some wonderful verses from Ps 57 this morning.
Psalm 57:1-3
"Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by. I will cry out to God Most High, to God who performs all things for me. He shall send from Heaven and save me; He reproaches the one who would swallow me up. God shall send forth His mercy and His truth."
The last paragraph in today's Daily Bread devotion also spoke to my heart:
"No matter what happens to us, we have this assurance: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Ps. 46:1). Open your eyes and your heart. He is there.
Thank You Lord!
In His Arm's,
Monday, March 12, 2007
Mon. 3-12-07
Today's Bible Reading: Deut. 20-22; Mark 13:1-20
This morning I thought I'ld put out a simple prayer request. When a person faces a disabling disease it's often difficult to see purpose or reason for it. So would you pray with me that Joyce might have peace and a sense that God is using for good all that she is suffering thru. You could also pray that I might be more enabled to minister effectively and compassionatly to her.
In our readings today I noticed an interesting verse in Deut. 20 that dealt with instructions officers in Israel's army were to give to their troops.
Deut 20:8 "The officers shall speak further to the people, and say, 'What man is there who is fearful and fainthearted? Let him go and return to his house, lest the heart of his brethren faint like his heart.'(NKJ)
I feel like we're in an intense battle which requires a right outlook and a deliberate uplook. It's easy to get discouraged and depressed given the circumstances - but I can't give in to that lest those around me 'faint like my heart'. We all need to remember Who is holding us and Who we belong to.
Again, looking at the first few verses in Ch.20, the Lord is speaking to those going into battle.
Deut 20:1 "When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God is with you, who brought you up from the land of Egypt. 2 "So it shall be, when you are on the verge of battle, that the priest shall approach and speak to the people. 3 "And he shall say to them, 'Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified because of them; 4 'for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.'(NKJ)
That's my prayer today! That I might not tremble or be terrified because of the trial my wife and I are going thru. God is faithful. He cannot be unfaithful!
Press on today in faith in whatever battle you may be facing.
In His Arm's,
This morning I thought I'ld put out a simple prayer request. When a person faces a disabling disease it's often difficult to see purpose or reason for it. So would you pray with me that Joyce might have peace and a sense that God is using for good all that she is suffering thru. You could also pray that I might be more enabled to minister effectively and compassionatly to her.
In our readings today I noticed an interesting verse in Deut. 20 that dealt with instructions officers in Israel's army were to give to their troops.
Deut 20:8 "The officers shall speak further to the people, and say, 'What man is there who is fearful and fainthearted? Let him go and return to his house, lest the heart of his brethren faint like his heart.'(NKJ)
I feel like we're in an intense battle which requires a right outlook and a deliberate uplook. It's easy to get discouraged and depressed given the circumstances - but I can't give in to that lest those around me 'faint like my heart'. We all need to remember Who is holding us and Who we belong to.
Again, looking at the first few verses in Ch.20, the Lord is speaking to those going into battle.
Deut 20:1 "When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God is with you, who brought you up from the land of Egypt. 2 "So it shall be, when you are on the verge of battle, that the priest shall approach and speak to the people. 3 "And he shall say to them, 'Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified because of them; 4 'for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.'(NKJ)
That's my prayer today! That I might not tremble or be terrified because of the trial my wife and I are going thru. God is faithful. He cannot be unfaithful!
Press on today in faith in whatever battle you may be facing.
In His Arm's,
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Sun. 3-11-07
Today's Bible Reading: Deut. 14-16; Mark 12:28-44
It was a blessing to be teaching this morning at CCE. And Joyce had a pretty good day as well. She's gaining more mobility with less pain. We had a quiet, relaxing rest of the day.
As we begin a new week, may we all be filled with a fresh passion to love and obey the Lord and be pleasing to Him in all that we say and do and think!
In His Arm's, Pat
It was a blessing to be teaching this morning at CCE. And Joyce had a pretty good day as well. She's gaining more mobility with less pain. We had a quiet, relaxing rest of the day.
As we begin a new week, may we all be filled with a fresh passion to love and obey the Lord and be pleasing to Him in all that we say and do and think!
In His Arm's, Pat
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Sat. 3-10-07
Today's Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 11-13; Mark 12:1-27
Not much new to report today concerning Joyce, which is good considering all the drama over the past couple of weeks. A physical therapist came to the house yesterday to advise her on strengthening her leg - said she was doing well. Noelle, our daughter, left for LA for a few days' preparing for her new job which begins on the 19th. So it's just Joyce and I for the first time in about 6 weeks.
Blessings! Pat
Not much new to report today concerning Joyce, which is good considering all the drama over the past couple of weeks. A physical therapist came to the house yesterday to advise her on strengthening her leg - said she was doing well. Noelle, our daughter, left for LA for a few days' preparing for her new job which begins on the 19th. So it's just Joyce and I for the first time in about 6 weeks.
Blessings! Pat
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Thurs. 3-8-07
In our Bible reading we should be thru Deuteronomy 7 and Mark 11:18
The last 2 days have been busy and exhausting but I'm glad to say that Joyce is doing better and is recovering from her surgery. She's using a walker to get around and was able to swing her legs off the bed and stand up on her own this evening. We have recieved so many encouraging notes and emails - it's been hard to keep up on everything - but thank you so much for caring.
I've been blessed to have my daughter, Noelle, home to not only help with caring for Joyce but she's been a great help to me too - cooking, cleaning and just hanging out - it's been good!
I miss the day to day ministry at the church but I know that God is leading Mark and Richard and Miles and the whole ministry team. I am quite confident in all our pastoral staff - they seek and hear from the Lord and they all deeply love our flock at CCE. The plan, for the near term, as Joyce is battling, is that I will continue to preach on Sunday mornings, as the Lord would allow.
In His Arm's, Pat
The last 2 days have been busy and exhausting but I'm glad to say that Joyce is doing better and is recovering from her surgery. She's using a walker to get around and was able to swing her legs off the bed and stand up on her own this evening. We have recieved so many encouraging notes and emails - it's been hard to keep up on everything - but thank you so much for caring.
I've been blessed to have my daughter, Noelle, home to not only help with caring for Joyce but she's been a great help to me too - cooking, cleaning and just hanging out - it's been good!
I miss the day to day ministry at the church but I know that God is leading Mark and Richard and Miles and the whole ministry team. I am quite confident in all our pastoral staff - they seek and hear from the Lord and they all deeply love our flock at CCE. The plan, for the near term, as Joyce is battling, is that I will continue to preach on Sunday mornings, as the Lord would allow.
In His Arm's, Pat
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Tuesday, 3-6-07
This afternoon we were able to bring Joyce home from the hospital. She's pretty exhausted (you don't get much real rest in a hospital) and so are my daughter and I. My greatest concern right now is giving her the care she needs to regain her strength and use of her right leg.
Please continue to pray for Joyce - she still has a steep hill to climb over the next few weeks. The docs decided that radiation on the right leg would be next up - they say it will take care of her pain. That's happening in a couple of weeks which will push back the continuation of her chemo a week or two.
In His Arm's, Pat
Please continue to pray for Joyce - she still has a steep hill to climb over the next few weeks. The docs decided that radiation on the right leg would be next up - they say it will take care of her pain. That's happening in a couple of weeks which will push back the continuation of her chemo a week or two.
In His Arm's, Pat
Monday, March 5, 2007
Mon. 3-5-07
Todays Bible Reading: Numbers 34-36; Mark 9:30-50
Heading back down to Zion. Joyce had a better nite and was up sitting in a chair this morning. Yesterday was a battle but she got thru it! I'll give more info later this evening. Gotta go!
Heading back down to Zion. Joyce had a better nite and was up sitting in a chair this morning. Yesterday was a battle but she got thru it! I'll give more info later this evening. Gotta go!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Sat. 3-3-07
11pm. Just got home from the hospital. Joyce had her surgery around 6 this evening. The surgeon said all went well and Joyce is recovering now. She's was in a lot of pain coming out of surgery but she had a Christian nurse caring for her who knew both of us and had been to several of our Women's retreats - and she had lots prayer and strong meds to help Joyce be comfortable thru the night.
I'll be at the hospital all day tomorrow so Pastor Miles will be teaching in my place.
Love all of you!, Pat
I'll be at the hospital all day tomorrow so Pastor Miles will be teaching in my place.
Love all of you!, Pat
Friday, March 2, 2007
Friday, 3-2-07
Today's Bible Reading: Numbers 28-30; Mark 8:22-38
It's about 10pm. I had to take Joyce to the hospital today to get her leg injury checked out. After viewing new x-rays, the orthopedic doc said she had a imminent fracture and would have to have surgery to stabilize the femur. So they admitted her this after noon and surgery is scheduled for Sunday - tho they might be able to get her in tomorrow afternoon - we'll see.
So Joyce is in the hospital and will likely be there through Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
We both have a peace about this - her leg's been hurting her for months and this may stop the hurting. They're going to put a couple of rods through the bone - pray she heals fast!
In His Arm's, Pat
It's about 10pm. I had to take Joyce to the hospital today to get her leg injury checked out. After viewing new x-rays, the orthopedic doc said she had a imminent fracture and would have to have surgery to stabilize the femur. So they admitted her this after noon and surgery is scheduled for Sunday - tho they might be able to get her in tomorrow afternoon - we'll see.
So Joyce is in the hospital and will likely be there through Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
We both have a peace about this - her leg's been hurting her for months and this may stop the hurting. They're going to put a couple of rods through the bone - pray she heals fast!
In His Arm's, Pat
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Thursday: Addendum
Well the day is drawing to a close and with God's help and so many of your prayers, Joyce made it thru....and so did I :-] Thanks for all the kind and encouraging comments several of you made. I read them after we got home from the chemo lounge late this afternoon and was blessed!
Tomorrow morning our Home Health Care nurse will be coming by and if she agrees, we will try to get Joyce down to Kaiser in SD to have the injury to her leg evaluated and, Lord willing, treated. I'll keep you all posted.
Blessings! Pat
Tomorrow morning our Home Health Care nurse will be coming by and if she agrees, we will try to get Joyce down to Kaiser in SD to have the injury to her leg evaluated and, Lord willing, treated. I'll keep you all posted.
Blessings! Pat
Thurs. 3-1-07
Today's Bible Reading: Numbers 23-25; Mark 7:14-37
Yesterday was a challenge for us. Our oncologist said, on the positive side that it appears the chemo is working as the pain in the original places has subsided considerably. She ordered new CT scans to be done in about three weeks. But the right leg injury is a problem. The X-rays showed a possible "imminent" fracture - not sure what that means - except that Joyce will have to see an orthopedic doc in the next few days. If it is fractured or measurably weakened it will need to be "stabilized" - I don't like that word. She is in a wheel chair now - can't use her right leg at all.
Added to the discomfort mix, she is scheduled for chemo this afternoon. Joyce is in good spirits thru all of this and still fighting. I, on the other hand, am wrestling with many things - mostly mental/spiritual. It's easy to be thankful when things are going well - but takes pure faith when things are falling apart. So again I find myself arguing with the Lord over His Mercy and Kindness towards Joyce. I read of His healing power (Mark 7) and struggle when faced with worsening disease. Then I realize that I am to be His hands of mercy and kindness to my wife in my love and care for her. I'm good with that - it just takes a while to click in.
I have purposely taken myself out of the loop concerning the everyday business of the church. Mark, Richard and Miles, with the support of our Elders will be leading the fellowship for the time being. I am planning on still preaching on Sunday mornings whenever possible.
Today, we need His grace and strength!
In His Arm's, Pat
Yesterday was a challenge for us. Our oncologist said, on the positive side that it appears the chemo is working as the pain in the original places has subsided considerably. She ordered new CT scans to be done in about three weeks. But the right leg injury is a problem. The X-rays showed a possible "imminent" fracture - not sure what that means - except that Joyce will have to see an orthopedic doc in the next few days. If it is fractured or measurably weakened it will need to be "stabilized" - I don't like that word. She is in a wheel chair now - can't use her right leg at all.
Added to the discomfort mix, she is scheduled for chemo this afternoon. Joyce is in good spirits thru all of this and still fighting. I, on the other hand, am wrestling with many things - mostly mental/spiritual. It's easy to be thankful when things are going well - but takes pure faith when things are falling apart. So again I find myself arguing with the Lord over His Mercy and Kindness towards Joyce. I read of His healing power (Mark 7) and struggle when faced with worsening disease. Then I realize that I am to be His hands of mercy and kindness to my wife in my love and care for her. I'm good with that - it just takes a while to click in.
I have purposely taken myself out of the loop concerning the everyday business of the church. Mark, Richard and Miles, with the support of our Elders will be leading the fellowship for the time being. I am planning on still preaching on Sunday mornings whenever possible.
Today, we need His grace and strength!
In His Arm's, Pat
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