Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 25-26; Matthew 20:17-34
The next 6 chapters of Exodus (thru ch. 31) record God's instructions to Moses concerning the building of the tabernacle, it's furnishings, the priestly garments and the accompanying sacrifices. Each article is rich in it's typology - pointing to Jesus.
The pattern of the tabernacle was according to a heavenly reality. It was a copy and shadow of the heavenly things (Hebrews 8:5). Therefore, it had to be made according to exact dimensions, being somewhat of a "scale model" of the area around God's throne in heaven.
The plans for the tabernacle were revealed to Moses from the inside out, starting with the interior furniture and then working out. We approach the sanctuary from the outside in, but God builds the sanctuary from the inside out. He works in His people according to the same pattern - He starts with a work in your heart that then flows out to every part of your being and then every relationship you have!
And a couple of thoughts on our reading in Matthew 20:
27 "And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave--
28 "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
Jesus came to serve; to give His life as a ransom for you and I. There are many ministries today whose sole function seems to be to be served by the people. They are called ministries, but contantly asking you to minister to them.
Others exist solely to give to the people. This is the kind of ministry Jesus encourages. It's beautiful when folks catch this concept, to just be glad and open to serve others whenever possible.
Jon Courson said: If you want to be great, don't seek prominence - seek service. Don't say, "Well who's serving ME? Who's praying for me? Who's caring abut me? Instead ask, "Who can I serve?"
May the Lord bless your day!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tuesday, 1-30-07
Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 23-24; Matthew 20:1-19
Comings and goings: Leio and Jane Borbajo, missionaries to the Philippines, head back to Negros oriental tomorrow. Pastor's Miles DeBenedictus and Josh Olsen are returning from Germany this Thursday evening. Next Thursday, Kelly Kierstead and Lorraine Herschlieb are heading south to Belize to visit missionary Donna Burkell and bring supplies for the Toledo Christian Academy. Please keep these folks in your prayers!
Comings and goings: Leio and Jane Borbajo, missionaries to the Philippines, head back to Negros oriental tomorrow. Pastor's Miles DeBenedictus and Josh Olsen are returning from Germany this Thursday evening. Next Thursday, Kelly Kierstead and Lorraine Herschlieb are heading south to Belize to visit missionary Donna Burkell and bring supplies for the Toledo Christian Academy. Please keep these folks in your prayers!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Monday 1-29-07
Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 21-22; Matthew 19
This morning we met with Joyce's oncologist - in preparation for her next chemo treatment this Thursday. We were encouraged because it seems Joyce's pain level has dropped a bit after her first chemo 4 weeks ago. The doc said she looked good and was adding another infusion to her chemo to help strengthen her bones. Joyce handled the drive down to San Diego just fine and we stopped at Trader Joe's on the way back AND got a frozen yogurt to boot!
Thanks for all the prayer support!
This morning we met with Joyce's oncologist - in preparation for her next chemo treatment this Thursday. We were encouraged because it seems Joyce's pain level has dropped a bit after her first chemo 4 weeks ago. The doc said she looked good and was adding another infusion to her chemo to help strengthen her bones. Joyce handled the drive down to San Diego just fine and we stopped at Trader Joe's on the way back AND got a frozen yogurt to boot!
Thanks for all the prayer support!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Sunday, 1-28-07
Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 19-20; Matthew 18:21-35
Some thoughts and verses on forgiveness to think about...and do!
God has so forgiven us! We need to forgive one another!
Matt 18:21-22
21 Then Peter came to Him and said, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?"
Peter and the others had been arguing about who was the greatest....Perhaps Peter was looking for points from Jesus. Perhaps he thought that Jesus would praise him for his big-heartedness. If so, his expectation wasn't fulfilled. There was something wrong with Peter's approach....and often ours too!
Peter was sounding a lot like the rabbis of the day....they taught that forgiving 3 times was sufficient.
Making the forgiving spirit like a commodity that that could be weighed, measured, and counted; as if could be parceled out little by little up to a certain well defined limit, when further distribution would have to stop.
OK Pete, you want quantity? Try this:
22 Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Loose count! Thats the idea! We soon realize that forgiveness is not math but a spirit God wants us to possess. A Christ-like spirit. Forgiveness and love go together - you can't have one without the other!
1 Cor 13:4-8
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails.
Wiersbe: By the time we forgive that many times, we are in the habit of forgiving.
Mark 11:25 "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.
We have been forgiven so much!
Eph 4:32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.
Are you holding today offenses against others? Are you hanging on to anger and bitterness?
These things really hurt us more than those it is directed towards. Unforgiveness eats away your fruitfulness and joy and stops the love of Jesus flowing thru you! Many mental aberations and turmoil are are caused by unforgiveness.
What strength it is to just walk away from the situation; to just leave it, not brood over it or breathe out threats or determine to get even. What a great witness it is when we can forgive.
Having been given so much puts me under obligation to forgive. I have recieved forgiveness thus I must forgive.
Col 3:12-13
12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;
13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.
Be the same towards others as God has been towards you! He has shown us kindness and mercy and grace and forgiveness...what right do we have to not show the same to others?
In His Arm's,
Some thoughts and verses on forgiveness to think about...and do!
God has so forgiven us! We need to forgive one another!
Matt 18:21-22
21 Then Peter came to Him and said, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?"
Peter and the others had been arguing about who was the greatest....Perhaps Peter was looking for points from Jesus. Perhaps he thought that Jesus would praise him for his big-heartedness. If so, his expectation wasn't fulfilled. There was something wrong with Peter's approach....and often ours too!
Peter was sounding a lot like the rabbis of the day....they taught that forgiving 3 times was sufficient.
Making the forgiving spirit like a commodity that that could be weighed, measured, and counted; as if could be parceled out little by little up to a certain well defined limit, when further distribution would have to stop.
OK Pete, you want quantity? Try this:
22 Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Loose count! Thats the idea! We soon realize that forgiveness is not math but a spirit God wants us to possess. A Christ-like spirit. Forgiveness and love go together - you can't have one without the other!
1 Cor 13:4-8
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails.
Wiersbe: By the time we forgive that many times, we are in the habit of forgiving.
Mark 11:25 "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.
We have been forgiven so much!
Eph 4:32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.
Are you holding today offenses against others? Are you hanging on to anger and bitterness?
These things really hurt us more than those it is directed towards. Unforgiveness eats away your fruitfulness and joy and stops the love of Jesus flowing thru you! Many mental aberations and turmoil are are caused by unforgiveness.
What strength it is to just walk away from the situation; to just leave it, not brood over it or breathe out threats or determine to get even. What a great witness it is when we can forgive.
Having been given so much puts me under obligation to forgive. I have recieved forgiveness thus I must forgive.
Col 3:12-13
12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;
13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.
Be the same towards others as God has been towards you! He has shown us kindness and mercy and grace and forgiveness...what right do we have to not show the same to others?
In His Arm's,
Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 16-18; Matthew 18:1-20
It's been a blur the past few days. Joyce is doing as OK as OK can be. She's steady on her meds and hoping she'll handle chemo next week better than the last one (she's on a once a month infusion regimen). She was blessed with a mountain of cards and many calls and lots of flowers on her birthday Thursday. We hired a gal to help with the cleaning of the house. I've learned my straightening up things is not really "cleaning" :-( She started yesterday and tho it was a little hard for Joyce to have someone else doing what she always did, she really liked the results and I think it lifted a burden off of her.
Also, my brother, Mike, found out that his cancer was a stage 2 with no evidence of cancer in his lymph nodes. Thank You Lord! He has surgery scheduled for next Thursday - please pray for him, his family and his doctors.
It's been a blur the past few days. Joyce is doing as OK as OK can be. She's steady on her meds and hoping she'll handle chemo next week better than the last one (she's on a once a month infusion regimen). She was blessed with a mountain of cards and many calls and lots of flowers on her birthday Thursday. We hired a gal to help with the cleaning of the house. I've learned my straightening up things is not really "cleaning" :-( She started yesterday and tho it was a little hard for Joyce to have someone else doing what she always did, she really liked the results and I think it lifted a burden off of her.
Also, my brother, Mike, found out that his cancer was a stage 2 with no evidence of cancer in his lymph nodes. Thank You Lord! He has surgery scheduled for next Thursday - please pray for him, his family and his doctors.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Friday, 1-26-07
Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 14-15; Matthew 17
Will post a couple of thoughts on these passages later today!
Blessings!, Pat
Will post a couple of thoughts on these passages later today!
Blessings!, Pat
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Wed. 1-24-07
Today's Bible reading: Exodus 9-11; Matthew 15:21-39
Well here we are at mid-week again. Numbers 21 tonite at CCE. Looking back on the last few weeks I'm amazed at the sustaining power of God to see us through hard times. We all feel wiped out but blessed. Does that make sense? Those who have been through these kinds of trials and tragedies know what I'm talking about. I think of Moses and how he grew through the intense encounters with Pharaoh as the 10 plagues were being poured out on the land of Egypt. Moses must have been spent emotionally yet God was in the process of establishing him for future service and leadership. Compare Ex. 5:19-23 with Ex. 11:2-3. We are blessed because God has taken and is taking us through some difficult times and has deepened our compassion and mercy and love for one another. Our lives are in His hands. May we continue to look unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith, as we press on.
In His Arm's,
Well here we are at mid-week again. Numbers 21 tonite at CCE. Looking back on the last few weeks I'm amazed at the sustaining power of God to see us through hard times. We all feel wiped out but blessed. Does that make sense? Those who have been through these kinds of trials and tragedies know what I'm talking about. I think of Moses and how he grew through the intense encounters with Pharaoh as the 10 plagues were being poured out on the land of Egypt. Moses must have been spent emotionally yet God was in the process of establishing him for future service and leadership. Compare Ex. 5:19-23 with Ex. 11:2-3. We are blessed because God has taken and is taking us through some difficult times and has deepened our compassion and mercy and love for one another. Our lives are in His hands. May we continue to look unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith, as we press on.
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Mon. 1-22-07
Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 4-6; Matthew 14:22-36
Churchwise, please keep pastor's Miles and Josh in prayer as they travel to Germany today for a European Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference in Siegen. They'll be gone for about 10 days.
This Wednesday evening I'll be teaching in Numbers 21.
On the home front, Yesterday was a good one for Joyce again and she was able to g
et out of the house and actually go shopping! Her sister came by and drove her to Target - her first time in a store in nearly 6 weeks! And of course she bought a bunch of stuff for her grandkids, who also came by for a visit yesterday evening.
I'ld also like to ask you to keep my younger brother, Mike, in prayer. He recently was diagnosed with cancer in his esophagus and is finishing up testing this week prior to either surgery or chemo.
Some notes from Exodus 4:
11 So the LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?
God is basically taking the responsibility for everything. That fact often puts my heart at odds with God. I don't understand why??? Why does He allows a child to be born blind, or a loved one stricken with a disease.
Immediately my whole concept of God is challenged - yet He has declared that in certain cases He has created certain physical Moses slow tongue
And He doesn't even offer us an explanation why - He just declares the fact. And this becomes one of the greatest challenges to my faith. But if I can overcome this hurdle, I will have an unshakable faith in God.
If I only believe what I can understand - that doesn't take faith, it only takes intellect. Believing what I can't understand is that step of faith - and without faith it is impossible to please God.
If I can believe that God has created a blind child or made me with the physical characteristics I have and that God is love and just - then I am now believing something I can't understand; my faith is not shaken because it is in Him and I am drawn into a deeper relationship of faith in God.
I don't need to make excuses or find reasons - I just need to trust - and that's where God is trying to lead Moses in ch. 4.
Stop complaining of your weakness, and just let God use you!
God wants us to come to the point where we realize that He made us just the way we are, for a reason, for a purpose. He wants to use us just the way we are.
In His Arm's,
Churchwise, please keep pastor's Miles and Josh in prayer as they travel to Germany today for a European Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference in Siegen. They'll be gone for about 10 days.
This Wednesday evening I'll be teaching in Numbers 21.
On the home front, Yesterday was a good one for Joyce again and she was able to g
I'ld also like to ask you to keep my younger brother, Mike, in prayer. He recently was diagnosed with cancer in his esophagus and is finishing up testing this week prior to either surgery or chemo.
Some notes from Exodus 4:
11 So the LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?
God is basically taking the responsibility for everything. That fact often puts my heart at odds with God. I don't understand why??? Why does He allows a child to be born blind, or a loved one stricken with a disease.
Immediately my whole concept of God is challenged - yet He has declared that in certain cases He has created certain physical Moses slow tongue
And He doesn't even offer us an explanation why - He just declares the fact. And this becomes one of the greatest challenges to my faith. But if I can overcome this hurdle, I will have an unshakable faith in God.
If I only believe what I can understand - that doesn't take faith, it only takes intellect. Believing what I can't understand is that step of faith - and without faith it is impossible to please God.
If I can believe that God has created a blind child or made me with the physical characteristics I have and that God is love and just - then I am now believing something I can't understand; my faith is not shaken because it is in Him and I am drawn into a deeper relationship of faith in God.
I don't need to make excuses or find reasons - I just need to trust - and that's where God is trying to lead Moses in ch. 4.
Stop complaining of your weakness, and just let God use you!
God wants us to come to the point where we realize that He made us just the way we are, for a reason, for a purpose. He wants to use us just the way we are.
In His Arm's,
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 1-3; Matthew 14:1-21
There's a potluck at church this evening starting around 5:30. We'll be sharing some of the ways God spoke to us during our week of prayer. Hope you can make it!
Joyce had a much better day yesterday...and so did I :-)
Love ya! Pat
There's a potluck at church this evening starting around 5:30. We'll be sharing some of the ways God spoke to us during our week of prayer. Hope you can make it!
Joyce had a much better day yesterday...and so did I :-)
Love ya! Pat
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Sat. 1-20-07
Today's Bible Reading: Gen. 49-50; Mt. 13:31-58
Yesterday's service for Richard and Robbi's son, Nathan, drew a standing room only crowd of family and friends who lovingly expressed their sorrow and support for the Raher's. I opened the service with a word of encouragement from Jer. 29:11-14. Matt and Jeannie sang, we viewed a moving video log of Nathan's life followed by Pastor Rob Hubbard sharing his thought about Nathan and the certain hope and assurance we have eternal life thru our belief in Jesus Christ.
I closed the service with prayer for the Raher family and dismissed the 400 plus folks to a reception our church family had prepared. Richard and Robbi stayed in the sanctuary for more than two hours greeting friends.
Joyce had so wanted to attend the service but Friday was a hard day for her physically and she just didn't have the strength. The evening was rough emotionally as well as fear, anxiety, and frustration kept coming in waves. About midnite she finally got to sleep and slept really well.
I was spent emotionally too. Sometimes I'm at the point where I don't want to see or talk to anybody I know because all we do is talk about how Joyce is doing or how I am doing. And this has been going on for more than thee years now. I want to scream "enough already!"...but I won't. We know so many people care...and we know the Lord cares - we just get tired in the fight at times. Add the horrible tragedy our dear friend's and coworker's in the ministry have suffered this past week and it become a heavy weight that only the Lord can really lift.
And lift He does!
Ps 3:3-4 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.(KJV)
Have a blessed day in Jesus!
Yesterday's service for Richard and Robbi's son, Nathan, drew a standing room only crowd of family and friends who lovingly expressed their sorrow and support for the Raher's. I opened the service with a word of encouragement from Jer. 29:11-14. Matt and Jeannie sang, we viewed a moving video log of Nathan's life followed by Pastor Rob Hubbard sharing his thought about Nathan and the certain hope and assurance we have eternal life thru our belief in Jesus Christ.
I closed the service with prayer for the Raher family and dismissed the 400 plus folks to a reception our church family had prepared. Richard and Robbi stayed in the sanctuary for more than two hours greeting friends.
Joyce had so wanted to attend the service but Friday was a hard day for her physically and she just didn't have the strength. The evening was rough emotionally as well as fear, anxiety, and frustration kept coming in waves. About midnite she finally got to sleep and slept really well.
I was spent emotionally too. Sometimes I'm at the point where I don't want to see or talk to anybody I know because all we do is talk about how Joyce is doing or how I am doing. And this has been going on for more than thee years now. I want to scream "enough already!"...but I won't. We know so many people care...and we know the Lord cares - we just get tired in the fight at times. Add the horrible tragedy our dear friend's and coworker's in the ministry have suffered this past week and it become a heavy weight that only the Lord can really lift.
And lift He does!
Ps 3:3-4 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.(KJV)
Have a blessed day in Jesus!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Today's Bible Reading: Genesis 46-48; Matthew 13:1-30
This afternoon is the memorial service for Richard and Robbi's son, Nathan. They need are prayers on this very difficult day.
This afternoon is the memorial service for Richard and Robbi's son, Nathan. They need are prayers on this very difficult day.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Today's Bible Reading: Genesis 43-45; Matthew 12:24-50
In Chapter 45 of Genesis, Joseph is preparing his brothers for their return trip to Canaan to get their father, Jacob, and their families and ride out the rest of the 7 year famine in the land of Egypt. No doubt all these changes would be troublesome for these humbled brothers. Perhaps on the way back they might lose heart or be overcome by their fears of Joseph's wrath against them. In verse 24 we read:
24 So he sent his brothers away, and they departed; and he said to them, "See that you do not become troubled along the way."
The word for "troubled" is "ragaz and Strong's Hebrew Dictionary says:
7264 ragaz (raw-gaz'); a primitive root; to quiver (with any violent emotion, especially anger or fear): KJV-- be afraid, stand in awe, disquiet, fall out, fret, move, provoke, quake, rage, shake, tremble, trouble, be wroth.
God may be saying to some of you right now, "The way may be rough and filled with danger and discouragement - but don't lose it - I will see you thru!"
See that you not become troubled along your way! As God had a plan for Jacob and his son's, so He has a plan for you and I. Don't lose it or throw in the towel because the way is hard. Keep walking close to your Lord as you traverse your own route which one day will end up in Heaven.
Ps 116:5-9
5 Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yes, our God is merciful.
6 The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.
7 Return to your rest, O my soul, for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.
8 For You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.
9 I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.
On the home front, Joyce had 4 pretty good days in a row this week. This evening she got a little sick but overall she is managing her pain better and has been eating better.
At church we have had prayer meetings every nite this week. God has been stirring the hearts of many in our body. Join us tomorrow nite (Friday) if you can as we continue our week of prayer and focus on our missionaries and foreign churches and ministries we support.
In Chapter 45 of Genesis, Joseph is preparing his brothers for their return trip to Canaan to get their father, Jacob, and their families and ride out the rest of the 7 year famine in the land of Egypt. No doubt all these changes would be troublesome for these humbled brothers. Perhaps on the way back they might lose heart or be overcome by their fears of Joseph's wrath against them. In verse 24 we read:
24 So he sent his brothers away, and they departed; and he said to them, "See that you do not become troubled along the way."
The word for "troubled" is "ragaz and Strong's Hebrew Dictionary says:
7264 ragaz (raw-gaz'); a primitive root; to quiver (with any violent emotion, especially anger or fear): KJV-- be afraid, stand in awe, disquiet, fall out, fret, move, provoke, quake, rage, shake, tremble, trouble, be wroth.
God may be saying to some of you right now, "The way may be rough and filled with danger and discouragement - but don't lose it - I will see you thru!"
See that you not become troubled along your way! As God had a plan for Jacob and his son's, so He has a plan for you and I. Don't lose it or throw in the towel because the way is hard. Keep walking close to your Lord as you traverse your own route which one day will end up in Heaven.
Ps 116:5-9
5 Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yes, our God is merciful.
6 The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.
7 Return to your rest, O my soul, for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.
8 For You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.
9 I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.
On the home front, Joyce had 4 pretty good days in a row this week. This evening she got a little sick but overall she is managing her pain better and has been eating better.
At church we have had prayer meetings every nite this week. God has been stirring the hearts of many in our body. Join us tomorrow nite (Friday) if you can as we continue our week of prayer and focus on our missionaries and foreign churches and ministries we support.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Steps and Stops
Today's Bible Reading: Genesis 41-42; Matthew 12:1-23
I was looking at some old notes on Gen 41-42 and found this quote from Pastor Chuck Smith. In looking at the life of Joseph and his predicament at the end of Ch. 40, it showed me how I often feel when just looking at my present circumstances and not being able to see the whole story. Here's a segment of Chuck's observations:
I'm sure, at this time, that Joseph had a glimmer of hope, thinking when this guy gets to the Pharaoh and tells him my story; surely, the Pharaoh will pardon me and I will split for home and get back to my father. That is exactly what God didn't want him to do. God didn't want him going home. He had a task for him to do here in Egypt. So God allowed the butler to forget about Joseph. For two years Joseph continued there in the prison, forgotten by the butler.
These two years must have seemed like an eternity to Joseph. They say that Einstein discovered relativity or, at least, made the formula for it. According to the calculations, time is relative. When I am doing something I enjoy, time whizzes by; but, in the wrong circumstance it drags.
Imagine Joseph spending two years longer in the prison, time dragging on, days into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. Where is God? I believe, that Joseph was praying the whole while that God would free him, that God would plead his case, that God would work on his behalf. He trusted in God, but it seemed like heaven was silent, and that God was deaf. Surely, he had a right to challenge the goodness of God, the love of God; because Joseph couldn't see the end of the story. It's hard for us to get the full impact of it because we "know" the end of the story.
But what of our own stories - that still have chapters to be written? We may not know how the dramas of life will play out - but we know Who holds the script!
If you would close the book right here at the end of chapter forty, and say, "Boy what a sad thing, the butler has forgotten him." You could easily jump to the conclusion that God is not fair, that God is not good, that God is not loving. When you see the rest of the story unfolding as it begins to unfold in chapter forty-one, you say God is so good and you have a totally different concept of Him.
Now that is where the big problem lies, as we are in the midst of our trials we can't see the whole story.
Whenever you are prone, in your circumstances, to cry,"Everything is against me, God is against me, God doesn't love me. If God loved me, why?" Just know that you haven't seen the whole story yet. You have an incomplete novel here. God is working. God is good. God loves you and is working even in these adverse circumstances. His plan and His will for your life are for when the cycle is complete. When you see the total story, you will say, "God is so good! He is so wise and His works are marvelous."
God does see the whole picture and He is working out his plan! Ro. 8:28, Phil. 1:6, Eph. 2:10
Both your steps and stops are ordered by God!
Have a blessed day in Jesus! Hope to see you tonite for our continuing week of prayer.
In His Arm's, Pat
I was looking at some old notes on Gen 41-42 and found this quote from Pastor Chuck Smith. In looking at the life of Joseph and his predicament at the end of Ch. 40, it showed me how I often feel when just looking at my present circumstances and not being able to see the whole story. Here's a segment of Chuck's observations:
I'm sure, at this time, that Joseph had a glimmer of hope, thinking when this guy gets to the Pharaoh and tells him my story; surely, the Pharaoh will pardon me and I will split for home and get back to my father. That is exactly what God didn't want him to do. God didn't want him going home. He had a task for him to do here in Egypt. So God allowed the butler to forget about Joseph. For two years Joseph continued there in the prison, forgotten by the butler.
These two years must have seemed like an eternity to Joseph. They say that Einstein discovered relativity or, at least, made the formula for it. According to the calculations, time is relative. When I am doing something I enjoy, time whizzes by; but, in the wrong circumstance it drags.
Imagine Joseph spending two years longer in the prison, time dragging on, days into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. Where is God? I believe, that Joseph was praying the whole while that God would free him, that God would plead his case, that God would work on his behalf. He trusted in God, but it seemed like heaven was silent, and that God was deaf. Surely, he had a right to challenge the goodness of God, the love of God; because Joseph couldn't see the end of the story. It's hard for us to get the full impact of it because we "know" the end of the story.
But what of our own stories - that still have chapters to be written? We may not know how the dramas of life will play out - but we know Who holds the script!
If you would close the book right here at the end of chapter forty, and say, "Boy what a sad thing, the butler has forgotten him." You could easily jump to the conclusion that God is not fair, that God is not good, that God is not loving. When you see the rest of the story unfolding as it begins to unfold in chapter forty-one, you say God is so good and you have a totally different concept of Him.
Now that is where the big problem lies, as we are in the midst of our trials we can't see the whole story.
Whenever you are prone, in your circumstances, to cry,"Everything is against me, God is against me, God doesn't love me. If God loved me, why?" Just know that you haven't seen the whole story yet. You have an incomplete novel here. God is working. God is good. God loves you and is working even in these adverse circumstances. His plan and His will for your life are for when the cycle is complete. When you see the total story, you will say, "God is so good! He is so wise and His works are marvelous."
God does see the whole picture and He is working out his plan! Ro. 8:28, Phil. 1:6, Eph. 2:10
Both your steps and stops are ordered by God!
Have a blessed day in Jesus! Hope to see you tonite for our continuing week of prayer.
In His Arm's, Pat
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Tues. 1-16-07
Daily Reading: Gen. 39-40; Mt. 11
Joyce had another MRI done this morning at Kaiser San Diego. Her sister, Nancy, came with us and was a great help. Joyce did real good! She didn't get sick at all and wasn't in much pain and went thru the procedure without a hitch! We won't know for a while the results but we could sure feel everyones prayers.
Our first week of prayer gatherings last nite was sweet and the Lord ministered to us thru His Word that He hears our prayer and does act upon it. He does speak to us if we'll just listen!
Hope you all can join us Wednesday evening, 7pm.
Do read today's chapter's in the Word! Joseph's story in Genesis reminds me once again that God has a plan and in control of all our circumstances - even if I don't have a clue where they are leading. In the midst of every one of Joseph's trials it says, "and the Lord was with Him." That's what I want! Lord, You just lead and have Your way in my life!
Blessings! Pat
Joyce had another MRI done this morning at Kaiser San Diego. Her sister, Nancy, came with us and was a great help. Joyce did real good! She didn't get sick at all and wasn't in much pain and went thru the procedure without a hitch! We won't know for a while the results but we could sure feel everyones prayers.
Our first week of prayer gatherings last nite was sweet and the Lord ministered to us thru His Word that He hears our prayer and does act upon it. He does speak to us if we'll just listen!
Hope you all can join us Wednesday evening, 7pm.
Do read today's chapter's in the Word! Joseph's story in Genesis reminds me once again that God has a plan and in control of all our circumstances - even if I don't have a clue where they are leading. In the midst of every one of Joseph's trials it says, "and the Lord was with Him." That's what I want! Lord, You just lead and have Your way in my life!
Blessings! Pat
Monday, January 15, 2007
Mon. 1-15-07
Gen. 36-38; Mt. 10:21-42
It's sure been an intense week. Coping with my wife's battle, the Raher's grief, and the regular ministry of the church has been difficult - but God give's grace to help in time of need - Heb. 4:16. This morning, I and the church staff met with Pastor's Mike and Phillip Macintosh and Mickey Stonier from Horizon Christian Fellowship to assist us in helping each other cope with the death of Nathan Raher and it's impact on all of us. There were a lot of tears and honest sharing and counsel from the Word.
Richard and Robbie visited Joyce while I was at the meeting and they had a tender time of fellowship. Joyce so wanted to be able to help but couldn't go to they came to her.
Joyce had a better day today. Thank you Lord!
Sorry about not keeping up with comments on our daily reading - I'll try at least a couple of times a week.
In His Arm's, Pat
It's sure been an intense week. Coping with my wife's battle, the Raher's grief, and the regular ministry of the church has been difficult - but God give's grace to help in time of need - Heb. 4:16. This morning, I and the church staff met with Pastor's Mike and Phillip Macintosh and Mickey Stonier from Horizon Christian Fellowship to assist us in helping each other cope with the death of Nathan Raher and it's impact on all of us. There were a lot of tears and honest sharing and counsel from the Word.
Richard and Robbie visited Joyce while I was at the meeting and they had a tender time of fellowship. Joyce so wanted to be able to help but couldn't go to they came to her.
Joyce had a better day today. Thank you Lord!
Sorry about not keeping up with comments on our daily reading - I'll try at least a couple of times a week.
In His Arm's, Pat
Friday, January 12, 2007
Gen. 29-30; Mt. 9:1-17
What a week! I am so proud of our staff and ministry team here at CCE. Faced with a horrible tragedy they all stepped up and gave of their time and energy to help the Raher's thru three very difficult days. When one hurts all of us hurt - and there was nothing phoney or put-on about it! A memorial service has been set for Nathan next Friday, Jan. 19th, 1pm., at Calvary Chapel of Escondido.
Joyce continues to battle her cancer. We have an MRI scheduled for next Tuesday. Please keep her and I in prayer. Thanks!
In His Arm's,
What a week! I am so proud of our staff and ministry team here at CCE. Faced with a horrible tragedy they all stepped up and gave of their time and energy to help the Raher's thru three very difficult days. When one hurts all of us hurt - and there was nothing phoney or put-on about it! A memorial service has been set for Nathan next Friday, Jan. 19th, 1pm., at Calvary Chapel of Escondido.
Joyce continues to battle her cancer. We have an MRI scheduled for next Tuesday. Please keep her and I in prayer. Thanks!
In His Arm's,
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Thurs. 1-11-07; Gen. 27-28; Mt.8:18-34
Much love and support has poured out from our body to the Raher family - thank you all for your prayers and actions at the difficult time. Please continue to pray for their eldest son's speedy return home from Iraq - he should be enroute as of this morning. A memorial service for Nathan hasn't been set yet.
God gives amazing strength! When things like this happen on top of the daily overwhelming at times trials, the Holy Spirit empowers and enables to continue ministering and caring. He truely is "our sufficiency".
God gives amazing strength! When things like this happen on top of the daily overwhelming at times trials, the Holy Spirit empowers and enables to continue ministering and caring. He truely is "our sufficiency".
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Jan. 10; Gen. 25-26, Mt. 8:1-17
Our church family mourns the loss of a loved one.
Tuesday, January 9th at 8:45pm Nathan Ray Raher took his own life. He had been suffering with severe depression for the past several months. Please continue to keep his parents, Pastor Richard & Robbi Raher; and brother Aaron, in your prayers. We grieve with our dear friends.
Nathan Ray Raher
August 5, 1983 ~ January 9, 2007
Our church family mourns the loss of a loved one.
Tuesday, January 9th at 8:45pm Nathan Ray Raher took his own life. He had been suffering with severe depression for the past several months. Please continue to keep his parents, Pastor Richard & Robbi Raher; and brother Aaron, in your prayers. We grieve with our dear friends.
Nathan Ray Raher
August 5, 1983 ~ January 9, 2007
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Jan. 9; Gen. 23-24; Mt. 7
Today was a pretty good day for Joyce. She slept well and was up and around thruout the day. Her long-time friend, Mira, from the Seattle area arrived this afternoon and will be staying with us a couple of days. I spent the whole day at church and the time flew by. Had a nice lunch at Taco Pablo's with a pastor-friend, Brad Lambert of Calvary Chapel living Hope in Oceanside. Brad has been a faithful counsellor and brother in ministry to me for many years. Sure is good to have friends like that!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Mon. Jan. 8; Gen. 20-22; Mt. 16:19-34
Today was a better day all around for Joyce and I. She didn't get sick at all and only "hit the wall" for a little while this afternoon. The effects of last Thursday's chemo seems to have eased up and she had a pretty calm day. I had to go to the DMV and pick up a disabled persons placard so Joyce can use the handicapped parking spaces. That felt a little wierd. I got most of our Christmas decorations stored away and rearranged a bunch of stuff in our you really wanted to know that :-)
Just a few thoughts from our daily reading in Genesis and Matthew: Chapters 20-22 in Gen. cover Abraham's lapse of faith at Gerar, Issac's birth, Hagar and Ishmael's banishment, and Abraham's near sacrifice of Issac.
Pastor Chuck Smith noted on Gen 20: 5-6 that the Lord said that He kept Abimelech from sinning against Him. You would think that the sin was against Sarah or Abraham. When King David took Bathsheba in adultery and had her husband put on the front line of battle and killed, his confession to God in Psalm 51 was, "Against you, and you only, have I sinned..." In reality all sin is against God. It may affect other people, but God is the one I always sin against. And He alone is the One I must ultimately answer to. cs
Despite Abraham's failure to really trust God in the situation, God was not going to abandon him; He would not let Abimelech touch Sarah. That womb was going to bring forth the son of promise, who would eventually bring forth God's Messiah - God wasn't leaving this one up to man!
Even though Abraham is in sin, he is still a prophet and man of powerful prayer; God's mercy has not left Abraham, even though Abraham wasn't trusting God the way he should.
I'm so grateful to the Lord for His mercy towards me!
And on Matthew 6, Jesus is giving His disciples instruction on true spirituality. He warns them and us that trying to appear spiritual to others so they will admire you is phoney and will have no reward from God.
Mt. 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
You don't have to worry about the issues of life if you put God First. He knows your needs and He loves you and if you seek Him first your life will be balanced.
If the things of the world are the top priority in your life than your life is out of balance.
Your relationship with God is the most important relationship in your life! In reality, your relationship with your fellow man can't be right or all that it should be unless you have a right relationship with God. Do you?
In His Arm's, Pat
Just a few thoughts from our daily reading in Genesis and Matthew: Chapters 20-22 in Gen. cover Abraham's lapse of faith at Gerar, Issac's birth, Hagar and Ishmael's banishment, and Abraham's near sacrifice of Issac.
Pastor Chuck Smith noted on Gen 20: 5-6 that the Lord said that He kept Abimelech from sinning against Him. You would think that the sin was against Sarah or Abraham. When King David took Bathsheba in adultery and had her husband put on the front line of battle and killed, his confession to God in Psalm 51 was, "Against you, and you only, have I sinned..." In reality all sin is against God. It may affect other people, but God is the one I always sin against. And He alone is the One I must ultimately answer to. cs
Despite Abraham's failure to really trust God in the situation, God was not going to abandon him; He would not let Abimelech touch Sarah. That womb was going to bring forth the son of promise, who would eventually bring forth God's Messiah - God wasn't leaving this one up to man!
Even though Abraham is in sin, he is still a prophet and man of powerful prayer; God's mercy has not left Abraham, even though Abraham wasn't trusting God the way he should.
I'm so grateful to the Lord for His mercy towards me!
And on Matthew 6, Jesus is giving His disciples instruction on true spirituality. He warns them and us that trying to appear spiritual to others so they will admire you is phoney and will have no reward from God.
Mt. 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
You don't have to worry about the issues of life if you put God First. He knows your needs and He loves you and if you seek Him first your life will be balanced.
If the things of the world are the top priority in your life than your life is out of balance.
Your relationship with God is the most important relationship in your life! In reality, your relationship with your fellow man can't be right or all that it should be unless you have a right relationship with God. Do you?
In His Arm's, Pat
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Sun. Jan. 7; Gen. 18-19 & Mt. 6:1-8
God is so kind and gracious! He allowed me to teach from His Word and He gave me the words to share this morning. Joyce had a rough early morning but leveled out as the day went on. Her sister came over and stayed with her while I was at church - she's been such a great help and encourager thru all this. Jeannie also came over after church and brought some juice and bread for communion. It's been a while since Joyce has been able to come to church - so church came to her!
Gen. 18:14 is a beautiful verse of promise, especially when faced with trying circumstances: "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
Hard is the same word for wonderful in Isaiah 9:6: For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given . . . And His name will be called Wonderful; Jesus is our "wonderful" One.
Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Thankfully not; and God can also triumph even over our weak faith.
There is nothing too hard for God. He is able to do all things. That is the kind of God we worship and serve. That's the kind of God who reaches out to you and I for fellowship; so, that we, through that fellowship, might be enhanced and blessed.
To Jeremiah, God said, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)
What about deep emotional pain? What about abuse? Are they beyond God's ability to touch and see and heal? Nothing means nothing!
Faith looks past the circumstances to the one who makes the promise. Faith must have a promise to rest on and a person to trust.
If you are struggling with a doubt or temptation, is anything to hard for the Lord?
Keep your heart fixed on Him! He will never leave or forsake His own!
In His Arm's,
Gen. 18:14 is a beautiful verse of promise, especially when faced with trying circumstances: "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
Hard is the same word for wonderful in Isaiah 9:6: For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given . . . And His name will be called Wonderful; Jesus is our "wonderful" One.
Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Thankfully not; and God can also triumph even over our weak faith.
There is nothing too hard for God. He is able to do all things. That is the kind of God we worship and serve. That's the kind of God who reaches out to you and I for fellowship; so, that we, through that fellowship, might be enhanced and blessed.
To Jeremiah, God said, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)
What about deep emotional pain? What about abuse? Are they beyond God's ability to touch and see and heal? Nothing means nothing!
Faith looks past the circumstances to the one who makes the promise. Faith must have a promise to rest on and a person to trust.
If you are struggling with a doubt or temptation, is anything to hard for the Lord?
Keep your heart fixed on Him! He will never leave or forsake His own!
In His Arm's,
Sat. Jan 6; Gen. 16-17 & Mt. 5:27-48
Today was one of the worst for my darling wife. It was the 2nd full day after chemo and her poor body was taking a major hit - but the Lord was our help and she slept well this evening.
I felt pretty empty - didn't have much time or, to be honest, desire to study and prepare for Sunday morning. Caregiving is a real privilege but it's also very consuming and emotionally exhausting.
Sorry if this is depressing. It's just what we're going thru right now. I know the Lord is our ever present help in time of trouble....
In His arm's,
I felt pretty empty - didn't have much time or, to be honest, desire to study and prepare for Sunday morning. Caregiving is a real privilege but it's also very consuming and emotionally exhausting.
Sorry if this is depressing. It's just what we're going thru right now. I know the Lord is our ever present help in time of trouble....
In His arm's,
Friday, January 5, 2007
Jan. 5; Gen 13-15; Mt. 5:1-26
Joyce made it thru her chemo yesterday and the Lord showed Himself in His care for her. The nurse who administered her chemo is a believer and fellowships at Calvary Vista. The first thing she told Joyce when she arrived in the chemo lounge was that her church was praying for her last night. Then she prayed with her and the next two hours of the infusion went just fine. Joyce was really wiped out by the time we got home and tho it was a hard night, she made it thru and has had a pretty good day today. Thanks everyone for praying.
Didn't have time to select notes for todays reading - but do take your time reading carefully thru the Sermon on the Mount which starts in Mt. 5 - the Lord's teachings here can radically change your life - they have mine!
Didn't have time to select notes for todays reading - but do take your time reading carefully thru the Sermon on the Mount which starts in Mt. 5 - the Lord's teachings here can radically change your life - they have mine!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Jan. 4; Gen. 10-12; Mt.4
God be with each of you today! Last night, my wife had a couple of dear friends from church visit with her while I taught the midweek study in Numbers 20 at church. Joyce has been on some very strong medication for her pain, but there's nothing like the medicine of friends!
Proverbs 12:5 says that a good word makes the heart glad and Proverbs 15:13 says a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, and Prov. 17:22 tells us that a merry heart does good, like medicine. Joyce got a huge dosing of "good medicine" from her friends, which really helped encourage her for facing her start of chemo this afternoon.
Here's a few thoughts I gleaned from one of my studies in Genesis 11 on the Tower of Babel:
What was the aim of these ancient people? Build a tower to reach heaven.
All of the false religions of the world follow the same pattern.
1. Starting with an earth base, there is an attempt to reach heaven.
2. There is a quest for God. A reaching out to touch Him.
Why would man want to build such a tower?
There is built into the very nature of man that inate need for God.
The Psalmist expressed it when he said: "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God." This is true of every man.
In Romans 8 Paul tells us that this is how God designed man when He created Him. "The creature was made subject unto emptiness, and that by the design of Him who created Him." what's that mean?
God designed us that way so that we might seek after Him. If God does not fill that void in my life, my life is out of balance, and this inner urge within me is to reach out and touch God.
Nature abhors a vacuum and will always seek to fill it.
So we see men constantly trying to fill this vacuum in their lives. This explains why man of every culture universally is religious. Even communism and evolutionism are religious
systems that require faith to believe, and demand blind devotion and consecration to the
Man has to believe in something, and if you reject the truth, you are then subject to every folly.
Gen. 11:5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
6 And the LORD said, "Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.
7 "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."
8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.
9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
The result of man's attempt to build the tower to reach heaven?
1. Failure, he never made it, he could not touch God from his tower.
Starting with his earth base, he could not reach infinity. This is true of every religious system, they are destined for failure.
2. Confusion, God came down and confused their languages.
The net result of religion is confusion. Every religious founder is pointing to a different path, proclaiming that their path is the only true path.
Look at the confusion within the various divisions of so many belief systems today.
True Christianity is not a religion. There are some similarities to a religion, i.e. it is a
system of beliefs that demand faith to receive. This is where the similarity ends.
Religions all start with the earth base to begin their towers to reach heaven. Man reaching for God.
Jesus said that He had come from God out of heaven. In Him God was reaching out to man.
Religions require the works of men to become worthy. "Let us build" They would have man to trust in his efforts, his works to save him.
Christianity says that we must trust in the work of Jesus for salvation, there is no good work that we could possibly do to save ourselves. It is through Christianity that the grace of God is revealed. No religious system teaches grace, but just the opposite.
This is the place where the perversions to Christianity have come within the church, where they have set aside the grace of God and made your salvation dependant upon something other than your simple faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
May we all grow in that simple faith in Jesus today!
In His Arm's,
Proverbs 12:5 says that a good word makes the heart glad and Proverbs 15:13 says a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, and Prov. 17:22 tells us that a merry heart does good, like medicine. Joyce got a huge dosing of "good medicine" from her friends, which really helped encourage her for facing her start of chemo this afternoon.
Here's a few thoughts I gleaned from one of my studies in Genesis 11 on the Tower of Babel:
What was the aim of these ancient people? Build a tower to reach heaven.
All of the false religions of the world follow the same pattern.
1. Starting with an earth base, there is an attempt to reach heaven.
2. There is a quest for God. A reaching out to touch Him.
Why would man want to build such a tower?
There is built into the very nature of man that inate need for God.
The Psalmist expressed it when he said: "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God." This is true of every man.
In Romans 8 Paul tells us that this is how God designed man when He created Him. "The creature was made subject unto emptiness, and that by the design of Him who created Him." what's that mean?
God designed us that way so that we might seek after Him. If God does not fill that void in my life, my life is out of balance, and this inner urge within me is to reach out and touch God.
Nature abhors a vacuum and will always seek to fill it.
So we see men constantly trying to fill this vacuum in their lives. This explains why man of every culture universally is religious. Even communism and evolutionism are religious
systems that require faith to believe, and demand blind devotion and consecration to the
Man has to believe in something, and if you reject the truth, you are then subject to every folly.
Gen. 11:5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
6 And the LORD said, "Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.
7 "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."
8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.
9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
The result of man's attempt to build the tower to reach heaven?
1. Failure, he never made it, he could not touch God from his tower.
Starting with his earth base, he could not reach infinity. This is true of every religious system, they are destined for failure.
2. Confusion, God came down and confused their languages.
The net result of religion is confusion. Every religious founder is pointing to a different path, proclaiming that their path is the only true path.
Look at the confusion within the various divisions of so many belief systems today.
True Christianity is not a religion. There are some similarities to a religion, i.e. it is a
system of beliefs that demand faith to receive. This is where the similarity ends.
Religions all start with the earth base to begin their towers to reach heaven. Man reaching for God.
Jesus said that He had come from God out of heaven. In Him God was reaching out to man.
Religions require the works of men to become worthy. "Let us build" They would have man to trust in his efforts, his works to save him.
Christianity says that we must trust in the work of Jesus for salvation, there is no good work that we could possibly do to save ourselves. It is through Christianity that the grace of God is revealed. No religious system teaches grace, but just the opposite.
This is the place where the perversions to Christianity have come within the church, where they have set aside the grace of God and made your salvation dependant upon something other than your simple faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
May we all grow in that simple faith in Jesus today!
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
1-3-07; Gen. 7-9; Mt. 3
Genesis 7-9 covers the great Flood and story of Noah's ark. There are some great pictures of sacrifice and redemption here that forshadowed the work of Jesus for you and me.
Mt. 3 introduces us to the ministry of John the Baptist - and in verse 11, tells us how Jesus would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire. You and I need the Holy Spirit working in our lives - purging away the old man - the old sin nature, and purifying us for His purposes, and inceasing and overflowing our passion for the Lord!
I need that power and so does Joyce. She is very tired and weak and has to start chemo again tomorrow. Please pray for us!
In His Arm's,
Mt. 3 introduces us to the ministry of John the Baptist - and in verse 11, tells us how Jesus would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire. You and I need the Holy Spirit working in our lives - purging away the old man - the old sin nature, and purifying us for His purposes, and inceasing and overflowing our passion for the Lord!
I need that power and so does Joyce. She is very tired and weak and has to start chemo again tomorrow. Please pray for us!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
1-2-06 Gen. 4-6; Mt. 2
Praise God for a new year and new life in Christ! His mercies are new EVERY morning - including today! May the Lord keep our hearts and minds set on Him and may He work thru us today. As His followers, may we reflect His character in all we say and do.
Today we're reading about Cain and Abel, Adam's Geneology, and how mankind had so degenerated, prompting God to call Noah to build the Ark in prep for the Flood. In our New Testament reading we're still in familiar Christmas related texts and looking at Joseph and Mary and the infant Jesus fleeing Herod into Egypt, Herod's wrath on the children of Bethlehem and their finally settling in Nazareth where Jesus would grow up.
Good reading! A couple things from Genesis to think about:
Gen 4 Rather than admitting he was wrong, Cain became angry with God. People today are angry with God because He will not accept them on their terms. A lot of people don't want to come to God by the sacrificial lamb, Jesus Christ, that God has given. They want to bypass Jesus and just come to God. They think they don't need Jesus, but you can't relate to God without Christ. It is impossible! Jesus said, "...I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6). If that's too narrow for you, then you can go sit with Cain over in the corner. You're in no position to dictate terms to God. Who are we to tell God how and under what conditions we will come to Him? We must come by God's way. The way of sacrifice. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us. We can not change the terms. Cain tried and God rejected him.
Gen. 4:7 - How many times have you promised not to do something only to do it again. Why? Because resolve isn't enough. Only the power of Jesus Christ in your life is sufficient to break the chain of sin that is binding you. You should rule over it and you can rule over it if you just submit your life to Jesus Christ. He will give you the power, through the Holy Spirit, to rule over the sin that has been destroying you. These are God's terms!
How do we keep sin from mastering over us? By first being mastered by God. If we will not have God as master, then we will be slaves to sin.
Gen. 4:17 - Where did Cain get his wife? Adam and Eve, at this point, are about a hundred and thirty years old. (note 5:3) If they had Cain and Abel in the first couple of years of their existence on the planet and if they had a child every two years after that there would have been at least seventy brothers and sisters. Those brothers and sisters that were born in the early years could have been married and if they had produced children at the rate of one every two years, there could have been several hundred people on the earth by this time.
Have a very blessed day in Jesus! Pat
Today we're reading about Cain and Abel, Adam's Geneology, and how mankind had so degenerated, prompting God to call Noah to build the Ark in prep for the Flood. In our New Testament reading we're still in familiar Christmas related texts and looking at Joseph and Mary and the infant Jesus fleeing Herod into Egypt, Herod's wrath on the children of Bethlehem and their finally settling in Nazareth where Jesus would grow up.
Good reading! A couple things from Genesis to think about:
Gen 4 Rather than admitting he was wrong, Cain became angry with God. People today are angry with God because He will not accept them on their terms. A lot of people don't want to come to God by the sacrificial lamb, Jesus Christ, that God has given. They want to bypass Jesus and just come to God. They think they don't need Jesus, but you can't relate to God without Christ. It is impossible! Jesus said, "...I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6). If that's too narrow for you, then you can go sit with Cain over in the corner. You're in no position to dictate terms to God. Who are we to tell God how and under what conditions we will come to Him? We must come by God's way. The way of sacrifice. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us. We can not change the terms. Cain tried and God rejected him.
Gen. 4:7 - How many times have you promised not to do something only to do it again. Why? Because resolve isn't enough. Only the power of Jesus Christ in your life is sufficient to break the chain of sin that is binding you. You should rule over it and you can rule over it if you just submit your life to Jesus Christ. He will give you the power, through the Holy Spirit, to rule over the sin that has been destroying you. These are God's terms!
How do we keep sin from mastering over us? By first being mastered by God. If we will not have God as master, then we will be slaves to sin.
Gen. 4:17 - Where did Cain get his wife? Adam and Eve, at this point, are about a hundred and thirty years old. (note 5:3) If they had Cain and Abel in the first couple of years of their existence on the planet and if they had a child every two years after that there would have been at least seventy brothers and sisters. Those brothers and sisters that were born in the early years could have been married and if they had produced children at the rate of one every two years, there could have been several hundred people on the earth by this time.
Have a very blessed day in Jesus! Pat
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